When will Louis Theroux do a documentary on the incel movement?

When will Louis Theroux do a documentary on the incel movement?

what is this image even implying?

OP is reddit

is that image implying incels have it harder and are stronger than women who are cry baby rape victims?

because thats true

He already did

>he recognizes reddits logo

Sounds like someone might be a redditor themselves.

an uncomfortable truth

>reddit managed to ruin being a virgin too

t. incel

trig if blue

im a chad bro lol

fI fuck roasties you ucking roastie

top kek this is literally the one thing you can't blame on reddit, incels have always been relentlessly mocked for being socially unaware ugly semi-retards who think too highly of themselves. The difference is just that people on Sup Forums pretend to do it ironically.

>Directs the camera with his eyes
Incredible technique.

incels can get raped 30 times and live

What a shitty waste of trips

the difference is that """incels""" stick themselves with the arrows instead of taking social responsibility to meet and converse with women

/r9k/ proved that most incels are just lazy average/above-average guys who hate women

>" "
>so implying she wasn't raped
>thus no arrow should even be in her
really made me think

He actually has telekinetic powers you know.

I don't get it, who would want to rape them even once?

t. roastie.

>its just Louie walking around controlling 3 cameras and a boom with his mind

>nobody wants to fuck me, waaahhhh!!!
Just kys already and eliminate your shitty genes from the pool, you pathetic beta virgin douchebags.

There are plenty of documentaries on the altright already. Look up the Charlottesville one from vice, it’s kino

It won't be done because incels are hated. Even the biggest liberals will turn in to "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" Randians at the mention of socially unsuccessful males.

That's an obvious false flag from r/inceltears, the sub that got r/incels banned from reddit. I know this because I'm a virgin /r9k/ faggot


>the incel movement?

Everyone who isn't an "involuntarily celibate" agrees, y'all...

why do incels trigger women and *oddly enough* communists so much

This is fucking hilarious for multiple reasons

Sounds interesting

wow im tough as fuck

Because we need you to man up and raise Tyrones baby while paying for Stacys art school debt

No it means that because incels are bigger and stronger coyotes they can take 30 arrows while women can only handle one.

who are you talking to?

>hated by reddit
>hated by Sup Forums
>hated by normies
>hated by women
>hated by right wingers
>hated by left wingers

Why do incels get this kind of response, in relation of all the other groups to hate?

i found incels funny, but they really drove leftists insane, enough for said leftists to get them fucking banned and SHOAH'd, i'm still perplexed as to why they saw them so problematic, they were just an /r9k/ reddit colony

i dont hate women but i generally agree with the rest of your post

talking to women is just too much damn work

Because they believe their cocks are their own, and not to be co-opted by the State to improve the lives of non-penile citizens (((women))).

because they wallow in self pity instead of going to the gym and changing their lives

its only work because you're nervous as fuck and have an agenda every time you do

if you're just yourself you don't have to be "nervous" and it sure as shit doesn't feel like work

This. My friend was an ugly 48 year old 5'2 Indian guy and he was having trouble finding a woman who wanted to be with him. Do you think he just sat around and complained about it all day? Fuck no. He improved himself and now he's a tall handsome 20 year old white guy and he can get any girl he wants.

The difference between us and them is we don't feel the need to whinge about it like women.

>literally "just be yourself bro"

What do you even think "my self" is?

I was in that thread, I genuinely thought it was bait at first

They have delusional and unrealistic victim complexes that go beyond even the most stereotypical SJW, they're hypocritical and weak whiny babies that refuse to change and expect to be catered to and babied every step of their pathetic, miserable lives. They're hateful to anyone and everyone for having any amount of happiness and/or success and attribute it to anything and everything instead of just normal human effort. Basically there's just something for everyone to hate, the hatred from women just being common sense.

you hear it all the time because its fucking true

rather than thinking about the "right things to say" and "how to act/behave" if you don't give a shit its fucking easy

its true if you stop caring it literally gets easier

he probably has money at least

low iq

I want to see a return to more quicky/crazy characters instead of grim and edgy stuff like drug addicts alcohoics etc. Incels would be could as well as communities like flat earthers.

honestly i have too much sex

you think you can do it every day but you really can't

I ask you again: what do you think "my self" is? Do you think it has anything in common with your self?

you know, I could sympathize with crushing loneliness that incels live through, since I was a loner and outcast whole my life too, bullied, rejected etc.

but the victim complex is too damn much. not-fucking is not in comparable to being raped.
I've checked out r/incel before and holy shit, I thought /r9k/ was toxic, but they took it to whole another level. genuine misogyny, not "not-agreeing-with-feminists", post full of helpless hatred, Eliot Rodgers mindset as a default.

you can't blame anyone for being unpopular if you're so bitter you hate everybody more adjusted.


take up jogging you lazy cunt

the point is you get nervous and it feels like work right? if you stop treating it like work and stop caring you won't get nervous and it will be easier. then you might actually have a genuine personality underneath all that agenda to stick your dick in her

you don't have to be funny or wicked kewl. i don't know how to make it any clearer

To answer everyone in this thread: The reason no one wants to do a movie/documentary on the subject is because incels are pretty much hated by everyone. We are a problem no one wants to admit is there. We are the elephant in the room. We are an inconvenient truth in a sea of comfortable lies. No one wants to tackle the issue because it would mean shifting their agenda

the "raped" is in quotation marks.

rape in 2017 is getting a hug from a guy who isn't above a 7/10. rape in 2017 is having a guy who isn't above 6 feet make eye contact with you.

eventually all straight men will be looked at as potential sexual predators and kept on leashes to make sure they behave themselves.

Chuck on the left, Sneed on the right

>then you might actually have a genuine personality

What do you think a "genuine personality" is, compared to a non-genuine one?

This is the level of delusional everyone is talking about, by the way.


So their biggest crime is just acting like whiney faggots on the internet, and the one time (Elliot Rodgers) one of them decided to lash out?

oh wow

you see. Denial, denial, denial. Lalalalaa incels don't exist, they just have to "man up"


thanks for illustrating my point.

do you think no "real" rapes happen? I'm not even denying there are lots of hysterical overreactions in that regard, but don't act like sexual violence/harrasing doesn't happen.

shit, I think I even saw once a post on /r/incels arguing rape should be legalized. and then you wonder why nobody likes you.

That post never said that incels didn't exist, stupid.

Elliot Roger wasn't the only one, just the most famous one. There was also that gym shooter and a few random ones that seem incel related.