How many different Spots did Data have?
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remember when spot was a female and the writers forgot and he became a male and no crew members noticed or said anything about it?
eyyy I got a big ol spot right here for ya pal
all the way down
Goddamn it until now this drove me crazy,I could have sworn it was one or the other and later they changed it. Fuckers!
Eeee I love looking at cat pictures only thing I don't get sick of
That's because Data kept accidently killing it, and they kept replacing it with a similar cat to not upset him. He never noticed.
Is Data the Lenny of Star Trek?
Yes. Yes he is.
>So that's why he couldn't find the father o_0
>that episode where everything is "devolving" into primordial forms
>Either couldn't get a large wild cat, were too lazy to or didn't think of it
>Make spot an iguana
>so that we can tell it is spot, they gave it a pink collar it has never worn
This has to be one of the worst episodes
I find that I have always been intrigued by his sub-vocal oscillations, which, as you know, is a singular development of cat Communications.
>it's a mirror universe episode
>u will never play allamaraine with qt kira
>There are people ITT who don't realise Spot was Q the entire time
That's why whoopi tried to intimidate him with clawing motions
>find this... ATTRACTIVE woman some quarters ;)
what did she mean by this?
brent spiner talks about spot(s):
>it's a Picard playing his flute episode
>tfw all animals from your favorite shows are dead by now
The real question is how many spots did Jadzia have?
pitch me your idea for the next star trek series
What did they mean by this?
Imagine him "perfecting" the pet, the tummy rub, the ear scratch
Let's just say it's a good thing they have de-materialization technology as that's the only way they were going to get all the blood out.
sequel to voyager/nemesis. the borg were not beaten, just set back. the federation and the romulans are de facto allies as they must pool their resources to fight the borg threat, but the peace is fragile and there is still a lot of distrust as people on both sides try to take advantage of the situation
bumping to keep cat picture up for long as pos. really wish I had a cat
data should have had a dog. it's more befitting an anndroid who likes order and sstuff
The year is 2566
The Enterprise-G has been commissioned and is launching to explore the Gamma quadrant for the first time since the Dominion War, hoping also to establish diplomatic relations with the Dominion since it fell silent after the events of DS9.
Onboard are liasons from the Romulan Star Republic and the Klingon Empire.
The crew is a mix of old and new aliens.
The ship is roughly the same size and complement as a Sovereign, but with a "transwarp" engine that makes it as fast as the plot needs it to be.
The transporters can beam a person about 10 light years.
The shuttlecraft can do Warp 9 if necessary.
Replicators, holodecks, etc. still exist.
There are holographic crew members operating on experimental and bulky mobile emitters.
The show opens thusly:
"Space...the final frontier...these are the voyages of the starship Enterprise, its continuing mission: to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before."
Cut to orchestral music with loving shots of the ship traveling instead of some gay modern Westworld/Game of Thrones shit.
The show has an arc, but is only lightly serialized ala DS9.
It goes back to the roots of Star Trek, more TOS/TNG than DSC.
There will be memorable new races, fleshed out old ones, new mysteries to explore and familiar faces. Time travel, energy beings, Klingons, it's all there but done in new ways for new audiences.
Original Series time period.
A small ship making routine trips in the middle of Federation Space rebels against orders, searching for adventure and a claim in the history books. Maybe Star Trek: Excalibur or another semi famous ship name, to give some lore to pre existing but not thoroughly expanded ships. Also gets around the STD problem wherein actions don't matter, and avoiding the hassle of VOY.
search me, i might have something on me!
have the captain be an alien. now that is how you do diversity
What like some snacks?
He might be too old for this shit
that would be just perverse
i like his cosplay
>at least 15-20 years after Nemesis, can be more. no more going back to the TOS era.
>Focus is on a proper crew again, 7-8 people, none of that single character being the only MC bullshit like STD
>crew now has a few Cardassians and Romulans, with the main cast having one of each
>very soft retcon of Voyager because fuck that
>a good female captain. no fucking current year bullshit, but think the action stars from the 80s a la Ripley.
>they're on the flagship, Enterprise-F
>let the Borg as a major threat rest, I'm a bit sick of them desu
>the main conflict can be between the Federation and a newly discovered federation of planets from some part of the galaxy they haven't mapped yet. a great power, maybe even bigger than the Feds. conflic comes from the main crew trying to be diplomatic and make new contacts while the parts of the Federation and the new power are low-key becoming more corrupt and vying for power. so our crew is more and more tasked with trying to fix shit between them. so the main story will be this, but loads of episodes can stand on their own with the crew being introduced to new species and planets.
>slightly dark series, but not overly. less action and more scheming and intrique.
"It seems the Universal Translator is having a few issues"
Star Trek: Nogterprise
Yeah but we can have them smutty ear shots.
>no ex astris scientia link
The borg queen steps down from her alcove, strutting and stretching, pursing her lips and smiling.
Ominous yet seductive musing is playing, the tempo accompanying the rhythmic swaying of her hips as she struts around a room looking a monitors of various ships.
She turns to one monitor, on it is a new type of federation star ship, she looks at it and says "I'm back!"
Suddenly, the screens all turn dark.
[Borg Queen] "What is the meaning of this?"
[The voice of the collective fills the room, the Queen recoils in pain at the sound] "We have determined that the unit designated Borg Queen is irrelevant."
[Borg Queen] "I am NOT irr-" she starts to spasm as her cybernetics short out, her body falls to pieces leaving only smoking smoldering garbage on the floor
The monitors come back to life, all images show the new federation ship.
[Collective] "WE are back."
A dozen identical cubes in spread formation are seen hurtling through space at warp speed.
TL;DR go back to having the Borg be an AI that attaches itself, co-opts / enslaves, and utilizes for computational tasks (devoid of all higher brain function or cognition on the part of the thrall) the way bioforms use technology.
I think the Federation coming into contact with another "Federation" of species allied for mutual defense and advancement is a very interesting idea.
I also think letting the Borg rest is a good idea too. We hear in Voyager that they've experienced setbacks in their history before, and they even have fragmented records at times; the Borg are more like a force of nature than anything else, and sometimes you go a few years without a hurricane.
do vulcans have the longest lifespan out of every species?
>Episode thinks it's about O'Brien's PTSD from killing his mental cellmate in his mental prison stay
>Episode is actually about Miles unable to cope with returning to life with Keiko
Deepest lore
underrated and sadly lost on the low iq fags on Sup Forums
>No user, there are three
ITS lights
I would assume that that distintion must fall to the changeling race
Have a (you)
E-end program!
yeah are they immortal?
tbats a good gif
They can't be since they mention getting killed before they went full baddie and turn into the dominion, shit even Odo killed one of them. Dying of natural causes I'm not sure, maybe evaporating or something like that
resistuns is footil
yeah i know they can be killed but i was just wondering if they could live forever
oh yeah. okay so who has the shortest lifespan? ocampa?
I'm guessing yes, there didn't seem to be anything truly stopping them from living forever.
yeah. what was it, 7-9 years or so? with some people who managed to unlock their autism powers living some 30ish years?
Bashir blows Odo into a million pieces and they say afterwards that he is dead in the mirror universe so i assume not
Was Data a virgin before meeting Tasha?
Spatial anomalies
*dabs on u*
Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong.
A group of smugglers, including ex-Star Fleet people, manage to steal a small-to-medium-size ship. They set out for adventure and plan on doing things their own way, but over the course of the series, through their mistakes and the damage they inadvertently cause through their actions, they learn to appreciate the value of things like chain of command and the Prime Directive.
The crew of a larger Star Fleet ship act as recurring deuteragonists, attempting to re-secure the stolen ship but also often getting caught up in whatever problem of the week the stolen ship winds up in, leading to character building interactions
based odo poster
What if Odo really needed to rest but the only container available was a kettle but when he was resting in it someone turned it on? Would a changeling die if someone boiled it?
Are Cardassians canonically meant to have really wide shoulders, does their uniform make it look like they do, or does this Cardassian woman in particular just happen to look that way?
>it’s a ‘t’pol wants some BIG DENOBULAN COCK’ episode
It's probably similar to a "meditative" state where you'd still be able to feel the environment and he'd probably jolt out of the kettle.
Her uniform looks different to his, probably just gave her a big one. It wouldn't surprise me if in universe Cardassians deliberately designed them like that so they look more imposing.
daily reminder that the only good thing TOS ever did was set the stage for the much better series that came thereafter, and is to be enjoyed only in the same way that one enjoys a museum antiquity, that is to say, infrequently and from a distance.
do you ever think Quark peed in his pot? haha like how weird would that be haha
What would happen if you drank Odo?
Why was future Riker such a cunt?
Getting promoted to admiral turns everyone into a cunt
Daily reminder that you're an abortion
Why was Riker such a manwhore despite being so fat?
straight reboot of TOS except it's woke, everyone has macklemore haircuts, and theres dubstep
Do you think Mr Homn ever fucked Lwaxana?
It was one of the worst episodes, I can't believe it happened so late in the show
>Data is fully functional, knows tons of ways to satisfy a woman
>Does not know how to use basic contractions
>Gets confused by simple, common idioms
>Cannot tell a joke
MMmmmm, dat assssss.
She had him locked but she would milk him once a week.