Is Prince Philip actually that badass?
Is Prince Philip actually that badass?
> dat BONG face profile
Don't know but he talks shit about chinks and Indians and people love him
>Prince Philip
>While on an official visit to China in 1986 he told a group of British exchange students staying in the city of Xian: “If you stay here much longer you’ll all be slitty-eyed.”
>Speaking to a driving instructor in Oban, Scotland, in 1995 he asked: "How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to get them through the test?"
>He told a 1986 meeting of the World Wildlife Fund: "If it has got four legs and it is not a chair, if it has got two wings and it flies but is not an aeroplane, and if it swims and it is not a submarine, the Cantonese will eat it."
National treasure
The man is banter incarnate
It’s kinda sad that Charles turned out to be so beta compared to his father. Is Prince Philip secretly disappointed?
Prince Philip apparently failed to recognise Oscar-winning Australian actress Cate Blanchett when they met in 2008.
When Blanchett explained she worked in film, he reportedly began talking about his DVD player.
“There’s a cord sticking out of the back of the machine. Might you tell me where it goes?” Mr Abbott, then federal opposition leader, recounted the Blanchett story at a special government reception to welcome the Queen and Prince Philip during their 2011 Australian tour.
Deaf? If you are near there, no wonder you are deaf." (to young deaf people in Cardiff, in 1999, referring to a school's steel band).
fucking hell
"You are a woman, aren't you?"(In Kenya, in 1984, after accepting a small gift from a local woman).
The last one is an actual Chinese idiom though.
"You're too fat to be an astronaut." (to 13-year-old Andrew Adams who told Philip he wanted to go into space. Salford, 2001).
Prince Philip was mentioned in dispatches as a naval officer at the Battle of Cape Matapan, one of the last fleet actions of the British Navy
How did the queen manage to snag him? She’s pretty average looking and he was pretty handsome when he was young
She's the fucking Queen of Britain. I'd imagine that had a lot of pull. Plus that was back when Britain still had an empire, which it doesn't now. At least not at the moment.
He fell in love with her? Literally no one wanted her to marry him except maybe his uncle for his own interests
Probably because she was the Queen.
shes the fucking queen
More of a Chad lad than actually badass
He is
>To Simon Kelner, republican editor of The Independent, at Windsor Castle reception: “What are you doing here?” “I was invited, sir.” Philip: “Well, you didn’t have to come.”
>After accepting a conservation award in Thailand in 1991: “Your country is one of the most notorious centres of trading in endangered species.”
>To a British trekker in Papua New Guinea, 1998: “You managed not to get eaten then?”
>Using Hitler’s title to address German chancellor Helmut Kohl in 1997, he called him: “Reichskanzler.”
>On the 1981 recession: “A few years ago, everybody was saying we must have more leisure, everyone’s working too much. Now everybody’s got more leisure time they’re complaining they’re unemployed. People don’t seem to make up their minds what they want.”
>On the new £18million British Embassy in Berlin in 2000: “It’s a vast waste of space.”
>On smoke alarms to a woman who lost two sons in a fire, 1998: “They’re a damn nuisance - I’ve got one in my bathroom and every time I run my bath the steam sets it off.”
Yet he couldn't stop his country getting BLACKED kek
But at that time she was just a princess and her father wasn’t even that old so he would have had to wait a long time for her to be queen since I don’t think anyone expected her father to die so early on
She was cute when she was young, maybe even very cute by English standards.
How exactly would he have been able to stop that?
she's royalty and she was pretty cute when she was young
Nah, not really. It's amazing that all it takes to be a badass these days is having old school (sane) values about women, minorities, gays, and gender roles.
But granted, some of his remarks ARE comedy gold. And honestly, people tend to LIKE a guy that has Old World values, it shows courage which even lefties tend to respect (though they'll never openly admit it). He does get some points for being one of the few notable world leaders (though I'm aware he's just a figurehead) that hasn't been completely emasculated by liberal values.
Just think it's funny how he talked a big game but didn't have the guts to fight it at home
All dick no balls
Matt Smith portrayed him perfectly
She was still the heir and heavy smokers living into their 90s in the 1950s didnt happen much
That picture is disgusting
What power is it you think he actually has? Are you american?
They seemed to have actually fallen in love with each other
I don't know if you know this, bro. But Euro royalty has no real power anymore (though there are various Euro nobles that still hold positions in Parliament and various cabinets that still have real power).
Philip and Queen Elizabeth just go to fancy state dinners, do photo ops, and shake hands with various world leaders. And that's it. I'm pretty sure if Philip had his druthers, there would be no brown person in the UK who's not some type of household servant....
Will no political power but possibly a large cultural influence
I wonder how they’ll play out the Diana storyline
Why do british police allow their female officers to be sexually assaulted?
It seems weird saying it but this is so cute.
She says she fell in love with him when she was 13.
I wonder when he fell in love with her since he’s was 18 when they first met, He probably only saw her as a kid at that point
Based Phillip, he's a cunnybro
British female bobbies (do they have a name for them?) are so cute. How do I get a female british bobby gf?
Probably a fiction by the jews to make pedophilia more accepted.
get arrested for something and chat her up as she's booking you
Do Britcops have no guns? the fuck.
Are you stupid?
There is very little gun crime because they're not allowed to have guns, or it's very difficult to get one. Also, it's not such a big part of the culture as it is in the US.
Their swat teams are armed, but the standard beat cop just has a night stick, taser, and pepper spray. If there's a dude with a gun or something that needs the extra firepower, the swat team is specially dispatched to deal with it.
That's pretty fucking stupid. also what is source for ?
Beatcops usually don't need a gun because they don't need to protect themselves against mentally ill people with guns of their own.
no, he's a coward who pisses his pants whenever he's in the same room as someone who was in the IRA
No, they've been asked if they would like them a few times and they always say no. British cops are assaulted very infrequently compared to other countries anyway
>That's pretty fucking stupid.
See I decided to be nice and avoided saying anything about your excessive gun violence and you attack regardless.
Canadian here, your cops not having guns is still fucking retarded
Dane here, our cops have guns, what the fuck, and we barely have any gun crime.
Canadian eh? What gender pronoun am I allowed to use when referring to you?
>Sweden's anus
t. mohammed
Neither the people nor the officers themselves want the police in general to be armed. Hell, until recently only special firearms officers were allowed to carry tasers, and it's still restricted to specially trained officers. The police's power in the UK comes from the community's acceptance of that power, arming the police in general represents a major shift in the balance of power. It just goes against the core principles upon which the police in Britain were formed.
That's nice. but the more immigrants you take in, the bigger issue this is going to become
nigger shitholes like London already have a high enough percentage of firearms officers, there's no need for 99% of the country to have armed officers
Contrary to what you may read on Sup Forums, our police officers aren't being regularly gunned down in the streets. They're statistically some of the safest in the developed world.
I mean if I was a civvie I wouldn't feel protected if the cops could only mildly maim criminals.
deadly force is very rarely required
>if Philip had his druthers
If the royal family had any political power they'd have died out before the turn of the millennia. This is how they survived