This was actually pretty decent
This was actually pretty decent
Other urls found in this thread:
>Perfect cast
>Great action scenes
>Shit plot
It's one of Netflix's better ones I'll give them that.
no it wasn't
>not enough Frank
>Metal Gear-tier "Lmao lets hold our guns in weird 'tacticool' ways and deliver long monologues if we are important to the plot"
>Frank mostly fights corrupt CIA agents and their henchmen, not criminals
no it wasn't
Has the inital Sup Forumscentric hate died down? Can we finally talk about this without reading 'he didn't Frank enough niggers and spics' for once?
no it wasn't
the point is Frank didn't kill enough people regardless of their color
>the definitive punisher comics are about Frank mowing down criminals
>punisher TV series is about Frank killing corrupt government agents and their henchmen
>"If you didn't like this then you're from Sup Forums"
Nice b8 senpai
>the definitive punisher comics are about Frank mowing down criminals
only decent punisher adaptation
Which comics specifically? Don't just say MAX cause that's a whole run.
Fact of the matter is you only know Punisher from some memes.
back to v/eddit
does the truth hurt?!
>castle reading moby dick
realy maked me thunk
A little too on the nose, but at least they showed him reading.
go back
so it does.
>Frank staking out some middle management pimp
>in the scope of his semi auto
>suddenly chick charges in and starts shooting at his target
>waits until shit clears up
>rescues the chick
>stumbles into a multi million dollar albanian human trafficking operation
>Frank goes after some local gang banger whos laying low at his mothers
>kills everyone
>Fury waits for him outside
>Frank is now on an adventure to an ICBM silo in russia
>Frank goes after a 100 year old grease ball at his birthday party
>sets up the kill zone
>mows down dozens of guidos with a hog
>the CIA turns Micro which leads to Frank getting arrested/hired
It's always like that. Frank doing some Franking and stumbles into something much bigger. But he's always killing local organized crime.
>my shit opinion is the truth
He killed 50+ including the war time flashback, an user broke it down by episide a week ago, how many is 'enough'?
so badly?!
You're kind of just describing his arc from DDs2 through The Punisher, Frank is hitting crime syndicates and that pulls him into a larger conspiracy via Micro.
stop dumbass
Oh. That explains it. Are you treated for it?
There are medications that might help.
Should have ended the same way as "The Final Days" story arc with him and Cage going on all kinds of silly adventures...
The Cage story was called 'Fade To White', 'The Final Days' was the one before it. Those Youtube list videos aren't fact checked, user.
>no u
Literally 12 years old
you are only 12 years old? you must be 18 to post in Sup Forums
>netflix presents the soyisherâ„¢
low test detected
What would Frank do with these two Sup Forums?
the same as he would with you, not even bother
I don't think so.
>doesn't even deny it
Fuck off faggot
>Welcome back Frank
>War Journal
>MAX (Aaron)
>War Zone
>Rucka's run
His entire character is based around killing criminals, and always has been since his Spiderman appearance
fun show
Thanks user, I stand corrected. You are correct. Still one of worst ending at the height of the Punisher's popularity.
Hey, it's you who are conflating 'niggers and spics' with 'criminals'. I never said he didn't kill criminals, I implied there was too much hate for the show based on the RACE of his victims. Follow the reply chaim.
BTW, you still just said a bunch of whole runs, instead of individual stories. The only acual story you listed was Welcome Back, Frank.
>The Cell
>The Slavers
>Valley Forge
Shut up autismo
>it's bad because muh comics
fuck off
Um sweaty, The Cell and Slavers are both about Frank killing criminals
Haha can you believe this guy actually thinks CIA agents and their henchman aren't the worst criminals this nation has ever seen
Look up The Finders and think long and hard about what happened to JFK and why
No. This show is awful garbage
They're not just about that
>cia conducting an illegal torture and assassination program that led the murder of franks family
sounds like he was killing criminals to me idk?
We were promised a televised adaptation of a vigilante who's mondus operandi is killing criminals. Instead we got a shitty bourne rip off with some half-assed commentary about gun control and US foreign policy, and the whole weird Frank cucking Micro story arc.
Race has nothing to do with it
But he killed criminals. What the fuck did you want? A 1:1 comic adaptation? No one promised that. You just sound like some butthurt Sup Forumscuck.
>the show is shit because frank didn't spend 80% of each episode killing this one specific type of criminal (low level gangsters/drug pushers/etc)
>even though the main plot point is revenge against the people who killed his family, who are criminals
Being so butthurt because a videogame is better than a Netshit show!
Video games are hardly better than anything you manchild
Not realistic. Frank was a manlet. He should still be a virgin.
>Sup Forums boogeyman
>praises capeshit tv show on an autistic image board discussing only children's movies
>calls others manchild
>cape shit
I didn't see any capes
Maybe that's why you don't like it
Ironman - no cape
Hulk - no cape
Captain America - no cape
Hawkeye - no cape
Black Widow - no cape
Ant-man - no cape
All not capeshit apparently!
>retarded Sup Forums whiteboys hate it
this proves the show is good
What do those have in common? They're all superheros, Punisher isn't a superhero show.
No, he's describing different MAX arcs only, The Slavers, Mother Russia and In the Beginning.
I didn't like the trailer so I haven't watched the show, I just wanted Ennis's MAX run in show form, like probably a lot of other people.
No shit, Sherlock, I was pointing out those setups isn't that different from the shows.