Lord Beerus comes to Marvel's Earth looking for a worthy challenge or else he'll destroy the planet...

Lord Beerus comes to Marvel's Earth looking for a worthy challenge or else he'll destroy the planet. Is the Earth fucked?

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I don't think Beerus can beat the power of feminism and menstruation.

>somebody calls the fantastic four
>"Oh, Franklin, could you solve this?"
>"Sure Mommy!"
>wishes Beerus to not exist

gg no re

The heroes begin fighting each other so the winner can fight beerus. Marvel, Civil War 3.

Gorr was right.

>ya meansk there's such a think as a super sailor god?

Fkin ded

Squirrel Girl

>somebody calls the fantastic four
>there's no answer

Cats eat squirrels

Off panel squirrels eat cats.

Beerus fucks up gag characters with ease. There's a whole episode dedicated to it.

Of what use is that power level when you're unable to hit?

My cock will find a way.

Can she breathe in space?

can Doctor Strange beat him?

Why space? The rabbit guy came to marvel's earth. It's right there in the OP.

That's gay.

He destroyed a ghost. So she's screwed.

Willing the fundamental force of destruction out of the universe would be impossible, even for Franklin. He'd attempt it, and wouldn't understand why he couldn't do it. Then Beerus would explain, as best a god can to a man. Because at the end of the day, Beerus is a god, and Franklin Richards - while strong - is just a human.


In the very same episode they explain that toonforce/gaggotry doesn't work on him.

There's a good chance Beerus would get carried away or too mad and blow up the planet anyways.