What do?
>Calls you racist
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm not white, non-whites can't be racist
I will state the current year, thus winning the argument.
call him a racist for calling me racist
Call him by the new buzzword created by Sup Forums.
I quickly run to Sup Forums and cry about it
I’m Minority and women. I’ll call him a sexist racist pig.
>i am multiple womans
pull out my dick and start pissing
Ask him to giv milkies
i'm transgendered and transracial so I call him an immigrant bigot
Preheat the oven.
Call him a nigher and watch him try to explain why its bad for half an hour.
Inform him I don't give a shit and ask him what he's going to do about it.
His little Dustin Hoffman witch hunt has hopefully cost him
I put him down, anyone talks shit to me irl they get hit. Its simple as that.
>Redeems your comedic style
Break his crooked face and teeth, guy makes me ashamed to call myself a Brit.
Fuck his wife.
>Show ID Card
>Start calling him a white devil while idemand muh repartioons
Turn 360 and walk away of course
Cry on Sup Forums.
how will the world ever recover ?
John Oliver SLAMS racist Nazi sympathizer
Laugh at him because libcucks lost
I return the favor by dropping my pants and masturbating, as is part of american etiquette
tell him some of my best friends are North Korean.
>calls me racist
I identify as an attack helicopter ...helicopters arent racists
Tell him I'm jewish and ask him to donate to my twice gassed grandmothers funeral fund
accuse him of sexual harassment
but I am racist
I can't prove I'm not racist therefore I am.
Damn I can't win this. And to top it off he has no reason to say this if it isn't true so it must be.
Ding ding ding, we have a winner
send him packing back to britbongland
Call him racist.
Define racist
No you’re not. If you lie on here again I will ensure that you’re permabanned
Only a matter of time before the Chinese take control of this world from the Jews.
>Even nonwhites hate soyboys
Oh the ironing
Especially you mean
Nonwhites are pretty much the antithesis of SJW
If you recall they started on the Chinese because of all the smoke their factories produce.
Since I'm not a native anglo I'll pretend I don't speak english while insulting him in my language. Fucking bigot trashing foreigners.