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>BR2049 and Dunkirk threads all over the catalog
Feels good.
But we only have a week of this sweet time until degenerate nustarwars comes out and the board inevitably becomes unusable for a month straight

Is this Sup Forums's image of 2017?


Why did she have black eyes anyway?

eyes are the window to the soul

Me and you both.

Count me in.


newfags can't blankpost

But Sup Forums hates blade runner and blade runner 2049

user i hope you are ready for your baseline test.

Whats it like to have a girlfriend? INTERLINKED


please teach me




>no blu ray yet

"You're not even close to baseline"


Most iconic shot in a movie released in the past 5 years.

>tfw no more showings
>tfw no Blu Ray til January
>tfw the Blu Ray will not live up to the IMAX experience
>tfw no Ana de Armas holowaifu

>>tfw no Ana de Armas holowaifu
Soon...: youtu.be/nkcKaNqfykg

fucking star wars



What about android waifu who hates you?

Just waiting for the bluray so I can finally put it on loop and drift off into the abyss while it plays in the background.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry

>Mr. T picture


I wonder if she remembers me


I'll make her luv™ me

What do you guys rate the movie?

because in the advertisement she isn't customized to fit your taste. It's just the raw holowaifu. That's also the reason why she's naked.


wait wat. is there more of this???

Same senpai


Here's all screencaps from that scene
The movie is Faraday (2013).

Reminder that ager blew the fuck out of these soy runner 2049 plebs in the exact same way Sup Forums ,Sup Forums2 and /film/ patricians have

God bless you

Yo where can I watch this? I cant buy it anywhere until the middle of january and the only stream is some shitty cam version.

go to bed, Rob

>Only saw it once in theaters

This is going to be the first bluray I'll ever purchase. Going to need a bluray player and a better TV too but fuck it I've been slumming it long enough.

via long, empty and subjective derision?


ok, reddit


Pissed I didn't see this in cinemas. I'm not a big fan of the original Blade Runner but this one seemed good.

Ohhh Nooooo

>tfw BR2049 isn't playing in theaters anymore
>tfw I have to wait until January for the bluray

life is suffering


I hate to say it, but you really missed out not seeing it in theaters. It's one of the few film that I would say you should have



t. post star wars 7 tourist

I-I don't know what this means.

t. post avengers marvel soyboy

fak u, should've gone to the theatrers

i went twice

t. post paulson survey /r/movies parasite

I often think I'd like the original more if I could see it on a big screen. I feel like that's how it's meant to be seen. Maybe some day...

shouldn't the post be backwards so she can actually read it? this fucking sucks.

People in my theater jumped during this scene. Was loud as shit and unexpected

01101001 01110100 00100111 01110011 00100000 01100111 01101111 01101111 01100100

>They'll be throwing their keyboards at the walls. And still, not one of them is describing what makes BR 2049 a great film. That is the one and only thing, if done well, that would make me do an about face on my opinion of BR 2049. As long as they can't articulate its supposed merits, I stand firm that the film was a truly wasted opportunity.


c e l l s

>tfw you'll never get to be in theaters and experience this song and the Sea Wall scene again

she's just the right kind of soft here

> hurr durr they just don't understand what i said
> they are just trolls, they can't even post a video!!!!
what a fucking faggot. and there was a lot of quality discussion about the movie first 3-4 weeks

>I cant buy it anywhere until the middle of january
It won't even be released earlier than that

>ywn feel the seats shaking because of the sound

I had le reddit tingles during this scene.

>mfw the home release won't be happening as early as april
Have fun waiting.

Thats what I thought, kiddo. Don't step up to the bouncers when when you're a skinny manlet

You'll be screaming soon.

i was fully expecting to forget about this film after id seen it, i dont even remember the trailer except for it looking like an action film in the blade runner setting. but honestly its one of the best movies ive seen in years. theres been a lot of disappointments in the reboots and belated sequels, but this want one of them in my opinion. i cant wait to own it on dvd and watch it many more times.

Honestly, none of the music in this film is that good. The only memorable musical effect is the loud-ass French horns. It's unfortunate because the music in the original is some of the best in any film.

Even sadder scene imho desu

When there is just one big circle jerk and no other opinions?

t. formerly stated about reddit road and will say the same about the escape from new york remake

Post more ana



Great pic, saved

delet this

I would think there would be a whole line of weird fetish JOIs



Another classic

>Tfw one for my baby

One Luv



>On October 12th, the Tobu Zoo posted a photograph of Grape-kun along with a message revealing that he had passed away the previous day




The candle that lasts half as long, burns twice as bright

And you have burned so very brightly, grape-kun

Moar Luv
