
who doesn't get nervous around those pale devils

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I feel the same way about blacks.

This is why he feels nervous in the first place.

That's the whole point of the movie.

Satanic inversion. Everything they portray is opposite the truth because (((they))) are possessed by demons.

I get nervous around girls. am I sexist?


But user, if blacks didn't say things like this, I wouldn't feel nervous. If blacks had a higher average IQ, I wouldn't feel nervous. If blacks weren't so disproportionately represented in crime statistics, I wouldn't feel nervous. If blacks forged one civilization off of their own backs, in Africa, without European aid, I wouldn't feel nervous. How can blacks claim whites hate them "for the colour of their skin" in light of all these reasons?


Literally everything you said has been either refuted, justified, or proven to be flat out wrong in one way or the other. It's time to get back to your trailer Cletus why do you even have internet access in the first place?

fucking lmao

you mean one black person


show me where crime and IQ statistics have been refuted.
Nice. No wonder Hillary lost. You're never going to win support by just responding with juvenile insults and derision. You're going to need to learn that at some point.


I'm racist but you people are flat out insecure.

>black guy feels nervous around whites because whites feel nervous around blacks
>white people feel nervous around blacks because blacks are violent criminals
Yeah, I don't feel sorry for him.

All threads are Sup Forumsthreads now. This is the future the mods chose.


Niggers are often on the same situation as Cletus or even worse literally everywhere.
never understood that meme about "only stupid and poor whites hate us" and after it starting some communist tier bullshit about the rich whites oppressing them.
and niggers don't stop just here, they also hate kikes, italians, irish, slavshit, spics and others.

niggers can't stop of thinking about race, outside of africa they are always leftists, constantly making opposition to the interests of the white man, they are on a permanent race war mentality.

and people don't hate niggers for no reasons, they hate them because they realize every bad prejudices about them is often very true, and the fact that medias and leftists politics are covering or justifying it is even more irritating.

Every board is a Sup Forums colony

source on this?

no you're just a pussy, being confident around girls is sexist though


thank you

>Nigger = racial derogatory against Africans
>Uncle Tom = african-American who is subservient to the ruling race despite said ruling race hating his kind

>Nazi = racial derogatory against Europeans
>Cuck, Soy Boy = european-American who is subservient to the ruling race despite said ruling race hating his kind

He isn't scared of being murdered, he's scared of someone like you busting out their graphs and sperging out on him

Could an uncle tom beat a soy boy in a fight?

the spirit of the eternal g*rman strikes again

the desire for lebensraum is insatiable

This. It was a decent movie though.
Hey, been here long enough to prefer nu-Sup Forums than the former cunny-threads-infested liberal pedophile cesspool that it was. Sure, a middle ground would have been nice (i.e. politically neutral), but the current option is better than the former if you have to choose.


This movie was trash.

Can an American explain why white liberals put up with minorities that seem to loathe their "white allies" more than they loathe the typical open racist?

>Get Out has been seen as a satire on the dynamics of so-called "West Wing liberals", who consider themselves to be allies to movements against racism, yet do more harm than good. The Guardian wrote: "The thing Get Out does so well – and the thing that will rankle with some viewers – is to show how, however unintentionally, these same people can make life so hard and uncomfortable for black people. It exposes a liberal ignorance and hubris that has been allowed to fester. It's an attitude, an arrogance which in the film leads to a horrific final solution, but in reality, leads to a complacency that is just as dangerous." Peele said about the film, "The real thing at hand here is slavery... It's some dark shit."

>opening scene
>black guy walking through neighborhood
>"bruh this neighborhood is all QUIET and CLEAN and SAFE and shit. can you even imagine the horror? it's creepy as hell mane
I was glad when his mumbling mushmouth ass got knocked out

Ugh why do some niggers have yellow eyes? Fucking disgusting.

Blacks probably feel nervous around whites because whites use different mannerisms for expressing themselves that blacks might just interpret as displeasure.


The most important word in your post is "open". Humans can sense dishonesty and despise it on a subconscious level. Minorities feel this way about whites who constantly praise how great minorities are for acting like civilized people. They can get along with these whites but they will never trust them, and thus never truly be friends.

Conversely, a racist white may treat you like an asshole, but at least they're being honest about how they feel. If the two have no choice to spend time together, such as in a work environment, they may bond over time as humans tend to, and become friends.

The whites they are most likely to be friends with are the ones who are honest about their feelings, but their feelings aren't initially those of hostility and loathing.

Two most homogeneous countries have the highest IQ interesting.

basically this

far left whites either treat black people like children or try to personally make recompense for the sufferings of the black person's ancestors by being a total faggot. both of these will breed contempt

Blacks should get nervous around other blacks.

There are like 30+ Chinese races in China. Some areas of China want to secede. They aren't unified like Japan.

I’m fully convinced that white liberals (or as the Chinese refer to them derogatorily, baizuo) are sadomasochists. It would explain their cuckold fetish too

>it's a "Sup Forums breaks out their poorly cited and misrepresented charts, graphics and stats episode"

nigga what? literally WHERE are any of these so called refutes?

>its a soyboy thinks his anecdotal experience with minorities trumps FBI statistics episode

>all thread are Sup Forums threads
Does it even matter? this board has always been shit

Actually you would. Because you are distinctly separate from all of them and so would be a tiny bit afraid unless of course you have close ties with all of them but that's unlikely. It's just common nature.

ah those words sting every time i hear them in my head, i hope he finds peace someday

>If there's too many white people, I get nervous, you know?
>$200 million box office, 99% RT score, universally considered one of the best films of all time

>If there's too many black people, I get nervous, you know?
>Film is considered unreleasable, complete financial disaster, no distributor wants to touch it, universally reviled

Because you're holding all black people accountable for things that only some black people do/have done, all because they share a skin color.

But that's the reason why white people are uncomfortable around blacks.

I'm not refuting that.


>All movies are leftist garbage with overtly political themes
>it’s the film discussion board’s fault for noticing this

Political gain, self-aggrandizement, using it to attack conservatives.

>people believe this

>TFW all the most liberal cities also have the most segregated schools and neighborhoods

Really makes you think. Fucking hypocrites. Pic unrelated

>us manly Sup Forums folk are the opposite of soyboys
nice try twink

Isn't this true for people of all races? no one likes to be the only white guy/black guy/ asian guy in the room in most cases.

Speak up, virgin

>they also hate kikes, italians, irish, slavshit, spics and others.
Oh you are so full of shit, most Blacks don't even know what a slav is, and they hardly care for Italians and Irish. You're just projecting the thoughts of what Sup Forumstard American """""whites""""" think of other """""non-whites""""".

>People think racism is some new meme on Sup Forums

Of course. But when whites say it's (((racism))).

It is true, internally everyone feels comfortable around people who look like them, but Sup Forums is feeling triggered by the idea that other races can feel this too.

true, we need more black women
kill white women

What drugs do you have to be on to come up with that image? Asking for a friend.

>Dog fart

jews arent good with names

CDC isn’t credible now?

>that one where Maserati rapes the white burglar

>Maserati rapes the white burglar

This website in general was relatively politically neutral and will sling shit as any side as long as its fun, you shouldn't be suprised when reactionary posts were made against a new wave of posters came trying to push their agenda with mods supressing right-leaning threads.

>been here long enough to prefer nu-Sup Forums than the former cunny-threads-infested liberal pedophile cesspool that it was

the point of cunny threads is to keep tourist trash such as yourselves out from fully settling here, thank you for outing yourself.

Just because you're secular doesn't mean you're any saner than him. I'd trust a crazy fundy before I'd trust an anti-white leftist.

>implying a Nubian goddess couldn't rape your whiteboi bitch ass if she wanted to

'Racism' now just means white people who don't hate themselves enough.

too real user

seculars aren't actually secular
they fill the gaping void left in their soul with radical faith based marxist ideology

Try putting that in a movie

>the point of cunny threads
Nice projecting, pedo. Despite I derided them, you project your enjoyment of them. This board was infested with them. Saying that the point of them was to deter people is moronic. All of Sup Forums-related irc and discord channels are filled with pedophiles.

Hang yourself immediately.

what was that remake called with Bruce Willis where he goes around killing criminals (dark skins)?

you guys don't actually hate niggers, right?

it's ok to be white

Its funny how all non black races get scared around blacks but blacks are only scared of white people

I have a mild disdain for them

Don't worry, most are secret /leftypol/

>Sup Forums is still crying about this movie and pretending they saw it
>the whole fucking point is about how liberals fetishize black people
this has to be the single stupidest board on this entire laotion imagur

Jesus fuck, no wonder Trump won. IQ studies and crime statistics are irrefutable, so don't say they've been "proven wrong" to make yourself feel better.

>“For while when we had a black president, we were living in this post-racial lie,” he added. “The idea of, ‘We’re past it – we’re past it all!’ For me, and for many people out there – as all black people know – there’s racism. I experience it on an everyday basis. This movie was meant to reveal that there’s this monster of racism lurking underneath some of these seemingly innocent conversations and situations.”

nah i love black women
but i dont have much interest in black men, they could all disappear and i wouldnt care

That doesn't contradict anything I just said, you colossal retard. Liberals tend to single out black people to the point of fetishizing them. That IS racism.

>racism is white people being awkwardly nice to you
Why the fuck should anyone care about it, then?

t. liberal that thinks "it's about those OTHER liberals with a creepily fetishistic obsession with blacks, I simply respect them..."

IQ is not an accurate measurement of intelligence.

what is an accurate measure of intelligence than?

of course the nigger would say that

It's something a white man would never understand.