9 Days until Sup Forums is BTFO by a 90%+ tomatometer

9 Days until Sup Forums is BTFO by a 90%+ tomatometer.

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yay plebs get to enjoy another mass produced propaganda piece

9 Days until Disney loses it because the movie performs below expectations (which was already the case for TFA not hitting 2billion)

Luke: White male heroic figure for a generation. Expect the vilest of (((deconstructions))) by Disney.

Just like The Phantom Menace, right? :^)

so is rey obi wans secret love child or what?

9 days until the retarded masses flock to see more nostalgia baiting, cgi-laden, sjw pandering flashing and moving colors

Actually she is he donated sperm to a interracial gendequeer couple who were "forcefully" steralized by the white supremacist empire but later on after the big war found a chance to have rey via having her carried out by a black lesbian woman (finns mother) who used to be Leias second in command


ok that makes sense
thank goodness the evil white supremacist empire was beaten and replaced with a progressive new republic otherwise rey would have never been born :O
but I guess alls well that ends well right XDDD

TFA did get to $2b.

Isn't the premiere this week in Los Angeles?

As someone with a lot of liberal nu-male friends, it's shocking how little they've talked about this. They haven't been talking about it at all, as a matter of fact. I brought it up the other day to a couple of them and their eyes literally started to glaze over. What does this mean?

It's gonna fucking flop.

normans have exhausted their hype bragging to their friends about how they're the biggest marvel fans after the IW trailer.
Disney dropped the ball hard.
They should've released the trailer for the previews on opening weekend of TLJ and put it on youtube monday.

>They should've released the trailer for the previews on opening weekend of TLJ and put it on youtube monday.
Seriously, how did no one think of this? Millions of marvel fanboys would have gone to TLJ just to see the preview.

Anything lower then 90% is a failure.

Franchise fatigue starting early because we're constantly bombarded with Star Wars. Marvel at least you can kind of ignore but Star Wars is almost twice as prevalent and you MUST like it because if you don't you're just boring and contrarian.

The normies who just pretend to like it for cred are tired of it because you can only pretend to like anything only so much.

>implying tomatometers are relevant

TFA made 2 billion and while this won't, it will get close to it, turning a hefty profit. That's not even inlcuding all the merch money.

It sank Justice League.

it didn't help, but the biggest reason was BvS, a lot of people didn't like that and this is a direct sequel.

disney bought the critics

Theres so much natural hype for this movie that you can be sure even those who will hate will love it.

None of the prequels flopped, why the fuck do you think these will?

Because it wasn't made by George Lucas. I predict this new movie will alienate even the nu-boys.

>no disney shills at all on this board

100% ratings on Rotten Tomatoes and we're going to be bombarded with Porg merchandise in fucking everything for at least a good year and a half until the Episode 9 trailer is out.

>Critics consensus: It's fun.

>I'm such a nerd xD see my porg bedsheets??
Boy I can't WAIT

I really wish the faux nerd shit would end


It's going to be worse than the Minions epidemic and what is even more horrible is if these fucking things weren't in a Star Wars movie they wouldn't even sell as well as they will but because it has the Star Wars IP behind it people are going to buy them just so they can brag about being ironic nerds.

Me on the right

Is the blue haired one what Chris-chan thinks he looks like now?

Got to admire his persistence on using the natural hair scraps he's got left.

>9 Days
Wikipedia says that the world premiere in Los Angeles on December 8, 2017.

What is this creature on the right biologically?

i lied de starg worbs
ebspeskally when rei vroom wrooms her liegseiba

No shit it'll be 90%, it's Star Wars focus tested by the biggest Disney suits in the industry. It'd have to be a malignant tumor of unseen proportions to get low scores.

reminder that Disney doesn't take risks and will only follow a processed formula to make this movie, meaning that it will be a rehash of some previous film that was successful.

Judging by comparative length of index finger to ring finger, a man.