Sum up your life in one Sup Forums related image
I can say the same.
I have a serious face on the outside.
But in the inside I'm dead sometimes I look at life like he did when he looked at the big pink girl
Classic ZORO
i cheat with a webm
It's very much like that actually op. I had one of those kinds of upbringings.
Check Em
Words to live by
Better than any movie I watched last year
>Wrote an essay for school about Bitcoin in 2013
>Didn't buy any
They still aren’t worth anything
Ryan, big fan! Do me a favor, hook me up with Dutch-ess willya?
Me in the back
he has his hands in his pockets and isn’t even looking at Ana and she’s still salivating. lol what i would give to be the Goose
Fucking Sam
Is this a lynching?
Just another whore
They are if you buy then sell in 6 months.
I just finished watching this 1 hour ago
That is accurate enough.
Any one will do
>What's my motivation here?
>Scream at the camera
Bravo, Snyder
2 finals back to back tomorrow
Of course I'm wasting time on my favorite taiwanese basket weaving forum instead of studying
not quite Sup Forums but fuck it
have a webm