Early yesterday morning (December 4th 2017) was a meeting to discuss the upcoming trilogy of Star Wars movies directed...

Early yesterday morning (December 4th 2017) was a meeting to discuss the upcoming trilogy of Star Wars movies directed by Rian Johnson.

In this meeting was Kathleen Kennedy, Pablo Hidalgo, Rian Johnson, and over skype, Timothy Zahn.
I was lucky enough to have an inside source in the room with Zahn, able to hear the bulk of the discussion.
Note that this was the first official discussion regarding the details of this trilogy and as such, details are ready to change on a dime.

The current working title of the trilogy is Star Wars: Edge of Unknown and will be told in "Parts" as opposed to the main sagas "Episodes" (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3). There also seemed to be a strange push to not have any subtitles for each of the specific films beyond "Edge of Unknown".

The trilogy will take place thousands of years before the Original Trilogy, during the Old Republic era. However, the entirety of the movies will be set exclusively in the Unknown Regions of the SW Galaxy with minimal references to anything established in the current saga of films.

Other urls found in this thread:


The main focus of the film and conflict is about the ancient Chiss Ascendancy versus the Yuuzhan Vong, an ancient species that discovered the ability to regenerate their physical form through a technique that can only be achieved through strong will in the Dark Side (although it was specified that the 'dark side' will never be directly referenced in the films).
Any big star wars fans would recognize these two species as ones from the now noncanon EU. Kathleen brought up that these films are a good opritunity to reintroduce fan favorite concepts while focusing on what works, and dropping what doesn't.
Both species are being reintroduced from the ground up. Especially the Vong, who have lost their force immunity, and have had their desire for self harm replaced with the mentioned ability to regenerate. They are now no longer from an entirely different galaxy, but instead have always resided in the Unknown Regions. Their technology is still entirely based around organic materials, and as such they are able to use their regeneration to keep their weapons, ships, bases, and society alive.
The Chiss on the other hand have become a species of super intelligent beings, who must use their wits and natural talents to overcome the Vong, who are impossible to defeat through conventional actions.

Zahn is being brought into the project by request of Kathleen who believes that attaching a big name in the EU fandom to the film will attract otherwise skeptical old fans. She believes he has done a great job with the new Thrawn novel trilogy currently being released, and has assigned him to be a lead writer/consoltant on the film, working closely with Ryan.

A short list of rules that the team created during the meeting that I find facinating:
>No Lightsabers
>No Jedi
>No previously established characters or designs
>The Force is allowed, but can not be referred to directly. The term "the force" is STRICTLY off limits.

Now this is where things get interesting. Aside from the upcoming trilogy, the team also dropped some important knowlage for the upcoming Disney streaming network show and the current SW Saga.
I can know confirm for a fact that the live action streaming show will take place during the Old Republic. Hidalgo believes that there is opritunity to tie the Old Republic show and the Edge of Unknown together, considering they both take place around the same time.

Snoke is set to be revealed as an ancient sith who discovered the same dark side force in the Unknown Regions that the Vong had, giving him the ability to effectively live forever. This has seemingly always been his origin story, however the team agreed that having an entire race in the new trilogy based around this concept will give a good opritunity to better explain what this force is and how it works. Although they were VERY vague on the topic, they also mentioned that this could be what Emperor Palpatines master Pagueis could have used to save others from death.
End Spoilers.

Something brought up was that this regentitive dark force has already been referenced in extended canon material multiple times as an energy that Palpatine feels coming from the Unknown Regions. While this was originally set up specifically to tie into the Sequel Trilogy, (see the above spoiler), it was unanimously agreed that it even better ties into this new trilogy, and will serve as a perfect way to tie the sagas together. Zahn and Hidalgo also discussed for a bit the ending of the recent Thrawn book, which ties perfectly into this new set of events.

That is all the information I have. Sections of "the next Thrawn novel" are now being rewritten to better forshadow the new trilogy, so if you need definitive proof what I am saying is legit, prepare to see references to what I am describing in either the next Thrawn book, Thrawn Aliences, or the following novel. It wasn't specified in the conference.

This is a repost from yesterday afternoon. Sup Forums was giving me trouble yesterday and I wasn't able to stick around for the thread or post what I wanted when I wanted, so I am remaking the thread now. If you have any questions or want me to clarify on anything, feel free to ask. Like I said, I personally wasn't in the conference, but my source has given me enough details to hopefully give a hand in clarifying things.

>it's that time of the year again

So they're going to complete the transformation of Star Wars into capeshit?

>Posting your LARP fanfiction again
No one cares.

This sounds convoluted and
>No Lightsabers
>No Jedi
>No previously established characters or designs
>The Force is allowed, but can not be referred to directly. The term "the force" is STRICTLY off limits.

like your fucking stupid fantasies. Disney would NEVER do these things

This image is fucking sick. If they WERE to make a Vong movie, this is how I would want them to look

>No Lightsabers
>No Jedi

"Hey, let's make a Harry Potter film with no magic wands and no wizards!"

>no lightsabers
>no Jedi

Fake, that's what Rogue One was supposed to be but Disney forced them to include that EPIC XDDD scene of Vader.

Turning the Vong into regenerating alien race #1028245971087465 ruins their whole identity as well.

It's interesting, OP, but I know it's a LARP. Props to you for creativity though.

>Their whole identity

What identity are you talking about? The Vong were trash in the EU.

Not a single word of of your pathetic LARP is true. Disney doesn't have any financial interest in catering to 10% of the market. It will be rehashes all over again because they know how mentally challenged their target audience is. Kill yourself you fucking worthless piece of shit.

They were trash because it was a last ditch effort to provide antagonists to the massive powercreep the new jedi order was going through. That's why they were disconnected from the force and completely alien to the Star Wars universe.

LARP: Live Action RolePlay
This is just normal cringy roleplaying. The live action part implies actual dressing up/acting out.

C'mon guys this is obvious shit.

>le yushan bong

>Timothy Zahn
Why would anyone care about him and his awful books?

Surely not this many people don't know what LARPing is. Seriously I expected more from you people

He's butt buddies with the current team at lucasfilm. Oversaw a whole season of Star Wars Rebels just cuz. Not to mention, like the OP said, a whole new thrawn trilogy just because he asked for one.

>lets make a star wars trilogy
>oh but lets take out all of the things that actually make it star wars so it just becomes a generic shitty scifi movie
awesome, cant wait to tell all my Sup Forums buddies about how it was the best star wars movie ever when it comes out

They have Dave Filoni right there and they call Timothy Zahn?
God, i miss Lucas

Filoni was involved too. He was in charge of the whole series.

>sterg worbs isnd capebiggs yed
>sterg worbs ibs a culbural febomonin

"LARP" on Sup Forums is just the nu-term for making up bullshit Sup Forums has pushed.

Fucking dumb

Nice share OP, this aligns with what I've heard, no sabers, no Falcon in the new trilogy etc.

>Chiss but no Thrawn


Too ballsy. I wouldn't mind seeing it, but it's not happening

Fucking christ

Honestly this kinda warms me. It's nice to see Disney have genuine appreciation toward EU icons like Zahn

>Bringing back the fucking Vong
Nah, fuck that shit. When the whole EU-purge happened as Disney announced the new trilogy, there were only two reasons (for me at least) to optimistic about the decision:
>More creative freedom for the new films
>The FUCKING VONG no longer being cannon

They've already kind of botched up the first thing by playing TFA completely safe (Still have a tiny shred of optimism for TLJ, but not much), if they revert the second thing, then there was no fucking point at all.

The Vong were an edgy byproduct of the 90s that were shit at the time, and have gotten worse with age. They have no place is Star Wars, and bringing them back just to appease EU fanboys would be a mistake.

But I believe you're lying anyway, so I can rest easy. For now.

>Another fanfic thread

How the FUCK woild you know this? Stop wasting our time. The average Sup Forums user has places to go and people to see.

Fake. Rian Johnson just fucking said it's not an Old Republic story.

BTFO, never come back.

>We could have had a live-action Thrawn trilogy with GoT-tier production values but instead Disney ignores the single best thing to come out of decades of EU content and tossed Thrawn into a children's cartoon

Original trilogy fans and ironic Star Wars fans really fucked over the franchise most, didn't they? Now instead of getting something new or creative fans will bitch about it because NOT MUH OT and we'll get rehashes for decades to come. This is really monkey paw levels of irony and I really love George Lucas for this.

And the irony is that the Thrawn trilogy features pretty much anyone of importance in the OT. Even fucking Wedge Antilles and Mon Mothma are in it.

Eh, people keep on saying that they should have adapted the Thrawn trilogy, but I'm not too sure. It's a great arc, don't get me wrong, but I feel like it's the kind of story that only works well in book form. MAYBE it could work as a miniseries, but I dunno. In order to make it work in movie form, they would have to probably make a whole bunch of changes; but then fans of the books would just complain anyway.

If loads of people complained about all the politics in the Prequel trilogy, then I don't see why they wouldn't complain about the pacing of the Thrawn trilogy if it didn't have a lot of changes. Plus, the original trilogy's cast are too old for it now, let's be honest.

>Thrawn trilogy
>the single best thing to come out of decades of EU content
>Not Mike Stackpole's X-Wing novels
If they made an adaptation of THOSE, on the other hand...

Of course it would be a miniseries; movies wouldn't work as well


Why make this shit up?

Was literally about to post this

What was OP's problem?

This. Disney spent 4 billion and they're just getting started. They're gonna milk nostalgia until it bursts



My beard looks like his. Should I keep it or shave it off? I grew it for Movember.

>will be told in "Parts" as opposed to the main sagas "Episodes" (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3). There also seemed to be a strange push to not have any subtitles for each of the specific films beyond "Edge of Unknown".
This is fake
"Parts" is a dead fad. They changed Avengers 3 and 3 from IW Parts 1 and 2 because Hunger Games underperformed

Also this
>Chiss Ascendancy versus the Yuuzhan Vong
Get your fan fiction out of here

>fan favourite
they really don't have any idea.

I fucking hate OT fans
Not people who like the OT, but the ones who insist anything different is shit

He was hiding under the table sucking Zahn's dick while the skype talk happened.

oh maaan i wl watsh stawoors 7 tims cause sta woors is coool pewpew lazr space batle

But it's NOT an old republic story according to the OP.

There is a difference between setting it in an ancient era and basing it around the old republic. You know that.


I'm convinced that all of these posts on this board right now are by the same person.

So here's the (You) that you're desperately craving. You're not getting any more.

I assure you it's not just one guy

>Chiss Ascendancy versus the Yuuzhan Vong

Lmao no way they would use those names. You need easy names for normies to digest.

Rebels vs Empire
Resistance vs First Order