Wich one do you choose?

wich one do you choose?

nuke reddit

nuke reddit

Calarts because I like the porn tumblr makes

Nuke Sup Forums.

nuke Sup Forums

nuke the internet
all of it

Tumblr gets me porn so the other one.

can't I press both?

nuke Sup Forums

Nuke tumblr twice then

Tumblr because then I can see two nukes going off.

are we referring to calarts: the university or calarts: the collection of ugly stylistic trends displayed by pretty much every 2D cartoon on air?

Nuke OP.

nuke tumblr twice but also keep people from thinking tumblr ideas are cool


It's a breeding ground for the severely mentally ill. People who may even try to integrate into society some day and spread their insanity to others.
Compared to that, destroying a shitty art school seems like a waste.

Nuke Earth. We're the cancer of the universe, we all have to die. I won't allow humans to reach the stars and spread their filth, my man.

The destruction of tumblr won't end the scourge of it's users anymore than deleting Sup Forums will rid us of Sup Forumslacks.

It'll just be Scans_Daily all over again.

Tumblr twice.
The proverbial pillars of salt that would emerge would be incredibly entertaining.

Oh, where would they go? Reddit? Twitter? Good, consolidate the cancer into fewer locations. Even if they come here that wouldn't last long.

I use tumblr for porn and Dorf Fort stories.

Tumblr. Kids are being raised on that echo chamber of a community, and the future is fucked for it. Plus we get two nukes that way.

nuke myself

How bleak. But what is worth preserving in the black void of space? You hedging bets on another alien race? I wouldn't until you can prove they aren't just as bad. And logically they are.


I don't really want to nuke anything.

At least Japanese artists would have to start posting their art back on pixiv, the civilized option.

I press both buttons.

Go back to 2003 and nuke Teen Titans. It started all of this.

Nuke Sup Forums

Cal arts, it's monopolized the cartoon industry. it's hard for anyone who didn't go to that school to find work on cartoons

Realistically, if you nuked tumblr twice, someone would still make it again. Being a real life place though, nuking cal arts would not see it rebuilt, but we'd get a lot of cal arts memorial stuff.

That said, I don't hate either and choose not to press any button.

This. 90% of Tumblr's bullshit is stuff people normally grow out of as children. Imaginary friends into headmates. Pretending to be an animal on the playground into turning into a dragonkin or some bullshit. Performing increasingly stupid unhealthy acts before realizing its not socially acceptable.

Normally you grow up and realize you won't fit in with society so you change to be a bit more accommodating to those around you. But with tumblr and the internet in general but mostly tumblr, people find support networks for their retardation so they go around thinking that they're in the right.

>I eat 20k calories a day I'm so healthy

In normal society people look at you in disgust, but on tumblr its a super cool respectable thing to do

Calarts is just whatever the popular art style is who gives a shit. Give it 10 more years and its going to be completely different