lemme see 'em Sup Forums
>great attitude
>fantastic career
>was molested
Is there anything he can't do?
lemme see 'em Sup Forums
>great attitude
>fantastic career
>was molested
Is there anything he can't do?
Other urls found in this thread:
Reddits new poster child
whenever I catch media of this guy he always seems to be in a good mood.
good for him
Ron Perlman
What program is that?
>Impossible to hate
Hello (((Reddit)))
I hate niggers, get them off my board
This guy is based, did good on television and standup
well i don't "hate" him but i'm sure i'll get there if people keep acting like he's mr rodgers tier or some shit
*Blocks your path*
>he thinks we hate all black people
You ironically revealed yourself to be reddit.
best role right here
i'm starting to dislike this guy for his outbursts on social media
Is that the one with protect those mcnuggets?
looks like Fallon
apply yourself my man you didn't get the joke
/fa/ as fuck
damn i need to update my nude tayne to support VR.
When do the sexual misconducts come out for him?
he used to be, but he acts like a total cunt these days
before Sup Forums invaded she was /ourgirl/
Fuck off brazil
Sup Forums didn't invade. There are like 10 guys who browse all day, monitoring for threads like this to strike and create the illusion of mass movement. If there were more, you'd see more threads dedicated to explicitly Sup Forums topics with hundreds of replies instead of the occasional "I don't like black people in my show reeeee"
That's was the longest yard.
take your meds bro
she still is but many users don't dedicate their life to only one waifu. These degenerates are probably incapable of marriage too.
They're subtle user, they've assimilated here and you don't even realize it.
And here are two of them now
aging like fine wine & dat sleek collarbone
fuck when did he get so old?
Terry needs to play Barracuda in Punisher season 2
you're the ones who think they've "assimilated"
He dyes his hair on Always Sunny, it's grey throughout the year.
fucking hate this motherfucker. he's so overrated.
bonus points if you even know who he is
>implying she didn't get weinstein'd and loved it
was thinking that
Even his bad movies are fun.
Iko uwies or something. The dude from those movies where he absolutely rapes everyone who fights him
pretty much new age, indonesian jet lee/tony jaa.
He's fucking great
I remember being impressed when he was hitting the punching bag so fast and that one scene that rocked me I forget the movie’s name but it was amazing, the scene where he’s helping his injured friend and he enters a hallway and that music starts and he starts fighting guy after guy with amazing choreography, amaaaaaaaazing
raid redemption. His best
No way. I follow Ronnie on Shitter and he's fucking insufferable, super stereotypical celebrity neolib.
Not anymore. He was based as a wrestler but he let the Hollywood status get to his head.
Since it hasn't been posted yet I'll post the most obvious one.