Strangers Things is a poor man's Dark.
>Better Characters
>more intrigue
>no sjw bullshit
Dark>Stranger Things
Yeah but Stranger Things is shit so that's not really saying much, is it?
Just saw the end of Season 1 like 10min ago. Gonna have to agree with this.
It's consistent comparison to Stranger Things makes me not want to watch. Does it have any merit beyone le Stranger Things from Germany.
>mie netflicks orginals bettur den ursss!
it's nothing like it
Dark fucking sucked. SO BORING
The most surprising thing is the 100% white cast.
Idk how SJW still didnt riot Netflix headquarters.
Any interesting webm ?
Doesn't really matter when the characters don't even speak American. Get with the fucking times already it's 2018
They're not really comparable. The past segments in Dark aren't just drenched in nostalgia, if anything there's a pretty clear message of small town life being consistently shit throughout the years.
>ST has sjw bullshit
this is news to me. point out where/when. and no, max getting blacked doesn’t count you spergs
It's nothing like ST. It actually has good actors, no retarded memes (or any memes at all), a lot of suspense and good music. The only thing ST has over Dark is Steve
>german show
>all white cast
i was surprised too
Pretty good show yeah
Looks pretty good
I’ll give it a watch
>here's a pretty clear message of small town life being consistently shit throughout the years.
Fucking kys
Does it come with dubs?
the only people comparing it to stranger things are shills
no but this post does
yes but the english dub is shit, just watched subbed
No but I do
>he doesn't learn german to watch the show as it was intended
top pleb
Max getting blacked for one
and besides that non-starter of an argument?
why are you all so retarded?
>Dark is a better Stranger Things
>no it's not like Stranger Things because it's better
I still don't know what this show about, is actually like Stranger Things or not?
>I still don't know what this show about
no one is here to spoon feed you, go look on wikipedia of something
Does dark have any actresses who measure up to Millie in terms of acting ability?
The entire pointless episode of minorities.
you mean 'stare at the camera and make a 'i've been constipated for days but now the big one's coming' face? Nah, all lolis in it are better than that
>writer/director is swiss
here's your answer.
>no drugs
nigga, did you even watched the first episode?
i dont know why you compare the 2
But it gives a pretty clear message with what is wrong in hollywood at the moment.
post an intriguing screenshot from this show so i would get... intrigued, and watch it
>I still don't know what this show about, is actually like Stranger Things or not?
no. they compared it to it because critics got to see the first three eps and the plot there starts with kids going missing in the woods and some kind of a mystery glooming in the background. and since critics are just trained monkeys, the pulled ST out of their asses, not even bothering to watch the show halfway to see that it's nothing like ST at all.
like ... this?
what does it feel like to hold a woman in your arms?
if you love her and she loves you back it's all you can ask for.
It feels amazing.
I absolutely loved the handling of time travel in the series. I like a good (mind)fuck.
The father (Ulrich Nielsen) is trapped in 1953. The kid (Mikkel) grew up from '86 upward to become Michael (The protagonist's father who hanged himself). Helge Doppler (the crazy old man from the elderly home) died in '86 trying to kill his former self.
There are a lot of questions that remain open:
Who the fuck is Noah, is he the Antichrist?
Mikkel could have just returned to the cave with the time door. At the same time, he probably could have talked to his younger self sometime in 2019 or before.
and what the fuck happened 33 years later to make them go full mad max?
Haha true, I liked that part as well. Good shit.
I would't have placed so many bets on this show having a second season though. I wanted some closure in S1 and we got none. All storylines are still open.
they could have ended the plot pretty solid, but i really want to see more, i hope german critics have not too much influence on netflix, so far everyone i talked to who have watched it at least finished it
I hate how closure is slowly dying in Hollywood. Look at Stranger Things S2. What a meme. It should have ended with S1.
Kommst du aus Deutschland?
All of the reviews I read compared the show with Stranger Things. Why?
One kid disappears and the show has a dark atmosphere and suddenly it is "The German Stranger Things". They have nothing else in common (Except for 80's music).
They are set in small towns with mysterious things going on in the woods but that's where the similarities end. It seems like the case at first glance but the tone of the show is one of the most major things that separates them.
i guess, as i already said, it's because critis got the first three episodes in advance and there's not much time travel in it, just vanishing kids in the woods.
Based mountain jews
>They are set in small towns with mysterious things going on in the woods
and yet no one compares ST to twin peaks.
please tell me this is bait
I heard a few comparisons initially, i guess the simple fact that TP came out 20 years ago was probably why there weren't as many.
Ich weiß es nicht, die "Stranger Things" Bezeichnung hat sich eher wie ein "Bait and Switch" angefühlt.
I liked the overall vibe and how everybody has a dark past.
The Mad Max Ending was weird though.
Any monsters in it like in stranger things?
Nope but the Priest may or may not be the Antichrist or a demon.
stranger things had such a shitty monster tho
S2E7 was the real monster
tried watching this shit but by episode 2 I had no idea wtf was going on
Keep watching. By Ep. 5 you'll understand it all.
....Which the conclusion was that Eleven doesn't think what they are doing is worthwhile. It literally existed as a contrast for her character, she was given the choice to live out of love or resentment and she chose the former.
probably because I was watching the dub, those voice actors were freaking shit
>mfw we are entering the age of Krautkino
this was a good show by international standards. I'm really surprised.
Does Dark get good anytime soon? I just finished episode 3 and it has been pure shit all around.
is basically all that happened
I felt the same. It's the only foriegn show I've watched but I've really enjoyed it so far. I really want to see more.
>The only thing ST has over Dark is Steve
Jonas is a fag for breaking things off with Martha.
Babylon Berlin is better tbqh
Has the advent of internet from birth lead to child actors not being complete dogshit? Even the foreigners are shitting out good kid actors.
It's the fluoride in the water
all from fantastic to mindbreaking boredom.
Martha is a roastie. He did good dumping her.
Also, is Noah Bartosz from the future?
if we're going by timelines, could the future that Jonas ends up in be a different 2019? or would it be 2052?? I find that hard to believe. It was clear that the anomaly has only three points as well: 1953, 1985, and 2019.
also, Noah tries to capture Jonas, but the portal ends up sending child Helge to Noah. Presumably this must be in 1985 though? What year does Helge's basement have the child-like wallpaper in it? Police-lady finds the shred in 2019, and in 1953 Helge is trapped there and it seems to be the same ruin as in 2019, meaning it must be 1985 right?
Also Noah is Bartosz right? He gives himself the book right at the end? And he talks about "we" as though they are the same person.
Furthermore, Claudia seems to be much more involved than we know. Maybe she discovered Tronte's burns as a child?
And I guess, finally - what happened the night that Regina was tied in front of the cave. She must have seen either Jonas or Helge coming out of the cave? I'm betting Jonas as the Stranger because of the way she reacted to him at the hotel 33 years later. She seemed to recognize him.
You should be glad you can't understand german. It has the typical wooden german dialogue and all in all awful acting. Normally german TV shows look worse so thats a plus. You obviously only like this shit because Sup Forums is tying to be contrarian. Sry for the bad english.
No and thats a reddit theory if Ive ever seen one. They have completely different colored eyes, hair color, facial features and they did a really damn good job getting actors to portray the characters at all their different ages. Noah is not Bartosz.
Young charlotte looks nothing likemolder charlotte, same for katarina. So not all of them were good fits
>young charlotte looks nothing like older charlotte
You are fucking blind.
why does he take such an interest in bartosz then? just because he is jonas's friend? come on.
One of the only things we know about Noah is that he was abusive and at one point married to Claudia's mother.
bump for kino
Max getting blacked
Not gonna be him sorry bud. Youre jumping to conclusions with the 1953 shit too. They made it a point to get actors that all looked very similar and they look nothing alike.
is stranger things even good though?
am I the only one that was bummed at le epic future revolutionary army? I was hoping for a more lowkey self contained story about winden people, not some poor man's terminator apocalyptic plot
Nice until your arm goes dead and she's fallen asleep on it
regardless, Noah is his great-grandfather, they are at the very least related.
Man, everytime Ulrich's frauline appeared I got a raging bonner.
Post pics, anons
it all connects back remember Noah said Jona was just part of Claudia's game
What's the difference between this and Stranger Things?
Is there any creepy monster shit?
Is it sci-fi?
Should I watch this in German or English?
>Is there any creepy monster shit?
no it's time travel
>Should I watch this in German or English?
>tfw best girl is a raging lesbo
Is it scary? I absolutely hate horror and would rather not watch it if it's scary. Any gore?
>Is it scary?
depends. it definitely isn't horror by genre but there is stuff to find creepy
>Any gore?
some, nothing extreme. just burns and cuts.
I got more of a Twin Peaks vibe then anything else but it stands on its own legs entirely
Strip the 80's aesthetic from ST and it losses almost all of the appeal
Dark could be placed in any time which it does and it works
first post best post
Is it fantastical/supernatural or just a down to earth drama? I can't get any solid answers looking up a synopsis.
It's down to earth the first couple of episodes then it kicks in to full gear and becomes a fantastical scifi mystery.
>what the fuck happened
Nuclear plant exploded turning the entire town into a wasteland. They even foreshadow this in the very first episodes when they say Winden's power plant is the longest running nuclear power plant without a malfunction
Noah is very ambiguous right now but it seems like he is good with bad methods to achieve his goal. Near the end he says that the device actually creates the time hole and everything about the device was designed by Claudia. That information is coming from Noah so it may be a bit biased.
Not really gore, but you need to be ready with little kids dying miserably. Or at least the idea of it
giv ayylmao
It seems likely that Jonas was sent to 2019 + 33 = 2052
I don't think Noah is Bartosz because he seems to have a higher level awareness of the time loops than even Jonas, which suggests he isnt "Trapped" like any of the characters we saw who originate from 1953, 1986, or 2019
Claudia is certainly involved and that was something I found very annoying that they left as a cliffhanger. I think what is clear is that they are establishing that there maybe multiple groups "fighting" for control of time as Noah said and that Claudia is probably working for another group than Noah's.
What I don't understand is, what is the significance of events during episodes 1-9 if JOnas is sent into another time loop?