Will Disney be able to do the impossible and make these characters critically and commercially successful?
Will Disney be able to do the impossible and make these characters critically and commercially successful?
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Tbh.. yeah, Man.
I think they might be the perfect studio to tackle this
Look at Incredibles
F4 has always been a family thing, not so much grim darkey going on besides Doom Galactus eating olanets and the Silver Surfer
Honestly the two Fanastic Four movies in the 2000s were legitimately fun watches that really nailed down their family shenanigans.
Reed should be the next big bad.
>10 mor year of pure gabekeano
the nuclear family isnt something hollywood likes to show
What are the chances that Reed, Sue, Ben, Johnny, and Doom will all be white?
Shit....i forgot...its disney
With Mickey, all things are possible
Id be ok with Ben Grimm being Black
all will be, but Ben is a trap now
Fantastic 4 are NOT owned by Fox, so no Disney will do nothing with them.
Maker was pretty fun desu
Honestly the thing that bugged me about Fant4stic is that Johnny was black but Sue was white. Like, okay, if you want to add some black people to the Fantastic Four, that's fine. But why weren't BOTH Johnny and Sue black? They're brother and sister. The explanation that Sue was adopted was shitty and stupid, and just sort of reinforced the meme that Hollywood hates black women. Either make everybody white or make characters black in a way that makes sense.
I'm glad Michael B. Jordan's career survived that movie, I like him as an actor. Fuck Kate Mara, though, she seems like a bitch.
This really concerns me.
You already have Ben there as your ethnic minority (Jewish) but of course they're going to make at least one of them black. Kill me
Fantastic four distribution is owned by Fox, they have that since 2002, they also chgange Ego for negasonic and Ego belong to the F4, so who knows ... let's wait Feige
but distribution only.
meaning disney can distribute whatever constantin shits out.
Constantin could make another movie like the 1994 one to keep the rights
>Black Jew
Is that Sup Forums's most feared enemy?
Dread it. Run from it.
Feige still arrives.
It's a shame really. Marvel owes a large amount of its success since the 60s to FF. I'd probably say the original run, while Kirby was still on board, has some of the best stories Marvel has to offer.
They'll make Reed Indian or something
Probablu Dinesh from Silicon Valley and The Big Sick. Fuck.
And Ben will be black because he's made of rock and to them it doesn't matter.
Ben will be mixed (The Rock, Vin Diesel type), Johnny will be an Ezra Miller type and pic related will be Reed and Sue.
why do people make pointless shit like that webm you posted.
Threre is a good chance they would make the siblings have black ancestry. The MCU so far has liked to have one of the members of a hero and his partner hero have black ancestry or else to have one of the main characters in a movie have black ancestry.
So they'd have to find some other way to have a person with black ancestry or more than one in much of the movies that are focused on the Fantastic Four somehow if their movies would continue the past trend.
fantastic four are so lame though. invisible woman? stretch guy? like what in the fuck
Worse than that the Jew killed Man and Woman marriage.
They should just ask Hickman to write it. He's pretty much the only person working today that knows how to make these characters work.
Thanos will kill all of them in the opening scene of Infinity War 2 to establish him as a legitimate threat.
Don't give a shit as long as Doom isn't a fucking meme or an edgelord this time.
also actual Galactus
Would they pull it off?
they would ruin it with quips
>Reed Richards not Aiden Gillen.
Goddamnit that fucking Flash Thompson.
>Hickman gets to finish his Evil Reed story
>He gets to introduce the Hyperbolic time chamber
>He gets to unleash the City
>He gets to go ahead with the original plan he was building up
I am so ready.
Evil Reed as in Ultimate Reed? What's he done after that arc?
They will all be white. Marvel only racebend side characters not main characters.
They will fuck it again by casting yet another lovable nerd as Reed instead of an ultra-Chad whose conflict is between greatness and goodness, which is the only way the character works.
True but I was never going to buy Jessica Alba and Chris Evans as siblings.
it's one of (((them))) they will never change him
It's very old school. MCU will find a way to make it work.
>Johnny will be an Ezra Miller type
oh fuck....
They should get Brad Bird on the line.
Plus eee if they can get movie right to Will Eisner's The Spirit and make a Pixar film of it with Bird producing at least.
Well they did they impossible and ran the franchise into the ground in the comics, so maybe they could work the reverse.
Fox don't own the rights to Fantastic 4
For fuck sake people, pay attention
if they lighten up the tone too much, ironically FF would feel like a ripoff of the incredibles.
Best type of scenario I would see it's some sort of Jumanji type premise in that a close cast of characters remain close through the movie with a single goal, with a sci fi setting (like Zathura) and some action, the broad appeal for fake geeks can be retrofitted by making it the "worldbuilding" movie and fill it with useless references
What you call pointless, Iger calls inevitable.
They will drain all of its integrity or creativness and make it cookie cutter like all their other films.
>boring origin
>quips from all the characters instead of Ben and Johnny
>villain will be a quite famous and charismatic actor, but killed off and mever seen again
>cgi up the ass
>little to no good cinematography
>Mary Jane Watson
>Side character.