>looks up
>cut to black
what the fuck kind of ending shot is that?
>looks up
>cut to black
what the fuck kind of ending shot is that?
Other urls found in this thread:
The best ending shot ever.
agreed, it is best ending ever, however the more I think about it, the more I have to lie to myself that he isn't dead
as much as I want to believe it isn't true, deep down I know he was whacked, probably by his own crew working with NY
It was actually the actor looking up as the cameras low battery light came on
The gunshot kind.
i think he was shot back in the head by the guy with members only jacket
It's very over intellectualised.
Did you ever consider it was you who got 'whacked' not him? That's why everything went black suddenly. And why chase didn't want to have any credits even, just black.
The show ended, and you can't live in that world any more, you died there.
Besides, he should live, the real Tony Soprano, Vinnie "Ocean" the guy he was most closely modelled on, turned informant and left Jersey to run another strip club elsewhere in the US.
It also represents Chase's deep misanthropy, not wanting to give his douchebag audience who are cheering on the sociopaths a satisfying scarface type ending.
The ending shot of a wiseguy
since Tony is larger than life in SopranoWorld i like to think of the ending not in a literal sense, moreso the guy in the MOJ is some sort of avenging angel etc
I've read all this yeah, I'm not saying I know for sure, or that there is actually a correct answer, but when I look at the raw evidence of how over and over in the diner we saw the establishing shot as the bell ringing - tony's face - what he sees,
then it is clear to me that the bell rings, we see his face, then we see darkness.
but once again, I'm not saying I believe this but it is clear that this repetition was on purpose.
I hope Chase take's it to his grave, it is still fun to examine and talk about it, and anyone who thinks it is anything less than brilliant should go watch Breaking Bad or some other pseudo-intellectual garbage
>looks up
>cut to BLACKED(.com)
Literally the best way to end it.
>implying it wasn't obvious that he got killed
Hey, I warned you yesterday, the curb line's your limit.
There is no universe in which breaking bad is pseudo-intellectual and the sopranos is not.
fuck off Vince
yoo gadda bee ona yo at
No you fuck off David
Thanks Mr Williams!
greatest ending of all time and it only gets better with age.
Stupida fahkin ending.
Ruined Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" for me
I would prefer it to end with Tony getting his brains splattered over the table and the rest of the family locking shocked and screaming. Maybe Tony JR would attack the shooter and wrestle while Carmila and the girl cried in the corner.
Then while this is happening, close up to Tony with a bullet in the head - straight into a dream where he gets reunited with the dead horse, cries and cut to black.
you have a problem?
Yeah that's totally better.
It's a real shame that brainlets can't into the beauty of ambiguity and need to be sure if it's option a or option b. Completely missing the point.
dumb ending
This tbqh
I miss watching soprano. I used to make kraft mac and cheese but with ketchup. I'd pretend to be eating at the table with Tony and carm
Hey, I warned you yesterday, the curb line is your shitposting limit.
Take this (you) and jump off a bridge
The Members Only jacket guy in the final episode was clearly a relative of Eugene Pontecorvo. He obviously kills Tony Soprano in the diner in order to avenge Pontecorvo's suicide.
Why you idiots haven't yet figured this out, even though I've been telling you for a decade now, only demonstrates how clueless the average Sopranos fan is.
Chase deliberately said he had no intent to say fuck you to the audience.
so what, he also looks a bit like Gigi
does this mean one of his relatives kills tony for lettimg him die on the shitter?
Anyone been to that ice cream shop? Looks very comfy.
He was saying fuck you to the audience in the moment when he said he had no intention of saying fuck you to the audience. See how multi layered and edgy that is? Just like in the sopranos!
He is saying a perpetual fuck to the audience by keeping his intentions and meaning of the final scenes as some kind of idiotic 'mystery' that he carries with him, and people endlessly debate and pontificate about, even a decade later. He said he had no intention of that happening, yet laps it up.
Total troll and misanthrope. He once said he took over as producer of Nothern Exposure basically so he could shit on the show, and make it less pleasant.
I think he was trapped between wanting to make that decade's godfather/goodfellas/casino, and yet despising the people he was making it for.
He makes the lead characters do more a more terrible things as the show goes on, yet people lap it up and idolise the characters, most never wavering.
it's so obvious to anyone with half a brain cell that tony dies that it certainly doesn't qualify as a "mystery"
I knew this too it's just I prefer the fictional universe to the real one in this case.
Good to know irl soprano filed for bankruptcy
I guess crime doesn't always pay.
sopranos season 7 when ? paulie is boss with little aj cappo with young bobby
David Chase has been waiting for someone like you to come and blow it wide open, what if members only guy actually is Eugene Ponticorvo and the guy who died was Eugene's twin? Both Eugene and Patsy were twins... You should go the press with your theory, they could run another pointless article on a slow newsday about the ending of the sopranos.
It doesn't matter if hes dead or not. Carlo is going to testify and Tony will be going to prison anyway. There is simply no more sopranos.
It isn't a matter of what he looks like. It is a matter of using your head. There was a reason the same jacket was used, and I'll wager it was the very same jacket out of wardrobe that Eugene wore. Take note that the first episode of the season where Pontecorvo hangs himself is titled, "Members Only".
Eugene's relative would had plenty of time between the beginning and end of the season to decide upon revenge, then track down and subsequently follow Soprano, eventually to the restaurant, and wearing Eugene's favorite jacket as a kind of "tribute" for the event.
And it makes perfect sense. Soprano is so worried about being killed by real gangsters from NY, or traitors from his own ranks, but a non-connected relative of one of his lower minions? He never saw that coming. It works so much better, in terms of the unexpected, that it came out of left field like that.
Very telling that the guy, who never uttered a word, was actually listed in the credits as "Man in Member's Only Jacket".
Actors don't usually appear in the credits unless they either have a speaking role, or their appearance in the production carries with it some special significance to the story.
Chase said it was all there. So yeah. It was him alright.
Why would he die? Mafia bosses rarely do.
These characters are fairly closely modelled on amalgamations of their real life counterparts.
Real life Tony Soprano became an informant and now runs another strip club in Texas or some place.
You people with half a brain cell who it's fairly obvious to never mention that in your HE DIED OMG!111!!! posts.
Right during that scene Tony mentions Carlo is going to testify, meaning the end is right there for him too, and he will either have to collaborate, or go to jail for decades and decades.
Which do you think he is likely to do?
Jeremy Piacosta is consigliore, and tje family's new enemy is some asshole who just slipped on a lime wedge!
You are a moron if you think the FBI was going to let Tony collaborate lol.... The reason Carlo flipped was so the government could pin Tony.
Tony is the boss you fucking idiot, he's going to rat on who exactly?
If he lived, and he didn't, his only two choices would be to go to jail, or go on the lam. Bosses don't collaborate.
>Why would he die? Mafia bosses rarely do.
there are so many clues I'm not going to repeat them all
just watch this for example youtu.be
He wouldn't even have to look like Eugene to be his relative if he was, say, Eugene's brother in law... doing it at the behest of his sister, to avenge her, as well as Eugene, and his kids.
Literally anyone still left. Paulie, Patsy... etc
>bosses don't collaborate
Made it 100x better for me
>people still think he died and didn't just live the rest of his life in complete paranoia which we see from his perspective
>and I'll wager it was the very same jacket out of wardrobe that Eugene wore
Look how loose it is on Eugene, and how tight it is on Members Only Guy. Also, take note of how the cuff of the jacket has been stretched out on MOG, the look how Eugene would pull his sleeves up, stretching out the cuffs.
You are a moron if you can't understand that real life tony is already out of prison and collaborated, and run a new strip joint when he got out.
Read the thread maybe?
You are basically saying that what happens in the show is far more 'realistic' than what happens IRL and we should all understand that, right?
Did you ever stop to think how fucking idiotic the story you just outlined is?
What's your brilliant theory on why all the cubs couts are wearing black uniforms? Cub scouts don't have any black uniforms, they are suburban harbingers to lead Tony to the land of the dead right? And MOG is St Peter.
Why don't you read about Vinnie Ocean? He was street boss too. And Tony was never the boss, the boss is in prison the whole 6 seasons, a "guest of the government" as they put it.
He wasn't even street boss, that was Corrado, who is still alive in the last episode, and still effectively boss until the doctors officially declare him unfit.
Bosses do collaborate, get your facts from reality, not from movies.
Bosses rarely die in New Jersey in the 1990s, this is not looking at the extended history of the mafia, as it is not relevant to what might have happened to Tony theoretically. Paul Castellano etc is not fucking relevant.
Some people are so far behind they think they're in front.
He never had the makings of a varsity athlete.
jesus christ this reddit spacing
the scene and the series all point as openly as they can towards tonys death without actually showing the shooting
why are you so hung up on some real life inspirations
It's not reddit spacing fuckhead, lurk more. It's making text actually readable in a fast moving forum like Sup Forums.
Reddit spacing is two lines between each line of text. Nice straw amn though, how many fucking times can you be wrong in one thread?
The fuck is wrong with you queers? It's called READABLE spacing, you illiterate retard. It has nothing to do with "reddit".
t. reddit
This is local spacing.
This is tourist spacing. Notice the additional carriage return between the redtext and the blacktext. It stands out more than Paulie and Tony did as tourists in Italy, so WATCH IT.
He woke up this morning
The Sopranos is my favorite show of all time, and I agree that its ending SHOT is the best of all time, but if we're judging endings by the entirety of the episode, The Shield takes it.
Beause the show is closely modelled on what those people were like. The real jersey mob had a pork store right around the corner from the one on the show for example, at the same time even.
One of the real jersey mob was killed for supposed gay behaviour at a club. etc.
The real life boss was in prison, with street bosses running things, one of those died from ill health.
There is certainly a fixation on death in the episode and leading up to it, but personally, I think it is our death, the viewer's death, not Tony's.
Bobby says you probably never hear it coming, and silvio doesn't appear to hear the bullet that kills the hairdo.
It is not likely that he would die like that, and right after he struck a deal with NY to get rid of Phil.
Did it ever occur to you to look deeper? Like 'members only' is a pun on la cosa nostra, also members only..
The guy represents Tony's constant paranoia, and the ever present threat of assassination, especially if Tony is going to testify.
As others have said, the guy represents always looking over your shoulder every time someone italian looking is around. It also represents a hommage to the bathroom scene in Godfather.
Remember in Tony's dream the gun wasn't taped in the bathroom? It's not like in real life is a constant refrain in the dreams.
Maybe Sons of Anarchy is more your speed, idort.
It should have ended with Meadow just sliding into the booth next to Tony and grabbing an onion ring. There was no need for the abrupt cut to black, especially when Chase had to know it would piss off most of the viewers. Tony looking around the diner suspiciously was enough to convey that this is what the rest of his life will be like until he does die.
>based mulignan poster
i think that the "tony's pov - tony's face shot" make more sense.
that whole scene is basically "tony's face - bell ring - tony's pov" sequence repeated. so the black is actually tony's pov and i guess he never heard it coming
It's the best thing to do when you can't write a good ending.
>we left it up to you!
Hahhaha you fanook
literally 100% the kind of mouthbreathing tits and hits brainlet Chase despises
God that sounds awful
there is zero ambiguity. he died.
>Not understanding the difference between loosely basing a character on Vinny Ocean and rigidly adhering to Vinny Ocean's life
lol this wasn't a fucking bio-pic you faggot. All of season's 3-6 was about how the FBI was building a RICO case against Tony. Not to mention that Tony had several chances to cooperate and didn't take them. Who would Tony have even given them you mongoloid? Junior? Who was already senile and in a prison hospital? Phil? Who already died? Don't take the show so literally dickhead and chill out with the reddit spacing.
I love the IDEA of the ending--showing that the music just stops, which they had been foreshadowing through the whole show--but the execution was horrible.
They should've dumbed it down a little for the audience. Maybe show the guy rushing with the gun before the cut to black, something like that.
Whatever the case, when half your audience watching live thinks their HBO just cut out for a second, you fucked up your ending. The Sopranos wasn't some Aronofsky movie that you have to have explained. It was an accessible show. The ending should've made sense immediately.
Yeh but neither did we, because it all ended for us.
In a way Soprano died, but not in the sense that he was killed, more that the show ended, and he didn't exist anymore, not for us. Now that Gandalf is dead too, he really is gone for good. I think they should do prequel shit with the characters, Tony's rise etc.
OHHHHwww, whaddjou say?
It wasn't ambiguous at all
>I mean, our line of work, it's always out there. You probably don't even hear it when it happens, right?
it might be true in both interpretations, but he was definitely killed in the show
trying this hard on an indonesian stamp collecting forum
It's getting harder and harder to decipher your autistic screeching, if you can't figure some of this shit out for yourself, that's just sad. I'll break some of it down for you, but you will have to join some of the dots for yourself eventually.
When you are a career criminal, you don't collaborate until you are irretrievably caught. Why would you when you are on top?
Just like Pussy was for Heroin, and Tony was from Carlo. Tony could have given up dozens, if not hundreds of soldiers and captains, not to mention organisations like the wireroom in sheepshead bay, wuuhhbistixx, the calling card scams, so on and so forth. There are hundreds and hundreds of NY mobsters, all at risk of someone like Tony.
Vinnie Ocean, Hendry Hill, collaborators who went on to live their lives in freedom.
Making Tony into some kind of mob cliche shootout with the gunman coming out of the shitter is not the kind of 'highbrow' intellectual shit Chase was gunning for. It would have been too jarring to show Tony broken by the law, as he is built up to be the antihero for 6 seasons. So the show just ends, a copout for people who don't engage in intellectual debates about symbolism and jumpcut editing on Sup Forums about a 15 year old show.
He dies. They've talked about death before on the show and how it cuts to black and nothingness.
He definitely wasn't. No matter how much you imaginate it and theorise. The show cut to black with Tony staring into a doorway. You can foreshadow the chode off my nutsack if you like bruv.
Bullshit. If that was the ending no one would be talking about it now.
No other show has ever had an ending that drummed up so much debate. Fierce debates on both sides on what happened, on whether they hated it or not, etc. I was a pleb back then who never watched the sopranos but once that ending came out I heard immediately about it and remember major news sites everywhere covering it.
It was fucking perfect.
You might be the most pretentious fag I have ever seen on Sup Forums. I feel bad for people who actually interact with you on a daily basis (assuming you do actually interact with people on a daily basis). At no point did I say I was confused about anything and yet you continue to explain the most basic shit from the show in the most pseudo-intellectual manner possible. All the while failing to provide any fresh insight. I assume English isn't your first language, so I won't begin to list all your weird phrases and typos, although there are plenty of them. I would tell you to buy a gun and shoot yourself but it's obvious you are disabled and would not be able to buy a gun legally.
there are way more evidence pointing to the fact that he was killed.
we have:
>camera following the members only guy
>the "you don't even hear it coming" line
>the fact that the whole point of the "meadow parking" scene was to make her late and not letting her sit near tony (covering the shot)
>the foreshadowed godfather reference with the gun in the toilet.
on the other side we got:
>"don't stop believing!!!"
>an ending where half the live viewing audience legitimately and with good basis thought their HBO feed had cut out is "perfect"
Whatever you say, buddy.
>plebs don't get it
>turn to internet and drum up untold amounts of free publicity for the show asking if their HBO went out
>ratings and interest in Sopranos had been down since the poor first half of the sixth season
>Chase brilliantly avoids a pleb ending everyone was expecting to make an immortal ending
It's okay if you don't understand it, user.
Forgot pic
Yeah you could never shoot a fat guy boxed in to a booth in a restaurant if his daughter was sitting next to him, what is she, made of jewish kevlar?
He could have fired at Tony in a number of ways, it would have made it much easier if meadow was there boxing him in, as he would have no chance of ducking or lunging, as he is too fat to slide under the table. The gunman could have easily approached from behind and fired down into his skull, fired behind his ear and upwards to avoid the families.
But the salient point is that there is no gunman, because there is no gun. MOG could be an FBI agent making sure Tony doesn't flee, or get shot, or he could be an autograph hound, tabloid journo, it is all theoretical, no gun, no gunman, no plot resolution. We hear Carlo is going to testify, onion rings, Journey, cut to black. The camera could follow MOG just for classic misdirection. Remember the cub scouts dressed in black? Tht makes no sense, a woman who looks just like janice, etc.
You asked a bunch of stupid questions in a rude way, with ad hominem attacks.
How fucking stupid do you have to be to ask who a mob boss could possibly give to the feds to save themself? Especially considering it has happened before in real life, so clearly you are confused, whether you said you are or not. Go ahead and list typos and 'weird phrases' I don't see any in the post you are replying to. People don't actually bother with buying guns very often in the real world ameritard, unless they live in a warzone, or very dangerous place. I did just buy a 65 inch OLED for my girl who you feel so sorry for. Rage more emo kid.
if you think tomy is dead, you need to prove it, it's simple as that. but you cannot, all you have is hints that can mean many things. oh, and fan-fiction. why the fuck would the moj guy drink coffee there leaving prints and witnesses all over the place. mafia hits are swift and the hitmen wear caps in places with many people.
johnny was boss and he allocuted, which literally meant the definite legal proof that mafia existed and made writing of indictements much easier.
Oh but it's not a biopic cunt! Don't bring the reality of actual mafia related crime into it! It's a mafia fairy tale that takes whatever format some dudes on an internet forum say!
gerry torciano and doc santoro hits were swift, bobby's too. phil's as well, although walden didn't wear a cap.
>if you think god doesn't exists, you need to prove it