>too smart for blockbusters
>too dumb for arthouse
Movies for this feel?
>too smart for blockbusters
>too dumb for arthouse
Movies for this feel?
dunno about movies but it sounds like Rick and Morty is up your alley
watch old blockbusters
start degradating or start learning something.
Ryan Gosling + Ruse crowel movie
look it up
Christopher Nolan is for you
You got that Dunning Kruger m8
just switch off your 8watt brain bro
Watch movies from country X.
I've chosen indian kino to satisfy the ego of my average brain.
Read a book or something.
classic American films from the 30s-70s
alternatively, the AFI Top 100
Have you ever given Herzog, Altman or Malicks earlier stuff a try?
>too dumb for fake art
no user you’re fine, all post 19th century art is pretentious and all film is pretentious as art. Don’t feel stupid post-modernism is stupid
stanley kubrick, denis villeneuve, steven spielberg, quentin tarantino, alfonso cuaron, sam mendes, christopher nolan, etc
all the typical "normal" movies that are a touch higher than normal would be the kinds for you. you want to look for directors who still make conventional movies, but do it very well and understand film making more than the average movie maker.
t. brainlet
Old school blockbusters made by competent directors that knew exactly what they were making and refused to dumb it down even more for plebs.
>being so much of a brainlet that you fell for the post-modernism meme
Kubrick does not belong near any of that trash.
David Lynch's filmography
This. Also Villeneuve.
>linking me to dude marxism lmao the board
Synecdoche NY sounds like it's your speed
>not solely watching comfy childhood movies
Couldn't tell you how many times I've seen sky high, Hercules, and toy story.
>stanley kubrick, denis villeneuve, steven spielberg, quentin tarantino, alfonso cuaron, sam mendes, christopher nolan, etc
Pretty much this. Garbage for the meme facebook buff that believes hes a discerning viewer
>I am so insecure of my brainlet status I will paint everything I don't understand with le pol bogeyman
wew absolutely haram
>Sup Forumstard calling anyone reddit
I like Herzog but I wouldn't call him arthouse
Altman is kinda cool too but I find Malick boring
>see this poster
>the bugle call immediately plays in my head
some blockbusters are good if they are true to form, ex; pacific rim. quit thinking so highly of yourself
literally Nolan, Villenueve, PTA, Fincher and Inarritu make movies for you.
arthouse isn't smart, you just need to deal with shoddy symbolism and oh so heartwarming or edgy ideological agendas
Nolan, Tarantino, Malick, Wes Anderson...
he does, because his movies are not pretentious arthouse nonsense like nicolas winding refn and his the neon demon. kubrick is a great film maker, but he still makes conventional movies that are accessible to regular audiences.
So who's making art?
>reddit leaves
No thanks.
Take your favorite directors
Look up their interviews where they talk about their favorite movies
Watch them
Shit's easy yo