Why did he tell her not to associate with the black kid? Is this fucker a racist?
Why did he tell her not to associate with the black kid? Is this fucker a racist?
He knew she would drag the black man down with her womanly bullshit.
He wants nothing more for tyrone to succeed in life and is a awesome human being
Single moms are bad for society.
The dad is a racist, he was actually trying to protect Lucas.
He is a gay overcompensating
In the third season they will reveal that he is gay and his father repressed him, making him an angry person and unstable person, please screencap this post.
It's funny how he said to her to stay away specifically from him. Like, hang out with other nerds. It was out of character. Also forced blacked ginger girl. Literally most disgusting thing in the whole season.
Because every brother would want a younger sister to wait until marriage. She's too young to be in a relationship of any kind. Even friendships are too much, as they lead to trouble as evidenced, and cause one to forgo their studies and have poor grades. He was the hero of S2, and yet his sister tried to murder him with a syringe into the neck, which could have cause spinal cord injury, overdose (how did she know the drug was safe), and even the needle breaking off inside the neck.
i love how his father scares the shit out of him
>didn't fuck Nancy's mom
Definitely gay.
If this wasn't a series for kid the third season would have a flashback of his father raping him
but it is, they didn't even say nigger, not even a negro, series has less balls than bioshock infinity
>guy on the cover looks like billy
Screen cap this:
Billy's dad actually saves the day in season 3 and his wife grows horny for him again
>not posting the webm
Before the stupid femanons post here I want to dedicate a strong "Fuck you!" to them
inb4 reddit/tips fedora
Because he knows.
Because the Duffers wanted a shitty romance, and in every shitty romance thereĀ“s this empty character who tries to make the romance "impossible"; fuck season 2
Is it gay to want to fuck Billy?
His dad is probably super racist, and the season didn't have time to fill it in. Still no clear reason how Max/Billy caused them to move from Cali.
Why the fuck are you watching a shitty children's show? Are you a pedophile?
Yeah Max and Billy are actually super irrelevant to the story thus far.
Max was just to trick the audience, transfer student and all. Also just exists for more romance for some reason. Billy was just an asshole human character since Brenner was out this season
I feel like Max's family and 8's group were just a waste of screen time. The first season was focused on the demogorgon, but this season felt like it put the monster second to all the pointless interactions.
He is obviously gay. You have to be straight up retarded not to notice that
>not my type
holy shit he meant girls arent his type
aka HOMO
The whole poo in loo sister was the worst shit ever
>Why did he tell her not to associate with the black kid?
Well, I assumed he has read The Bell Curve, and understood that there are clear differences in racial intelligence with whites being near the top and blacks being at the absolute bottom, and that intelligence is broadly heritable, about 0.70 heritable according to most genetic studies, and that she would be cursing her offspring and all future descendants with having a reduced general intelligence quotient, or (g) as it is known in studies, and since life itself is an intelligence test they would suffer for this in both reduced success and happiness due to bad decisions and inability to withhold gratification.
Seen through this lens his reluctance to let her associate with a potential black mate makes perfect sense.
Not racist, but his dad was. Based character (who never did nothing wrong btw) wanted to protect his sister
Why is he gay other than because of you wishful thinking?
dude he is totally gay
Explain why.
you just have to get it mate
it is like knowing when it is going to rain, you just know
Starring at himself in the mirror like a fag. He obviously wants to fuck Steve.
Not an argument
His dad did nothing wrong.
So it's wishful thinking then.
I know that the writers probably intend for him to be gay because it's the current year, but he's just a teenager trying to look cool.
>writers hang a lampshade on it
>there are no gay characters (yet)
He's totally gay, dude. There will be a homo character.
can I punch you in the face if he is revealed gay in season 3? if he isn't you can punch mines
Couple that with his over the top view of women. He's practically a trope.
This show is for homosexuals. See how they kept focusing on his ass, and had females lust over him. Nothing similar in the way of objectifying women. Of course, straight male attraction is sexual assault now. Imagine the outcry if they had a male character admire a female characters ass. No, they just have inoffensive fagmount male types
There are only male characters on this show. Eleven and Max are kids.
Nancy is practically a man.
>Season 1 had YASS SLAYY
>Season 2 had BLACKED
what will season 3 have?
Eleven getting fucked by a Muslim.
Homo characters of course.
i thought they were going to be Soviet agents sent to spy on Eleven at first. honestly that idea is better than how things turned out
I'm not saying i don't think they won't make him gay, i'm just saying he doesn't strike as gay to me since he's just a dumb teenager trying as hard as possible to be cool.
Soviets is probably how S3 will end up
This season suffered from the same problem IT did, they act like racism didn't exist in the 80's in order to avoid offending viewers. OP's pic related and the bully in IT both hated the black kid but not a single "Nigger" was uttered and it was ridiculous. Shit son, I was a kid in the 90's up until the mid 2000's and words like nigger and spic were regularly said about the Puerto ricans and blacks in my town. So it's silly for a psychotic kid to say "Get out of our town, we don't like you here!" instead of a realistic "Go back to Africa nigger!".
Sorry for the autistic rant.
>Wanting your sister to be friends with a nigger.
>Wanting your sister to became a coalburner.
>Not preventing her to end up being a single mother with the offspring of tyrone.
His dad called him a faggot lmao
Is he, dare I say it, /ourdad/?
His dad was based
>kind enough to marry a single mother
>provides for their entire family
>gave your son LITERALLY one job: keep an eye on his step-sister
>he fucks it up
>don't even ground or punish him, simply give him the chance to fix his mistake
As one of the only black kids in a town of mostly white & asian growing up, the word nigger was never used against me, but it was used with an almost uncanny regularity.
Kids will always think it's edgy, whether or not it's used against blacks or brown people, and I agree that it was dumb not to include it. The words faggot and retard were thrown around casually too.
I actually got a slight boner of these scene and was expecting them to have sex.
>on vacation with family and friend in high school
>Avengers almost out in theaters
>mention how Chris Hemsworth has an impressive body
>mom calls me a fag in front of my friend
>b-but he pushed him and slapped him when he mouthed off!
Can't speak for It but Stranger Things is PG-13, basically. None of their language is all that realistic. Kids at that age are actually pretty inventive when it comes to swearing but there's not one fuck, cunt, pussy or cock utterance.
based mommy
I mean his arms are nice (fuckin huge) but his trunk is weirdly thin/elongated. It freaks me out. I'd enjoy him otherwise
the duffer brothers say they explicitly made him to be the bully alpha chad type character, they wanted to make Steve into that originally but people liked him too much
so what you said isnt happening, please screencap this post
the fuck is with all these fags wanting based billy to be gay? stop projecting your own repressed homosexuality
>you will never be this handsome
As if that archetype is routinely the one that turns out to be gay and is trying to cover for it.
it's like in It (2017)
he is racist but if they did anything more than they did (like making him say the N-word) people would flip the fuck out out in today's climate and threaten to boycott due to feeling uncomfortable
He didn't want her to associate with fuckers who don't wear bike helmets. Shit's dangerous yo
>playing with a female characters
>user, are you some kind of fucking faggot?
what movie?
/fit/ the musical
>welcome to /fit/
holy shit how could they ever recover
>associating with blacks
>I just want to look at a female avatar's ass all day instead of a man's! You're the faggot!
>Proceeds to talk like a woman at every opportunity, scam free shit off of people, and flirt to cause guild drama whenever possible.
uh huh
>n-no mom it's just the only character available
>there were half a dozen to pick from
ywn be this suave nor handsome
This. He suffers at his father's hand, he doesn't want anyone else to.
>i love how his father scares the shit out of him
It's funny because he could probably beat the living shit out of his dad if he wanted to
I enjoyed this character, even if the idea of a ripped superchad metalhead high-schooler in 1980s Indiana doesn't seem all that plausible. I know they supposed to have moved there from California, but still...
Please. He's a 17 year old kid and there's not enough size difference to overcome experience.
I just like that they finally got a true C H A D on the show. Steve is too skinny and nice, even his little freckled potatonigger friend from season one pushed him around. I would watch a whole show of based Billy cucking all the main characters' mothers and sisters.
lurk more mr.reddit
>Please. He's a 17 year old kid
He's 23 :^)
Also, unless Dad is a professional fighter I don't think his "experience" counts for much against someone way younger and most assuredly way more fit. They made a point of showing off Billy's physique more than once in the show.
How new are you?
canI get this physic by running my bike everyday
>stay away specifically from him
he was the only one getting close, in a sexual sense. billy can sniff it a mile away. he knows chaddad will go super saiyan if anyone gets inside red's pussy
Sure thing, kid.
Show is set in the 80s so his dad was most definitely in Vietnam and at least went through basic.
Your loverboy would get raped.
one of these things is not like the other
At best he is just tsundere to Steve and only him
He doesn't want his sister to get aids by getting BLACKED
Fuck, Billy is so based
how do i achieve this mode