I don't get why everyone on here hates him. He's not that bad of an actor

I don't get why everyone on here hates him. He's not that bad of an actor

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he's a nigger

For a nog he's kind of cute in a donkey kong sort of way

The odds are you aren't white.

The odd thing is guys on here say he's ugly like they only want to watch movies with men they want to fuck. I hate how gay this site has been getting. Fucking faggots, the lot of you.

nigger isn't a colour

He was clearly chosen for being the niggest looking nig they could find without it being too ridiculous.

>nobody mentions anything even remotely sexually
user, I...

So y'all are just stormfags. Gotcha.

>He's not that bad of an actor
He literally has one emotion: scream. And he's not even that great at that.

He's an uppity nigger who goes full "fuck whitey" every time he opens his mouth and doesn't have the talent to make up for it.

But he's not a nigger.

>The Disney Shill Is strong with this one.

Do you think you have the moral high-ground anakin?

I mean, he's fucking terrible and only gets roles because he's a nigger. What's not to hate

Pretty stoked for pacific rim 2

This right here, OP.

Im not a racist, he is a shit actor and its not surprisng the moment someone dislikes something like him as an actor or lena dunham your a bigot/racist/sexist automatically.
Thats bullshit, they just suck.

He so desperately wants to be American. Same reason I hate Lewis Hamilton.

he also owes his entire career to whitey watching his flicks. nogs dont watch star wars or pacific rim. but instead of being thankful he lambasts white cucks who watch him and they say hes brave. same shit with with the NFL

This is what I dont like about him. Nothing to do with his acting even though all he did was breath heavily and scream a lot in TFA.


Colin Kapernick syndrome

Star Wars he was the beat character in the film by far, and Detroit was great for him too. Pacific Rim 2 looks like dogshit though

You sound like you have atrocious taste in film if you didn't like pacific rim.

Go ahead and tell us all the pretentious faggot shit you think is better than giant robots fighting giant monsters

It wasnt bad but it wasnt amazing either

he's just Hollywood's new pet nigger, soon he'll be disposed of like those who came before him.

I watched his interview, I think he's the most decent person of all the newfags when he's not trying to be funny. His problem is that JJ cast him for his colour, he told him just be black, behave like a baboon and that's about it. Now this role is gonna stick with him for a long time. He could have been the new Han solo, the new Lando, but the kikes made him Chris Tucker in space.

>waaah, not enough black folks in GoT
>waaah, not enough black folks in LotR
Boyega's another sjw crybaby

Looks like one of Dr Moreau's failed experiments.

There is nothing wrong with him


young Mike Tyson biopic when?

He's a nigger with hips of a prime time woman.
Also he's retarded (look up what he said about Pacific RIm 2).

yeah and he didn't have the balls to make a stand against that because he's a greedy little bitch, yet he constantly whines about muh racism. I mean if you're going to be all ideological about oppressors keeping your people down at least be a fucking man and stand behind your words instead of enabling it

>He's not that bad of an actor

Lies. None of the new cast can act.

He is a terrible actor though. And he's racist IRL.

Go read some of his tweets before he was cast for Star Wars and tell me that isn't some low-key racist shit.

I know, but the blame is mostly on JJ, had Boyega turned down the role, they would have no problem to find another starving guy who would do anything. Besides, they didn't even know the script when they enlisted. Same problem happened to Mark Hamill. Boyega had no reason to think they would turn his character into a racist caricature.

He was great in Detroit

Just look at that fucking nose

He's a race baiting faggot who posts BLACKED porn because he's butthurt that people don't love him like they did Harrison Ford.
Also, he's not that great of an actor.

wonder why he gets butthurt at people calling him a nigger

>his best movie is still attack the block


I hate him for the same reason that I hate ezra miller. Subpar actors, that if not for their connections and their respective races would not have been cast for their parts. Ezra miller in particular is a fucking scumbag. Thanks for setting the flash back another decade you faggoty product of nepotism

You say that like it's an insult, Soylent.

he’s ugly, annoying and a really bad actor. he is the ugliest leading man i’ve seen from that race ever. Michael b Jordan is a fairly handsome blaq man as is Will Smith. Michael b Jordan while a faggot was ok in some of his roles, Boyega is unbelievable he looks like a Fedex warehouse employee

I'm 44% more white than he is.

autist here, does she look uncomfortable or does she like it ?

we could have had a black american but nooooo they casted a britfag

he's black, handsome, rich and well educated

it triggers the fuck out of americans

because britfags are the best. deal with it

Fuck this uppity nigger.
Literally only where he is because a kike specifically wanted a nigger.
If it was a White Actor only chosen For His Skin then everyone would be shouting “RACISS!”
I hate the modern world.

Real talk, I liked John Boyega in The Force Awakens. He was one of my favorite characters. And before you think I'm some kind of SJW, let me explain:

He feels like a human character. He has failures, he bumbles around, he's often put in dire situations. Despite this he's still likable, he still tries to be a good guy, he's not an asshole to even people shooting at him, and overall he has a balance between being flawed and being good. He reminds me of Luke Skywalker.

Now, you want a bad character, look no further then Rei. Miss I'M A STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMYN WHO NEEDS NO MAN GRRRRRLL POWER. She beats the entire empire bare handed by herself without even breaking a sweat, and they'll probably retcon Starkiller Base's destruction into something she did singlehandedly. She doesn't feel like a character at all. She's basically feminist wish fulfillment with no sense of moderation behind her. I wouldn't be surprised if she was a chosen one too, but she's so important that even Anakin pales in comparison.

At least with Finn I know they're going the "normal person thrust into an interesting situation" scenario. But with Rei I can tell she's going to be lady jesus. This was bad enough in the prequels when Anakin was built up as some messiah, but Disney has not learned a single damn thing and they're gonna make it a thousand times worse.

1st one was great but Ooga Boyega thought the robots "need to hurry up"

it'll look like power rangers

White nerd boys are so sensitive and easily triggered. No wonder you don't get laid. Just don't REE up another church or theater because you're incel and nerd movies have characters that hurt your feelings

>Real talk
stopped reading there

oh yeah you guys are great, i'll look you up when I want to get some fish and chips and then have a somalian muslim throw acid in my face as I'm walking home. A literal clock is your national treasure, great country you faggots have there.

Pic related

niggers should act human first

She sees the camera and goes with it. How would you feel when suddenly nigged from behind?

fucking stop

>A literal clock is your national treasure
I see English isn't your strong point.

He he has no arc as a character though. Hes just a useless bumbling fool throughout the whole movie. If he wasnt in the movie it wouldnt make any difference.

why don't we get black chad bros like Lando or Apollo or Murtaugh

He's not only a bad actor, he's also a piece of shit in real life.

am I the only person who thinks that guy has no business being in front of a camera for a living?

he doesn't act like he's well educated

He's fine as an actor but the fact that we know he's a main character for political reasons, as stated by JJ Abrams, and the fact he himself has espoused SJW and anti-white opinions (attacked Game of Thrones for being too white despite being obviously based on European folklore) makes him unlikeable.

t. white but not a Sup Forumstard. just being honest.

She looks slightly irritated behind that smile.

he's not, he went to my fucking school

Fuck off shill



really? what was he like?

fuck you boyega go back to twiter


I think he's great and they should have cast him the game of thrones, preferably as a Targaryen. I really think he could have pulled it off

he should be a white walker

As if the fascist empire would hire a nigger lmao

he was fine, never had a problem with him, he hung out with some cunts though



your'e probably in the same group of faggots that flipped shit when your underage ginger princess didn't get kiss raped by the black kid in stranger things

this is assault




dubs says he's the GOAT

wtf is he going to play the part of the guitar or angus' hat?