Troy: Fall of a City

Netflix is making a TV show about the fall of Troy and ladies and gentlemen pic related is playing Achilles. Patroklus is black too btw Can we get a WE

>roy: Fall of a City is an upcoming miniseries based on the Trojan War and the love affair between Paris and Helen. The series is a co-production between BBC One and Netflix, with BBC One airing the show in the United Kingdom, and Netflix streaming the show internationally outside the UK.


Wtf man, haven't they learned anything?

Why do you fucks care?

It's not like you were gonna watch the show anyway.

I for one, could give a shit, because I have no interest in watching it to begin with. Where do you find the energy to pissed off all the time about trivial shit like show business?

Aren't you tired of spouting the same memes every time this happens?

and it'll flop


>love affair between Paris and Helen
can't even get the plot right, basing it off the movie's butchered version of it

>improper usage of brainlet Wojack
>reddit spacing
>i for one
>reddit diction and syntax
>defending cultural engineering and relativistic views of history which fractured epistemology
>insulting a demigod, patron of all athletes and warriors
you need to leave

Literally blackwashing European history. What if I wanted to make a series about African tribal leaders? Couldn't have a 'diverse' cast for that, nope, only nigs, no asians, no whites. But European history? Jam as many blacks in as possible!

Because it's fucking stupid. Does every history show from now need to have "safe space" race update

Fuck off liberal shill, you know what the problem is.

Well at least Paris isn't black.

Imagine Agamemnon being mad that his brother got cucked and they're portrayed by a couple of skinheads trying to get their woman back from the heroic black Paris and his brother Hector, the greatest fighter in Troy

Big budget BLACKED tv show. Great job Netflix no wonder you need to rise your sub fee every 2 week

they should make Paris black to. that'll really rustle the jimmies

literally all you need to know about this

>It's not like you were gonna watch the show anyway.
Why do you think that?

Because the Jews are trying to re-write History and passive cucks like you have no problem with that. And don't tell me the brainlet public will not buy this.









About time the pendulum swings the other way. How many films in the past have been white washed to oblivion? Remember Obi-Wan playing a sultan or something in Arabian Lawrence?

It's our time now.

This is funny considering the literal Trojan Horse of ISIS """"refugees""" we just let into Europe recently. God help us all.

(((It's our turn now)))

What would Rome look like if it was cast today?

like a village in nigeria

>brit stars as a brit
did I fall for bait?

shan't watch it because it'll ruin the immersion for me.

Is this a "Britain is full of Arabs" joke or are you just retarded? Alec Guiness, the famous cocksucking thespian, played Prince Faisal. Faisal was an Arab and was born in Mecca.

>t. pale nigg trying to claim greek history
greeks arent and never were nordic

casting a sub saharan person is big of a stretch tho

>hurr a fictional setting and story isn't full of white men, this is literally the holocaust

I got a crazy idea, what about casting an actual greek/mediterranian actor
why has no one done that?

Because Trojans were black. That's why the brand that makes XXL sized condoms is also called Trojan.

can't wait for the scene where tall Priam (an old white man) comes to kiss the feet of Blachilles begging for the return of his dead son's body

maybe they should've invented tv if they wanted to be on tv

This. Troy didn't exist. so it's OK to pretend every Greek back then was a Sub-Saharan African.

I have to admit, this bait is pretty good.