White Famous

Thoughts on this new HBO comedy?

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>Jay Pharoah

Cleopatra Coleman

>"black guys have it so hard!"
>everyone assumes they are sex gods
>everyone assumes they have huge dicks
>everyone assumes they are cool
>everyone assumes they are great dancers
>everyone assumes they're fast and strong
>everyone assumes they're good fighters and would whoop any white boys ass\
>girls will fuck them just because they're black and the big cock stereotypes that come long with it
oh my god it's soooooo hard being black

also dont forget the preferential treatment in school admissions and job hiring

Does she appear naked?

Its not on HBO, its on Showtime. Its also so bad it made be racist for like two solid days after seeing like three episodes.

Then I found out that the main creator isn't even black, he's the white guy that made Californication. Now I'm back to being fine with black people, but cheering on the fires in LA.

D-don't forget that they sometimes get followed around in stores. S-still think systemic racism isn't real??

>also dont forget the preferential treatment in school admissions and job hiring
Proven false. Quotas have been shown to hurt blacks and benefit white women the most and blacks have no form of preferential treatment in hiring, in fact, they're at a disadvantage especially if their name gives away their race.
And nothing you listed is really a positive stereotype.

>that scene in insecure where a white chick and a white/Asian chick are riding a black guy's face and dick

What did premium cable mean by this?

That is a lie. Affirmative action - Kennedy.

>none of those are positive stereotypes

Tackles a lot of serious social issues. Sadly western society is still extremely racist, so even if black celebrities are far more talented than their white counterparts, they don't get as much fame.

he cannot fuckin act his way out of a paper box and his stand-up is worse than mediocre
how the hell he isnt a janitor yet in some los angeles county middle school is beyound me
who da fuck is keep giving him acting job?

What? You mean they don’t have free reign to steal what they please and are expected to follow the law? Oppression!

Who asks for this shit? Blacks don't buy premium cable. Is the cuck population that large?

>Quotas have been shown to hurt blacks
I thought you needed an IQ above 70 to post here?

>Proven false because I said so, white boi
Black people absolutely get preferential treatment in school admissions. As for hiring, preferential treatment for blacks through affirmative action is literally US law.

Affirmative action has not been “proven false,” it is literally federal law.

I think it's funny how their only examples of racism left in the US (can't get a taxi, followed in stores) are basically just the free market telling you that blacks are pieces of shit. Another one that they never bring up but is a perfect example is how prostitutes will commonly put "no black men" in their ads

Why are niggers posting here then?

>be poor black kid
>do good in high school
>every Ivy League school offers you full ride

Yea nah, no preferential treatment here

Around 37% of white men voted for Clinton. So yeah.

i think you mean do good in sports, not academics

No, user. Google black kid Ivy League or something like that. Every year there is a story about some kid with offers from every Ivy League school just bc they are black, poor and did good. Not even great, just like good for an average white kid, like 4.0

Well this scene was a criticism of white chicks who fetishize black guys.

post the fucking webm

That they have good sex? Nice (((criticism)). A better one would be showing the white girls raising a half breed alone and washed up

>And nothing you listed is really a positive stereotype.


This...IS HOT.

>Quotas have been shown to hurt blacks and benefit white women the most and blacks have no form of preferential treatment in hiring, in fact

lol, come to my workplace anytime friendo.

>am black
>just a regular guy
>women arent falling all over themselves to impale themselves on my BBC

goddamn jewish media

They're ditzes who can't pay for their alcohol, so he buys it for them. They ask him if he likes The Weeknd and other black things, assume he's the aforementioned sex god with baseball-bat dick, invite him back to their place, and then treat him like shit when he cums in one chick and can't immediately get it back up for the other one.

man i have insecurity about this

i hope women dont expect all black guys to have a bbc

you reap what you sow

i didnt sow shit son im not the CEO of blacked

i feel for you man. i've thought about this one before. ten years ago we all thought the average dick size was like six inches but more like seven for black dudes. now we know it's under 5.5 inches for everyone. that's millions of dudes who have been walking around for decades thinking they have a small dick when really its fine

it's gotta be particularly rough for gentlemen of african extraction such as yourself. there's expectations the vast majority of you simply can't meet

Yea it must suck that women assume they have big dicks and want to fuck them

>being this fucking stupid

well we can't know for sure so I'm saying you sowed it, sowboy

Take on a thug persona or any character from a movie and they'll be on your jock to live out their wild fantasy. White women dont go after based intelligent black men they go after thugs, flashy niggas, dumb niggers who blow cash on stupid things, connected niggas that will take them to the next level or dick, thrill boyz...

Dumb cunts like to play w/ fire. Emulate this and you get roastie pussy.
That being said, its not worth the personal sacrifice. Pussy is pussy. It's a fleeting memory/nut after you bust. What's this show supposed to be about? White roasties fucking black successful men?

webm pls

you guys have to stop watching porn, it's really messing up your perception, 6- 8 inches is great for most women. youtube.com/watch?v=YpQkcBPMjrA#t=02m51s

tried that, it's mentally exhausting. toned it down and decided to just 'b myself' with a splash of being cocky/flirty and that works too but i found out i hate talking to people longer than 5 minutes

id rather go home and read a book

time was stamped for at the 2min 52 sec mark

but the only reason the women want to fuck them is because they think they have big dicks. when they find out that it's not the case, the sense of disappointment must be so strong you could feel it in the air

imagine that -- knowing that because of the color of your skin many women only value you at all because they think you have a big dick. to them, you're not even a human, just a sex object. it's the one thing you're supposed to have that makes you valuable in their eyes, but you don't actually have it. shit, i bet you could even see it in their eyes the moment they realized the truth and you became a worthless mistake to them

fuck man no wonder so many of our african brothers try to put up a macho front all the time, that insecurity must be brutal

thisinsert feelsbadman.jpg

they weren't even close, there's nothing going on in this scene.

stop getting all your information about real life from cuckolds posting about their fetish on Sup Forums (who am I kidding, you are one of them)

IRL being black is a disadvantage to getting women.

sorry but 8 inches is too much for most women without hurting them

only had one girl I could gape fuck as hard as possible and she was like 5'11" 230 with cankles

>everyone assumes
You mean "the average amerilard assumes"?
Because here in Europe when you think about niggers we assumes more like:
>a fake refugee
>a thief
>a rapist
>an uneducated useless to society person
>a welfare parasite
>someone who should clearly be deported

Isnt jamie fox married, katie holmes must be a real piece of garbage to put up with this.

jesus christ they're really going into overdrive on the propaganda aren't they?

>women treat you as a sex object
>afterwards they might be disappointed

You are missing the point. Being black means women will have sex with you for that reason alone. Who gives a shit if a roastie is dissapointed afterwards?

Oh man, here's comes the triggered white boi and his collection of racist infographs

> everyone has huge expectations of them that they can only ever disappoint, being esmasculated daily for the stereotypes put on them
I love being an olive skinned god, no expectations to have a big dick, no expectations to be like white actors, just do my own thing and surprise bitches.


>online dating
Kek. Meanwhile in reality, Southern gets MULATTO'd

Those guys' dicks are probably 4 inches desu

ya info is raycis

>>everyone assumes they are sex gods
>>everyone assumes they have huge dicks
>everyone assumes they are great dancers
>everyone assumes they're fast and strong
>everyone assumes they're good fighters and would whoop any white boys ass\
>everyone assumes they are cool

Why are you acting like any of these are good things? White men don't have any of these expectations thrown at them, y'all have it easy as fuck.
You can be corny, short, non-athletic, openly emotional and not have a huge dick all without being harshly judged for it.

I'm expected to be an emotionless Trevante Rhodes lookin ass nigga with a 9 inch dick, MJ dance moves and ball like Lebron. Fuck you.

tfw the other kids made fun of me for not being good at basketball

jokes on them though i have 500k in my bitcoin portfolio

if only i could cash out

brothers have feelings too user.

have some sympathy you monster

whytes aren’t allowed to be any of those things lol, being ugly, short, corny, unathletic and poorly endowed means low social status. and whytes are also expected to be wealthy, extremely polite, conscientious, fit, happy, intelligent and well educated all of which require effort, and luck of course.

that's the point they don't ask for it. A normal profit-maximising industry wouldn't request and produce this content again and again and again.

Enough of the audience are willing to go with it that it isn't a total loss or failure, but they're intentionally passing on the opportunity on commissioning and producing more profitable content with a broader appeal because the staff and management in a lot of these networks and production companies have a broadly shared progressive agenda that means pushing black men as much as possible.

their aim isn't even to be progressive by being diverse: the number of roles for arabs, indians, east asians is miniscule . it's genuinely all about trying to push black people down audiences throats as much as possible.

>Why are you acting like any of these are good things?
because they are

>I'm expected to be an emotionless Trevante Rhodes lookin ass nigga with a 9 inch dick, MJ dance moves and ball like Lebron
get back to work on your self improvement then, lazy fuck.

>whites have no expectations
>white beta school shooter is a well known trope at this point

that does actually sound shitty

i do enjoy those "black girl hero fucks white school shooter to save classmates" porn videos though

As stated :
> its not worth the personal sacrifice.
Good to hear you're on the higher road brother.
Might want to look into :

As well.. Not everyone enjoys slamming roastie pussy. Probably some of the most empty regretful experiences I ever had especially if it requires me to step outside of myself. Would rather beat off.

Not really, feels good to be liberated from a destructive social norm that amounts to nothing in hindsight. Feels good to know who you are and know you don't need empty fleeting experiences to feel at home or proud of yourself. That being said, I watched the trailer but it looks meh.. Another hollywood production about how degenerate and retarded California is that you need to engage in destructive behavior to pay rent

GENTLEMEN GENTLEMEN PLEASE, this is what the bitches want, this is how we get to be pic related for all men if we're not careful, get your manly confidence back and don't let the women (((logic))) or porn propaganda, ever have a say in your life. Also enough four-play and you'll have her like that.

>people don't use dating apps.
hurr your cherry picked example is much more convincing than aggregated data from 2.4 million interactions

this, whites do not possess the part of the brain that functions for empathy

that's fuckin rough bro

keep your head up, 95% of people are fucking worthless anyway. who cares what they think

maybe because we have higher pain tolerance we are less sensitive to the suffering of others

BLACKED, nice.

>Another hollywood production about how degenerate and retarded California is that you need to engage in destructive behavior to pay rent

lel yea, that wasn't really the point it, was just about how easily satisfied the women was with the size of his dick. Not that what you said isn't true though.

Also I'm more so talking about not selling yourself short or being less then, just for some pussy.

None of that shit is true. There are thousands of ugly famous white men, like Colin Farrell. And who's a short white guy? Okay, no men are allowed to be short, I'll admit that.
Corny? Fuck, yeah. White people LOVE corny shit. You know how many twink ass lookin white niggas act like a bitch under the guise of art and get mad hoes and clout?
And dick size literally does not matter in the slightest if you're white. No one cares because they expect it to be small.

foh with that bullshit.

>>everyone assumes they have huge dicks

sometimes this makes me laugh thinking about. the difference between the average white and black penis in the west is something like 0.4 inches. I can't imagine how many white women sleep with a black guy expecting it to always be huge, and end up seriously disappointed

>be none of the above
>get called white
>not seen as a "brotha"
>no automatic normie credits because I never knew how to be hip
>can't play basketball

or in actually you have not suffered pain in any real sense therefore you have no way of identifying it and live in blissful ignorance waiting for your just condemnation straight from the mouth of god himself, fuckface


more like 0.0 inches desu

what is this from


>white beta school shooter
you know how many white bitches idolize and get off to the Columbine shooters? You have nothing to be insecure about, white women are freaks and have no standards.

It's shitty as fuck, I'm 5'4, fat, and bipolar.

the feels is too strong with this one loool

read the title of the thread

lose w8 then m8, lets go bud

They only like school shooters AFTER they go on a murder suicide though.

Man I'm glad I live in a country with zero blacks and retards like the USA

>White men don't have any of these expectations thrown at them

But they are still obligated to follow them, being white wont shield you from being ridiculed for having a small dick or being wimpy, its just less surprising

Would you want a relationship with a roastie who just wants to fuck you? Size doesn't matter to someone you would settle down with. So basically you have an advantage on whites as far as fucking and no real disadvantage as far as finding love. Fuck u

>reality is stupid

Yeah, were both saying the same things from a similar body of experience. *gives bro hug

This is true from what I've see whites are usually suppose to be or at least give off some form of a chad thurdercock character to white women

god bless bud

I didn't say "nigga" till 10th grade and I grew up on The Beatles instead of hip-hop, I feel you.
It's like one foot is in white culture and the other in black culture. I feel like a fraud. If you don't grow up consuming black culture and are isolated (voluntarily or involuntarily) you won't know how to socialize with other black people later and you definitely have no chance at getting with a black woman (this isn't mad bougie and elitist).
