"I will defend myself in court"

>"I will defend myself in court"

How viable is this in a real life situation?

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not at all

the intricacies of procedure and strategy are enough to make it worthwhile to hire a lawyer

and then theres the actual matter of law, which is more complicated than just looking at a statute book and reading the text because cases are binding, not the text

I mean, you could. It's just 100% guaranteed that if you don't take a plea, that you'll be charged at the highest possible degree.

But I guess if you're doing a full 5 year sentence, when even a mildly incompetent lawyer could have gotten you off with 2 months probation, you'll feel better about standing up for yourself while you quietly fap yourself to sleep. HONOR right?


No chance. Even lawyers get their own lawyer when they're accused of a crime

seems to work great:

It happens all the time on small claims court. You can just go to your local court House and watch cases all day. Judge Judy is not that far removed from the truth to be honest it usually is over retarded parking and rent disputes. It's just much longer and more boring.

In a criminal trial no way. Hire a lawyer. Even a shit one. It's illegal in my state not to have adequate representation.

Depends on whether you're fighting a parking ticket or you're in actual criminal court in which case representing yourself would at best provide solid grounds for an insanity defense.

Another big thing is you can't ask for a retrial on the basis of an incompetent attorney
Small claims different, but that's really the only place. That said I've heard of people that actually pay for lawyers for parking tickets and shit like that

The law is the original illustration of all professions being a conspiracy against the laiety. You could be completely correct in fact and law but screw up the procedure, or not know about work-arounds, and end up as endangered as if you were dead wrong.
Being a lawyer is actually a lot of work and you should not take for granted that you could do it without training. Enormous work at every law office goes into things that have nothing to do with the law and ideally ought not to matter: getting the right judge, avoiding the wrong judge, justifying a niggerless jury, etc.. Off the top of your head do you know of any judges, where they sit, and how easily they convict?

It's recommended 100% of the time strongly to hire an attorney to represent you, even if you are an attorney.

Robots will do the cases in the future anyway. Life will be much better.

If you're not a highly skilled criminal attorney, trying to represent yourself in court is the purest form of autism. People who try this think they're going to be a natural Jack McCoy or some shit but in reality they end up looking like vid related.
The only situation in which it really makes sense is if you're a mass murderer and the situation is so fucked for you that you might as well turn the trial into a good scene for the inevitable biopic.

It depends on two things (I'm presuming you're talking about a serious criminal trial):

1. Your understanding of courtroom decorum, procedure, and administration. This is vastly more important than any "understanding" of the "law" itself, particularly during the pretrial phase, before any jury is involved, where the judge decides which pieces of evidence or lines of argumentation will be allowed or disallowed. If you have never attended law school, you are going to get fucking smoked by opposition counsel.

2. Your ability to appear affable and relatable in front of a jury. Juries are composed of apes and retards, and no matter how they characterize their decisions, they generally determine guilt based on what they feel about the defendant. The average person is a fucking monkey with no real ability to restrain his impulses and biases, and mostly incapable of supressing those reactions in the face of any logic which contradicts his feelings. "The law" really only means what 12 imbeciles on a jury thinks it means, and they think it means whatever the most likeable attorney tells them it means. There are hundreds of people rotting in jail right now, and at least a handful who've been executed, in instances where a fucking crime never even occurred because they thought a defendant "looked guilty" or that defense counsel "didn't seem like a straight-shooter". As an aside, if you're ever the sole survivor of a house fire, you better run back in and die because you're about to be charged with a few homicides.

There is however not a chance on earth you will be permitted to defend yourself in any criminal matter where you're facing a serious sentence. The judge will assign co-counsel.

t. divorce attorney

>do cases
Nah maybe research and basic motions but judges and juries are not going to listen to a bot. Also, at least in the US, our common law system is constantly being reformed at both state and fed level, reflecting changes in public policy- so bots are not institutionally competent to independently decide or "do" cases. SAD!

i got a dui and hired a top defense lawyer. before i hired him, in the consultation, he said he'd had could win any dui case. he had a 99% success rate. i was like, ok, suuuuuure you do, but hired him anyway. dude got me off scott free in the preliminary hearing. with lawyers you really get what you pay for. this guy was a fucking pro. he made that cop and the judge look like idiots.

Slim to none

American 'justice'

>I will make the same thread every night

How pathetic is this a real life situation?

In Canada we have these services called X-Copper which are basically lawyers/ex cops that represent you in traffic court. If they don't get your ticket thrown out, the service is free. but if they get it thrown out for you, you pay a fee.

I used them once, basically it's a racket. All the judges/lawyers/cops/ex-cops know each other and are buddy buddy, so the ticket almost always gets thrown out/reduced if you use them.

Coincidentally I didn't even need them, because the cop who gave me the ticket didn't bother to show up to court, so my ticket got thrown out.

If I play enough Phoenix Wright or Harvey Birdman could I defend myself in court?

>common law system is constantly being reformed at both state and fed level, reflecting changes in public policy
We don't have a common law system. We have a constitutional system. It isn't "being constantly reformed"; in fact, the only changes have been in public mores. The system itself is entirely unchanged.

I can't fucking stand stupid people who aren't aware that they're wrong, and they're wrong because they're fucking stupid.

>"The law" really only means what 12 imbeciles on a jury thinks it means
>t. divorce attorney
what a world...