LotR book:

LotR book:
>“Begone, foul dwimmerlaik, lord of carrion! Leave the dead in peace!”
>A cold voice answered: ‘Come not between the Nazgûl and his prey! Or he will not slay thee in thy turn. He will bear thee away to the houses of lamentation, beyond all darkness, where thy flesh shall be devoured, and thy shriveled mind be left naked to the Lidless Eye.”
>A sword rang as it was drawn. “Do what you will; but I will hinder it, if I may.”
>“Hinder me? Thou fool. No living man may hinder me!”
>Then Merry heard of all sounds in that hour the strangest. It seemed that Dernhelm laughed, and the clear voice was like the ring of steel.
>“But no living man am I! You look upon a woman. Éowyn I am, Éomund’s daughter. You stand between me and my lord and kin. Begone, if you be not deathless! For living or dark undead, I will smite you, if you touch him.”

LotR movie:
>Merry has to stab the Nazgul to weaken it first

Why is Jackson such a hack?

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah I agree, Tolkien could be a pompous windbag at times. Good catch.

because that shit would be 10 minute scene gramps

DAE think these movies would be filled with yucky dark skins if it was made in the (((current year)))? XD shadilay bros

Yeah that would be gross lmao


Holy shit, just go fantasize about Wakanada and your badass African country with an American rap soundtrack LMAO

that dialogue would work in a play maybe but it comes across as too much for a movie these days

Too long, you'd have to be stupid to think this would be an improvement for just a short scene

Movie is unironically better.

tolkien just doing a reasonably good version of what punchy dialogue sounded like in the iron age

when your brain is complete mush

>Éowyn I am, Éomund’s daughter. You stand between me and my lord and kin
this is the important part, not le grrl power

Can someone post the one of this but with CIA?

I guess if you're too much of a brainlet to make that connection and need to have the characters explain their names and motivations to you every five mins

What's the matter fellow kekistani?? Don't you want to fight the nasties sent by Soros?!? Or are you a soyboy numale cuck sitting by as your ancestor's soil gets conquered by low IQ hordes?

No offensive but that kind of dialogue in the middle of a battle wouldn't work in a movie

>people actually defend the movie over the book
Good grief, this board...

mid 90s kids will defend this because they were like 7 or 8 when they watched that trainwreck... Still didn't take the nostalgia goggles off to this day. But the cgi shitfest that was that final battle was worst.

>a television and film board prefers a film adaptation over the book
good grief!

We literally see her doing that we don't need her to say it

sounds like a typical bookfag

when your brain is complete mush

Look, I know they couldn’t have just put this in verbatim, it’s got an old-timey cadence and they’d already tweaked other dialog to be less formal. But. There is so much more here than “I am no man.”

First of all, he didn’t just threaten her with death. He threatened her with horrifying, endless torture and mind rape, basically. And she laughs at him. And then she stabs him in the face. What’s more? She makes him afraid before she does it because up until then, he thought he was immortal. Whoops!

I think you lose a lot of important nuance by over simplifying it to “I am no man.”

>just because you use the Sup Forums board you're not allowed to admit that literature is superior to film

Lmao, imagine being this mad because there are no browns in LOTR

Feeling bullied homie? You'll always have Wakanda HAHAHAHAHA

BAKA I was told this was a Sup Forums colony!!! Guess I better dump the redpills on this soyboy infestation...

>low IQ hordes literally invading the west is a fascist meme lads! it never happened in History before btw and Tolkien doesn't even refer to that at all in his books

I disagree, he comes across with his arrogant statement saying no man can kill me, her one line is a perfect ironic twist for him to think oh shit rather than this fact to be lost in lines of dialogue, any more would lose its impact

I enjoy both as different mediums


I could have lived with it, except for what comes after.

See, in the book, she’s falls over onto her enemy because he’s so evil that his death nearly kills her. She’s found later on the battlefield and they think she’s dead. Eomer is incredibly upset (understandably) and ends up going off in a foul, suicidal mood, where he and the other riders chant “death, death, death” as they cut a swath through the enemy. It’s pretty bleak.

The movie, for no reason I can fathom, decides that Eowyn can’t just kill the Witch King. Nope. After this huge showdown she also needs to be chased by Tumor the Orc, an enemy we got introduced to that isn’t A. interesting B. even in the same category of terrifying as the Witch King. He’s completely beneath her as a foe at this point.

So far as I can tell he exists so that Aragorn can kill him and “save” her, without actually knowing he did so. Which is just…weird. Why would you have this amazing moment where Eowyn defeats an enemy literally no one else in Middle Earth could have…and then have her crawling away from a generic, malignant orc in the aftermath? And why does Aragorn need to save her? What does this do for either character? Other than undermine her achievement, of course.

It’s one of the most perplexing character and narrative choices/changes in the films. What’s more: I don’t think it occurred to anyone that, along with making her overly lovesick, they inadvertently damsel’d her. For me, it’s a frustrating example of casual sexism creeping in. It’s even more frustrating when you realize Tolkien, writing in a time that was quite a bit less progressive than now for women, did it better. Sticking closer to the original narrative and character would have solved this issue neatly. It stands out as pointless and tacked on.

The movies are fucking trash and it makes me sick every time people on Sup Forums worship this shit.

Homie chiiiiill

You still got Wakanda my nigga

The MCU will always want you AHAHAHA

>there are no browns in LOTR
There are, though.

t. Low test soyboy

Probably because eomer was painfully under developed so they didn't want to confuse the audience

I remember I liked Eowyn so much that I named the girl in Sword of Mana after her.

>He will bear thee away to the houses of lamentation, beyond all darkness, where thy flesh shall be devoured
what did he mean by this... is he threatening gang rape?

watching her get boned in Homeland was nice

>redheads do it better

screen time?

Yes, actually. No joke.

Literally the only reason movies aren't longer is because theaters are very Jewish and want to have as many showings as possible for maximum money.

i know... i would sit through 6-7pm to midnight for each of the movies if it was that long, but sometimes i have to go to work in the morning and sometimes i have come home at ~8pm

Well, remember Grindhouse?

the book version is overwritten


no one would be able to talk for that long without getting stabbed

Yeah, let's have a shitty feminist one-liner instead, so much better!

nah... im a europoor its hard to enjoy kino here.

>oh look, guyz! book has more content than the movie!

this board is almost retarded as Sup Forums

Sup Forums's retardation has leaked all over this site and made many boards retarded. They singlehandedly ruined /lit/.


I was with you until you suggested that mush makes a squelching noise.

>They singlehandedly ruined /lit/.
damn, everytime that I think in that something in me breaks...

/lit/ was great at the begining (6 months, maybe)

can't wait for this scene in the remake "return of the kang"

Bro. The movie is like 5 hours long. You gotta be short sometimes

Reminder that Kang is literally the name of a comic book character.

>You gotta be short sometimes
This is what manlets really believe.

you do know that game does not have the lotr license yes? thats why the name is so retarded and they tip toe around anything of relevance

>Not relevant

a nigger, surely


You member when no one gave a fuck about that line back then? I member! A world before whinny Sup Forumsturds

Are you kidding? People loved that line. It's just that there was nobody to hate it and say UGH WOMEN

Literally no one in this thread was complaining about her saying she was a woman. They were complaining because it came off as a Marvel tier quip instead of presenting the full dialogue in the novel.

But keep crying about Sup Forums like they trained you to do on /r/Sup Forums without actually reading the thread you mongoloid.

>Richards then travels back in time to ancient Egypt c. 2950 B.C., aboard a Sphinx-shaped timeship, to become the Pharaoh Rama-Tut

>Squelching intensifies

Comics are great.

I've read the comments on /r/Sup Forums and they're all unabashed Sup Forumstards over there so I don't know where you get that idea. It literally causes me physical pain. Almost as bad as YouTube comments.

anyone who thinks they could make the terrible cheeseball dialogue in the lotr books work is a fucking moron.

This. Many retards ITT

>cheeseball dialogue
>greatest work of literary fantasy

So this is Sup Forums now. Huh.

greatest work of literary fantasy is like saying the greatest fast food french fries

fantasy is a terrible genre for manbabbies with no taste

>LOTR meme threads
>turns into alt-right-shitposting including stale Sup Forumsmemes

>complaining about the dialogue in the books
>when the movies literally have LOOKS LIKE MEAT'S BACK ON THE MENU BOYS

yea what they should have said is

"alas! we hunger no longer for we shall eat meat tonight!"

Or they should have said nothing because orcs don't talk you retard.

Orc to talk you faggot.

orcs speak you stupid fuck


>I've read the comments on /r/Sup Forums


So you'll take time to read the comments there, but not the thread here?

You fucking idiot, have you even read Lord of the Rings?

The entire sequence where Frodo and Sam disguise themselves as orc, the bit in the orc-held tower. Fucking hell.

Damn, that prose gave me tingles. I really need to read LotR

I'm a different poster and I only took a very small amount of time to read those comments. I just had to chime in to say your interpretation of them is inaccurate because they're just as bad as Sup Forums.

Daily reminder that this was the first post to bring up race you stupid fuck.


It's a movie, If I wanted drawn out dialogues I would go to my local theater.

Why the fuck would chandler be there

Sup Forumstards nad phoneposters need to bep urged

>It's a movie. If I wanted drawn out dialogues I would go to the movies.

Could there BE any more reason for him to be there?

(Seriously though, he's neurotic and quirky. Of course he'd be there.)

It's trying to communicate. Is this Wakkanda? What do you want sir? Why did you try to derail the thread thee posts () in and pin it on others? Is this an initiation ritual for your tribe?

>imgur filename

You can't make this shit up.

I like that you use imgur as a boogeyman but you probably have no idea what site this filename is from.

>do it like OP suggests
>movie is 124 hours long

I'd watch it.

>the movie is an adaptation of the book and not a 1:1 filmed version
>*autistic screeching*

>He said while submitting yet another transvestite thread on r9k

Not ana rument.

Who on earth could have the time and resources to film every line in the books?

>make a 124 hour movie for a fraction of the potential public
>budget is accordingly low
>absolutely laughable Z-series mess
you wouldn't

Literally a random filename I typed
Wh yare Sup Forumstards so eager to lie?