Surprise, surprise, it's fucking trash just like every Nolan movie
Just the same old inauthentic Hollywood crap just like his pals Inarrito, Paul Thomas Anderson, Ficher and Aronofsky
Anyone praising this is 100% pure reddit
Surprise, surprise, it's fucking trash just like every Nolan movie
Other urls found in this thread:
How is it not authentic? Wasn't it praised by historians for being pretty much spot on?
It's manufactured to be praised by critics and the academy
So it was manufactured to be authentic?
>it's a fucking movie
No, it was manufactured to win awards and praise. That's the opposite of authentic.
>just turn off you brain bro
>it's the griffith autist again
But it was a great movie, so you're saying Nolan made a great movie, great enough to win awards. Hmm close this thread we are done here.
I'm just pissed off at all the retards who think Dunkirk actually happened
Also where were all the PoC?
>But it was a great movie
It was inauthentic trash
>great enough to win awards
>jewllyhood awards
>any merit whatsoever
You have to go back
But it was authentic?
yes it was.
>spouting taking points without expanding on why.
I wonder who is behind this post?
No, reddit
Gee Nolan didn't admit he's a hack, must mean he isn't
3/10 boring trash
By showing the English as cowards?
>he just downloaded the torrent
I hate fags like you. If you didn't bother to watch this in the cinema don't say anything.
Nothing to with that, brainlet
>paying money to see this trash
a nolan movie is manufacture to be praised by critics and the academy?
do you know this mans history?
he's been snubbed so many times people have lost count.
the snub for the dark knight completely changed the oscars system because of the backlash.
he literally never got nominated for best director.
and dunkirk is a completely experimental movie, completely atypical from any war movie ever before and a huge risk for him to take.
so basically, your point makes no sense.
yes you should have paid to see it in cinema because it's the best looking and sounding 70mm imax experience in cinematic history.
it's shit no matter where you see it
>PG-13 war
Why? Why? What for?
Fucking shit.
>dunkirk is a completely experimental movie, completely atypical from any war movie ever before
The Thin Red Line did the same thing but better almost 20 years ago