>We're gonna need to assemble a team of supervillains to deal with all of the supervillains I create while assembling this team of supervillains.
We're gonna need to assemble a team of supervillains to deal with all of the supervillains I create while assembling...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Superman could go rogue at any moment, first recruit is that 120 pound fridge-boddied Juggalo with the baseball bat from Sear's.
>We'll also need a guy with a boomerang, and a guy who uses grappling hooks really good
She doesn't know at that point she'd have to deal with the supervillains she assembled, she thought she had them under control.
>What is hubris
Seriously, how is this so difficult to understand? Waller bites more than she can chew, gets into trouble, and uses the Task Force X as a disposable rescue unit for her own survival. This is comic books 101.
>you have to rescue the special package i.e. escort me up a flight of stairs
They're distraction for the heavy weapons, Enchantress (magic) and El Diablo (fire magic). Deadshot could plant kryptonite bombs (a normal bomb caught Superman off guard in the Capitol), shoot kryptonite grenades (like Batman in BvS) or kryptonite bullets from safe places, cause he can ricochet stuff.
So can anybody tell me why she needed to recruit criminals?
Wouldn't it be easier to ask non-criminal people with superpowers and offer them huge loads of money?
well, duh
I tend to look at it like a metaphor for real life, our government has used and still uses proxy armies all the time and sometimes they tend to turn on us. like said hubris
whoa this is deep
ITT - trailers that were better than the movie
Nice, sounds like basic US foreign policy.
Thats pretty much the US
to be fair, this has been standard US """doctrine""" since Brzezinski
>he doesn't know
She's a power hungry cynic who believes more in leverage as a means of incentive rather than...incentive. She prefers people she can threaten with death or consequence rather than reward or shared goals.
The only person on the team that doesn't fit that is Katana who we never actually get information on.
this is still my favorite Sup Forums related video
What's going on here? I know Quinn has "some" kind of super strength, but can't superman pretyy much move as fast as flash?
Don't worry I got a guy who can tie rope
*smack lips*
They're fighting under red lights which means Superman is a normal dude
And Harley eats a normal 6'3" 225 pound man for breakfast
It was a lead wheelchair
Why make a "distraction" a core part of the team, particularly in the case of Harley where her ties to the Joker make her a massive liability?
*murders a room full of office workers*
There's characters making hubristic errors in judgment and then there's being a massive retard because the plot requires it to make CGI fights happen. What Waller does is so stupid it defies belief, thereby making you question the film itself.
>kicked his ass
>boned his cousin
>outgrossed his movie
She can't keep getting away with it
They're not distractions.
Waller was trying to weaponize plot armor because she recognizes when regular people rub shoulders with meta shit, they tend to die.
They pretty much literally have this conversation IN the movie.
>This guy is just some shit heel criminal with a corny gimmick
>He's actually fought with superheroes and didn't die like everyone else, he's in.
Because they don't have access to other heavy weapons? She was trying to get Aquaman and Flash, as seen by the mid-credits scene, but was 'shut down' by Bruce Wayne.
More like
>>We're gonna need to assemble a team of regular villains and 1-2 supervillains to deal with all of the supervillains I create while assembling this team of regular villains.
>have total control over powerful ancient witch
>"yeah we're gonna definitely need this guy who tie knots and lunatic girl with baseball bat"
So superman is pretty much the world's strongest beta?
On a serious note. Could Enchantress take out Superman?
Yes, he's as vulnerable as any other human to her magic. He'd have to find ways to attack her without her noticing it, which he could probably do, but if she managed to get a hit in, like Batmanin BvS, he'd go down like a fly.
I noticed that cape shit enjoys taking things from various mythologies as inspiration for their characters. Are enchantress and wonder woman from actual mythology tho? I know the asgaardians are really aliens but is enchantress and wondy literal gods?
>Tfw you realize this movie is about a black version of Hillary Clinton and they were breaking in to delete all her emails
>poking fun at an Oscar-winning film
stay pleb, Sup Forums
Wow really? Fuck drumpff and fuck white people
I'm not that familiar with Enchantress' comic origins, but WW has had many. She's not based on any actual mythological beings, but she has aspects of Athena, Aphrodite, Artemis etc in her. Wonder Woman in some origins is a literal child of Zeus, in others she's made of clay, so she's an entirely different thing. In some versions she's as powerful as other amazons, in others she's much more powerful than other amazons etc.
The movie somehow managed to miss the entire point of the Suicide Squad, which was to give the government a way to do shifty stuff that they won't want the general public to know about. If something goes wrong, then the government can just deny all accountability by saying that it was just a bunch of wacky supervillains acting up again. Given the general zaniness of the DC universe, this is something that the general public would accept. It was never intended to be a group that could defeat a rogue superman.
The objective of the movie should have been some low-key, like a heist or something. Say some eccentric businessman has acquired some magical artifact that could potentially be very dangerous. The businessman doesn't really know what the thing is, but he knows it is rare and expensive so he has it locked away in his private safe or something like that. The government wants to get the artifact away from him before he figures out what it really does, but he refuses to give it up. So now Amanda Waller assembles the suicide squad and directs them to steal the object away from the guy. After all, nobody would ever believe that Harley Quinn would be working for the government. And now Harley's inclusion in the plot suddenly makes sense. There, now you have a movie plot.
Bonus: the businessman is either Bruce Wayne or Lex Luther, take your pick. Either option opens up many potentially interesting scenarios. For example, you could have a scene where Bruce is captured and he has to feign weakness in order to maintain his secret identity, only to escape within a span of seconds as soon as nobody is looking.
They should have gone with the plot of Assault on Arkham for it, the writers of SS the movie were stupid to make it a blue beam of light and major city threat.
might as well just send regular soldiers, oh wait they did that anyway this movie is retarded
that film was even worse
You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want.
I’m really surprised a board with such pedigree doesn’t recognize the most realistic depiction of a black woman in a position of power, that has been ever captured on film. Pathetic.