>Girls Trip made $25M more than Blade Runner 2049 domestically
What did America mean by this?
>Girls Trip made $25M more than Blade Runner 2049 domestically
What did America mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
America believes black women having fun now is more important than some huwhite man being sad in the future.
Every single black woman saw that movie.
its a progessives transpeopleofcolor movie
People would rather watch original movies than sequels
Blade Runner was never popular.
America is not white
Queen Latifah is a dyke irl
fun is more important than hamfisted dystopian movies that attempt to be deep, but in reality are devoid of any meaningful content that could effect a change in reality
56% is actually 36%
This but unironically
>watched the trailer
Hory sheeeit, (((they))) make even more degenerate movies for blacks than they do for whites, as impossible as it is
>Niggers still go to the theaters and waste money on bad movies.
Guess it has to do with intelligence. Why would I go to a theater when I can see something at home for way less $? Plus I have tendies.
black people are the perfect consumers desu, they desire desire itself, there is always something that must be purchased and had. That is why they are being pushed by the jewish media nowadays.
They spend all their money on shoes and rings and seeing dumb films.
white male feminists who are down with it went to see Girls Trip in public so they could tweet about it and get 1 or 2 (Yous),
nerdy reclusive outcast black girls pirated Blade Runer 2049 so they could watch it in bed alone curled in a blanket.
BR2049 is nearly 3 hours with barely any action, and also not that popular among the general audience.
Tiffany a cute, i like her black girl accent
>nerdy reclusive outcast black girls
Those dont exist
They're recluses of course you wouldn't know they exist
>>Girls Trip made $25M more than Blade Runner 2049 domestically
Girls Trip is simply the better movie.
We're not ineterested in a rehash like Blade Runner.
Somehow every black person in the world knew about and saw this film, yet I never heard of it until one of the stars hosted SNL last month. How does that work? Is there a secret sect of the internet only black people can access?
Yeah, it's called the dark web.
don’t worry about it white boi
just need to by ad space on World Star HipHop and you're good to go
McDonald's makes more money than any 3 Michelin star restaurant, what's your point? Fifty Shades of Grey is the highest selling book of all time on Amazon. Sales numbers don't mean shit, stupid people will always buy stupid shit.
what did niggers mean by this
That's literally what this term means, "famous enough that white people have heard of you"
Girls watch movies more then neckbeards?
>You'll be glad you came
Every time.
Why is women humour always the most low brow smut?
yes and they all play more video games as well. GET OVER IT.
I'm black and this is the first ive heard of it now...
girls go to the movies with their friends and sugar daddies or whatever. neckbeards torrent like gentlesirs
It is indeed outrageous that Kino's Trip only made $25M more domestically than boring, drab Reddit Runner.
it's unironically better movie than blade runner
Girls Trip aims at humour and light social commentary and succeeds. Blade runner aims at HURR DURR BIG PHILOSOPHY, MUH ESTETHICS, HURR THINKING PEOPLE SCI FI and it falls horribly
Girls Trip is 6/7 movie
BR2049 is 2/10 movie
Black movies tend to do surprisingly well. Often get ignored due to "muh racism"
That's because they're intended for black people, and they don't care if it has racist themes if a black person made it
You don't understand. I'm not saying that they have racist themes. I'm saying that Hollywood ignore them because they are racist.
Are you surprised that they market things to the demographic that will eat that shit up?
>racist themes
This and a movie made for Blacks and womans.
and white people are not? White are the biggest consumers and again, blaming the jews for evrything like usual.
too much Sup Forums bro
Say black user, how do you feel that Sup Forums hates black people and use the N-word as a curse while also being racist against your race in general?
>more whites than blacks
>whites consume more
power of the BBC senpai
White people have varied tastes though. One type of movie isn’t going to be loved by all of them. Black movies are universally loved by 99% of the black population.
>neckbeards torrent like gentlesirs
good goy
Just happy Tiffany is doing really fucking well these days.
girls trip are fun
black actress with curves
big fat ass
justice league are a piece of crap, tedious
wonder anorexic
who wanna watch this little bone ass anyway?
This anons are based and 100% right.
Fuck Sequel Runner 2069
Fuck the Goose
Fuck Villwhateverhisnameis
Haiku of the year.
Doesnt bother me too much there are actually many ppl here that arent racist and will bash racists outside of Sup Forums. The N word really doesnt offend me as I dont allow it to have that power over me. Also most of the racist ppl here clearly have very low self esteem which is why they cling to the believed superiority of their own race in order to compensate. 99% of them wouldnt be racist t my face irl
Go watch Garbage Runner 2017, you stinky little neckbeard while I gonna watch Kino Trip.
Ps: Yes I browse reddit more than Sup Forums cause Reddit is way better ;)
Girls Trip is a better film than Blade Runner 20666 and there is nothing you or Sup Forums can do anything about it.
>Reddit is way better ;)
Then why are you here sweetie? :3
Because I like to browse both sites sweetheart ;D
>"dis some white people shit right here!"
>character has a white assistant that constantly says "you go girl" and shit while the other blacks wince
i'm not arguing your point but those are both things that are in this film. the second is especially embarrassing because it's an ancient trope used in every piece of urban comedy ever filmed
>99% of them wouldnt be racist t my face irl
Why is that, black user.
Also how do you feel about you're race? Most of Sup Forums hates black people with a passion. N-word is a terrible slur.
so what you're saying is Krager, is that you enjoyed the Madea movie you recently saw?
But why would you enjoy browse here? This site has nothing to offer anybody. There is no quality content here you cannot get more quickly and efficiently elsewhere. This is an addiction which reduces your productivity, attention span, and free time. You are becoming more bitter, narrow minded, haughty, and old. Leave now and block this site. There is nothing here but slow, lonely suicide. People do not have arguments here. Posters do not engage one another on key points, they nitpick with greentext and mock each other. Nobody is interested in the truth; people are battling for fleeting moments of superiority. Active commenters are loud jackasses who tumble into one internet fight after another, anxiously keeping ten tabs open to ensure they keep the last word in all of them. An insightful post is one in ten thousand, and no matter how hard you filter this place you are still searching for diamonds in a garbage dump. This place is not making you happy. You are not having fun. You are not gathering stories to tell, learning, or growing as a person. Instead you chuckle every thirty minutes and are occasionally spurred to masturbation by libidinal posts or pictures. You are addicted to readily available information and pressure free social interaction. This place is slowly poisoning you with misogyny, narcissism, a false dichotomy surrounding normalfags, and insecurity. So why would you possibly browse here dumdum? :33
>Most of Sup Forums hates black people with a passion.
Now you know there's alot of black people coming in Sup Forums
every time I see this poster, it reads as GRIL STRIP
name of the green haired girl? she's cute
When you guys realize that a movie’s value is not coming from how good it is doing in a box office, maybe this board will get a bit better.
I don’t think you will though.
That women have more disposable income than men?
Hmm user, you clearly open my eyes. I want to leave Sup Forums behind and stay in reddit but for some reasons I also come back to Sup Forums, to this terrible place where I waste my times while I could use my time for something better.
Peasants live vicariously through proxy success. Same as being a fan of a sports team.
Try to find a distraction everytime you get the urge to browse here, eventually you'll lose the urge permanently.
I can only masturbate so many times a day though
I hope so user, I hope so. I want to stop using Sup Forums daily, I want to leave it behind because I have lot of important things to do but I always come back to browse Sup Forums.
Sup Forums girl
Close your browser window right now and play video games or some shit like that.
thanks :)
you guys don't get it, movies like this and other
softcore for females are extremely popular
because women can masturbate in public with
plausible deniability.
plus in this case we're literally talking about
yass'ing baboons.
so is this a good movie
It's not often that black movies get made by someone not named Tyler Perry. The few quality ones will tap into the demographic easily (though I have not seen Girls' Trip, audiences did love it).
You just gave a serious response to an ancient copypasta, retard. I recommend you run to Reddit and stay there because you're obviously way out of your element and this place is going to eat you alive. In faggot language you may understand - here there be dragons, kid.
Women are herd animals
It's blackino
I'm sick and tired of woman objectifying men's bodies. SICK AND TIRED. We are not a piece of meat, you fucking monster.