>his wife has been out of state for over a month "finding herself"
>calls him and tells him she's going to stay out of state for an undisclosed amount of time and doesn't want him to come with her
>"She's not a sexual person so I'm not worried about her sleeping with other men."
His wife has been out of state for over a month "finding herself"
Other urls found in this thread:
>you will live to see boogie2988 self destruct and kill himself live-streaming
can't fucking wait lads
Is this fat turd for real?
will he an hero?
Did he really became a frankenstein with a wound for a pussy now?
No rope is strong enough to support his body weight
Quick rundown on this guy?
of course she is not sexual around you, you are fucking fat
>"She's not a sexual person"
it's hard to be sexual with a person whose penis you can't find
and whose shit you clean
>implying he would go through the effort to hang himself
nah i'm expecting him to go the helium route. he'd actually have to know how to tie a knot/use a rope/find something sufficient to hang his morbidly obese self from. he'd have to cut drywall and go wrap it around a ceiling joist.
some fat piece of shit twitch streamer getting cucked by his wife but too stupid/fat in the head to realize it. also became a meme because he wants us to pay for his fat surgeries while he himself is rich as fuck off of twitch sheckles.
Boogie2988 is this opposite of Ralphie May, he didn't deserve to die
>She's not a sexual person
Look at him, how can you be a sexual person when this is the shit you have to deal with.
I hope this faggot collapses on stream.
Grab some flour, roll him around, look for the wet patch
>he wants us to pay for his fat surgeries while he himself is rich as fuck off of twitch sheckles.
and continues eating like a Walmart fat fuck
>It's Sup Forums is assblasted someone like Boogie could find a girl but they couldn't episode
I can find any girl I want, the issue is keeping her without me getting bored of her bullshit and just going back to my hand
>he fell for the im not a sexual person meme
top lel
Why didn't you watch that hit video against you."
Plain and simple. I am already barely hanging on because my personal life and health have taken a very dark turn.
I cannot handle any more pain than I am currently in.
Please be kind. Thanks.
hello boogie helium tank arrived yet?
someone make a webm of this
Here is one
Can we please explain to me how I have a post about me on a conservative subreddit attacking me AT THE SAME TIME i have a post about me on a progressive subreddit attacking me?
what is life? why do I live it? afk to see if i can find a little bit of sanity before i stream.
This is the most hilarious part of the OP.
state of the white "man"
You also have colesterol cells attacking you, must be the ghost of a million fried chickens taking revenge.
Here's the thing about life. Sometimes it will lift you up, just to knock you down. Far as i can tell, it just doesn't stop kicking you while you're done there either.
Hard as all of this is, life just keeps throwing curve balls aimed at my head.
Bring it on tho. I got this.
he seems happy
>that time Anita Sarkeesian publicly humiliated him and told him to shut up during an open forum and he apologized to her
Literal cuck
>constantly crying about online abuse
>Literally the entire world tells him to just take a break from the internet
>Stays online and tweets about his hurt feefees constantly
No sympathy for him desu
>You also have colesterol cells attacking you, must be the ghost of a million fried chickens taking revenge.
my sides
I'd rather remain single and sexless than get cucked by a fat amerishart girl
Fuck this fat piece of shit.
It is the pinnacle of bugman philosophy. He is an eternal weak willed baby who refuses to take responsibility for his own health and plays it off like he's some kind of good willed sage to the reddit masses. All he does is bitch about YouTube money or paying for healthcare and how hard it is being an obese blob.
Do you think when boonga dies they will have to chop his limbs to fit in the crematory? i saw they doing it once.
Guy was really tall and fat though
I haven't caught up with Boogie for a while but has there ever been information regarding their marriage ever being strained or having difficulties? Because ultimately, while "finding herself", sounds weird by itself it's not concrete evidence to say that she's cuckholding him.
Does anybody have the comic with that line?
You can tell that Boogie has had that line thrown at him verbatim, when he's tried to initiate sex. And now accepts it as a statement of fact.
>These twitch streamers and video game vloggers always have unaesthetic piles and piles of plastic toys and 'geeky' crap
Minimalism - do they know it? I have that shit too, but at least it's just a single shelf. And get some books for fuck's sake, at least LOOK like you read and not shit your pants playing DOTA.
People as big as boogie almost always smell like shit because they are physically unable to clean themselves properly. They always have feces smeared in their many cracks and crevices and their underwear gets stained with poop because of it. His wife HAS to be physically repulsed by him.
Anyone have that pic of his wife with her completely platonic black friend?
how is boogie Sup Forums related?
>Minimalism - do they know it? I have that shit too, but at least it's just a single shelf.
clearly you dont
if you have any of that kind of shit you're pathetic, no way around it
>I have that shit too, but at least it's just a single shelf.
fucking pathetic. all my have are gray walls. you should kill yourself.
I would also like to know this
Also, what is the story behind his wife? Did she literally just up and leave out of nowhere for a unspecified amount of time?
ALSO, who the fuck goes to "find themselves" in another state? Shouldn't she be going to Australia or Bali or some shithole?
fuck off nigger
is the wife also obese like him? bet some nigga will fuck her anyway, they love whales
He basically had a meltdown on stream and said his wife has been staying at her "parents house"
what tv show or film has he been in?
>It is the pinnacle of bugman philosophy. He is an eternal weak willed baby who refuses to take responsibility for his own health and plays it off like he's some kind of good willed sage to the reddit masses. All he does is bitch about YouTube money or paying for healthcare and how hard it is being an obese blob.
Hes """""""white""""""", so none of that surprises me at all. He's genetically predisposed to being a feckless cuckold.
>"She's not a sexual person so I'm not worried about her sleeping with other men."
Source for this specific statement or fuck off
Found it.
>Because ultimately, while "finding herself", sounds weird by itself it's not concrete evidence to say that she's cuckholding him.
Yeah, but given more context, she definitely is.
Just learned today he is embroiled in some youtubedrama with this Magic The Gathering youtuber former friend of his who is being attacked by SJWs or something. So this guy is your typical anti SJW sargon gang kind of fellow who is accused of cyberbullying some MtG cosplay whore or something. Booger made a video supposedly trying to present both sides of the conflict, buy MtG redpill man takes it as an attack on him with quite uncharitable descriptions of him personally. Reason he cares is that he and boogy was pretty close skype buddies for a time, appearantly he once saved or at least tried to save Booger from killing himself after he had threatened this in a phonecall or something.
SO ANYWAY now Boogy are making twitter post about it and they are making the usual back and forth public videos about this, but we got a behind the scenes look through the based warhammer (also in the sargocuck sphere) Arch Warhammer, who says he was in a roleplaying game with the other guy when he claims his skype is going off with messages from Boogy filled with nastyness and shit, at the same time he is making twitter messages whining and trying to seem like the usual "nicest man on youtube" fence sitting and victim bullshit.
When confronted in on of the comment sections on this bullshit Boogy said something about going through a very hard time personally and medically right now, with his condition worsening. So yeah
TLDR: His reputation as "the nicest man on the internet" is all a facade, he will stab his friends in the back and threaten to kill himself if confronted about this. Also yes his wife is fucking all the niggers.
she's going to fuck the first person who so much as looks her in the eyes.
She's a chubster, but nowhere near his scale.
He got insanely "lucky".
Not him but all I have in my room is an anime poster and a videogame poster. Am I okay?
If you dont live in a one-window cob-house assembled by yourself with no power tools and don't steal your neighbor's wifi to post on a computer that you assembled from scavenged parts you got from thriftstore computers then you're a materialist cuckold soyboy numale
Do we know what she said to him or why she's left? Was it sudden?
I need more context to this context. You might as well pair up any wife that says she's "finding herself" and put her together with a rando who may be a friend or something. Who is that guy? Again, I haven't been catching up with Boogie for a long time.
>black fit friend
living in a house is for soyboys
if you aren't a wandering vagrant posting from stolen cellphones you're a cuck
A few months ago he was steaming on twitch and received a text from his wife, he ended the stream for a couple hours, came back and started crying and talking about his wife leaving him due to the stress of the weight loss surgery. Later they talked and he realized he over reacted and she just wanted to "take a break from the marriage" and go stay with her family for a while. He deleted the stream and everything went back to normal until earlier this week he did a twitch stream and was talking about having personal issues he couldn't discuss. People in the chat kept pressing the issue so he started talking about it and said his wife was planning on staying with her family for another week, coming home, and then going back indefinitely. She got pissed that he was talking about it publicly and sent him angry texts during his stream and he was talking about having a nervous breakdown. Now he posted a statement about the whole thing on his subreddt and said he was going to stop talking about the whole situation until him and his wife have decided what to do.
im too lazy to find his subreddit, anyone got the post?
Roll down*
>You might as well pair up any wife that says she's "finding herself" and put her together with a rando who may be a friend or something
No idea what you mean by that. The nigger is the wife's friend, that's all there is to it. They have been friends for a while if not since forever.
People on twitter started calling him a cuck to which boogey replies he loves how a photo fo his wife triggers all the insecure white males on the internet. So the image blew out of proportion after that, everyone on the internet knows about it, why don't you?
>falling for the technology jew
if you don't kill yourself and haunt hiroshimoot's mind directly, mentally sabotaging him to shitpost for you, you may as well let a random man fuck your wife.
dude, she blew up to like 400lbs... plus she's short, she's fucking HUGE
Aye yai yai, this is the perfect example of don't talk about personal life issues online when you're a big youtuber
got me there fren
can you blame her? The fucker is letting everyone on the internet know about personal marriage issues
Well I never
Post I was quoting was implying that she was cheating on Boogey with the black guy. That's why I said I needed more context because from my point of view it just looks like a friend photo with nothing insidious.
this is exactly what every """""""""""""""""""""""""content creator """"""""""""""""""""""""" deserves
Can I get a before pic? Literally my fetish
do you actually watch his streams?
Reminder that he browses /fit/
No for real, do people watch this fat fuck for the snowball of drama or does he actually have some content whatsoever?
Guy was having an anxiety episode from Anita yelling at his ass, and afterward, Sarkeesian was shamed into apologizing to him
>go to subway and put everything on it
>parked bus
Fucking kek
>Post I was quoting was implying that she was cheating on Boogey with the black guy.
yeah that's what everyone thinks.
> That's why I said I needed more context
Sexually unsatisfied wife finds black /fit/ nigger to hang out with, anyone with a brain would think something is off
> from my point of view it just looks like a friend photo with nothing insidious.
Lol you are fucking retarded
men and women can't be friends unless they are both ugly as shit