What would you do with one Sup Forums?

make me a glass water

Fuck the moon.

Fap with it.

Open a restaurant

Go to bed, Sokka. You're drunk.

I would make it left handed.

Accidentally let go of the cube

Get out

Enslave some people to enable living a life of hedonism until I eventually get bored and fall into despair


Here he comes.

>First four posts minimum aren't all just "Fap"
Losing our touch.

Will a me-branded helicopter into existence
Then ride said 'copter

Nigga, what part of Barneyfag being the guy who posts this shit you don't get?

The guy has like an actual case of mental illness, which somehow for the fact he's a canucklehead makes it even worse, as he could probably do something really that bad.

Seriously, his only chance is if Moot2 actually does his shit and IP bans him, or finds a way to contact police against his shit.

Kill Thanos and keep him there so that he doesn't try to steal it back.

I'unno. Take a nap.

Health and wellness to my loved ones
Punishment and death to my enemies
Explore the universe
Universal peace

>Barneyfag being the guy who posts this shit
stop forcing this bullshit

fist your mom with it .

I like how the image you're attempting to defend yourself with calls you out for being a retard, and you just completely lack the self-awareness to see it.

Stop reboots and racebending in movies and TV. Ensure closer faithfulness to source material.

Cure SJWs of their irrational beliefs.

Make it always be the 1980s

Form an utimate intergalactic kingdom and live a live of extreme luxury and leisure until I got bored and actually try to have a good empire where everybody loves in a fair life with acceptable, if not comfortable life quality.

already have it.
Got bored of it after 10 minutes.

Grey guy has the right idea


Destroy Facebook
Destroy Twitter
Destroy all Smartphones and infect all of humanity with an otherwise harmless and incurable but otherwise harmless virus that makes them forget that Facebook, Smartphones, and Twitter were ever things and makes their brains unable to comprehend the concept.

Then I use it to fingerbang some sluts.

Break it into parts, and sell them for a gorillion dollars. Then buy a ton of shit with that.

I'm sorry you have no friends, user. :(

*huggles u*

MAke myself a speedster
Create Gotham City and Metropolis
Turn Bendis into my toilet
Make marvel great again
Kill Angela Merkel
Put a big wall around the middle east

get a girlfriend

Have the best masturbation session in history and livestream it

hang it above the mantlepiece, maybe

Accidently fist a girl.

can it make my dick bigger not that i need it LOL

Why don't you just lock yourself into a bottle?

>implying that walls are going to stop petrodollars from buying terrorist attacks

Toppest keks.

>Mind control whoever is in charge of writing batman stories to stop everything he's doing and start writing a new story of my own design
>batman's no killing rule finally comes back to bite him in the ass
>joker kills the entire batfamily
>joker uses a drug that gives him powers very similar to superman's
>superjoker wipes the floor batman and leaves him to death
>last page is joker looking at the 4th wall and saying "you're not like me at all"


Open that jar of pickles that's been in the cabinet for 17 years now. I've been playing the waiting game with it to see if I can break it's will but that glove might just give each me the upper hand

Get the biggest cock.

make everyone beautiful so there'd be no more loneliness and the only thing to work on would be awful personalities
then the typical greed stuff, private island, technology, self sufficient, fapworthy maids and so on

Get Death to fuck me

>if I don't have friends nobody else can!