Scenes that should have never ever aired on tv.
Scenes that should have never ever aired on tv
This one's for you.
>tfw you can relate to this
inb4"didn't this guy grow up to be a chad lol"
fuck off you reddit cunt
this guy is beta as fuck
however the chick with the tummy scar has had multiple chad cum deposits within her
What's worse, to try and impress a girl but end up looking like a total faggot or never try for fear of looking like a total faggot?
>however the chick with the tummy scar has had multiple chad cum deposits within her
She's also been blacked
post the vid
>those rounded shoulders
He was out of her league anyway.
30 years from now this kid will still be haunted by this memory and millions of people will still be able to pull it up on youtube and laugh.
jesus can you imagine if your most embarrassing spergy moment around girls when you were a teenager was preserved for posterity and posted forever on the internet?
ive experienced both and they both fucking suck
Internet was a mistake.
honestly i used to be in the "you regret the shit you don't do more than the shit you do" camp but i don't think that applies to garrett
Girl has utterly reprehensible posture
Kid dodged a bullet
i feel bad for garrett. he's still young enough that he doesn't really recognize the fact that she's completely out of his league.
there were some other qts in that dance class. if he had just set his sights a little bit lower instead of the turbo stacy he might have gotten a gf out of this.
The former. The latter keeps his dignity.
this douchebag is dangerous
not only did he get people to go along with this
but his main objective was to shame the girl into going out with him (at least once)
also make all her friends and family keep on asking her about him (reinforcing the idea of him in a romantic/sexual way)
bet he does this with a lot of girls as his own way of 'raping' them
he knows for a fact he is in their minds/dreams, even if he doesn't 'get' the girl.
that prep/act/event will be in that girls mind for the rest of her life.
>his main objective was to shame the girl into going out with him
Hello Tumblr, nice armchair psychology. pretty sure he was just a stupid, dangerously naive kid.
anyone have the link to this i think the original got taken down or something
How could Garrett could win this fight?
The fuck? He's a dumb awkward kid. There's nothing insidious about this
Hello tumblr
took me 2 seconds
If he looked like Chad Hemsworth you wouldnt be saying any of this at all
Smell her stinky pussy againts her will
In addition to love and grief, women also don't feel empathy or respect for men of inferior stock, but their sociopathic body language makes them masters of deception.
yfw the tv crew was egging his ass on to make a fool of himself instead of sitting him down and giving him some real talk on how to interact with women
>seven seconds in
>Garret fails to score
Kino foreshadowing
i'm sure it was all women who think "oh cute it's a grand romantic gesture" and don't even realize he's going to embarrass himself for life.
i honestly wonder how they even found garrett and decided to do this in the first place.
>not getting the obvious sarcasm
fucking retards reddit is that way
I don't know whether to feel sorry for them or not...
Did he fug her?
This is what happens when womyn try to use logic
>tfw Garret became a chad
M-maybe there's hope bros.
post her Instagram
God I wish I could just reverse time and not waste so much time on girls and do stupid shit kill me please
And the other...
I couldn't make it through 20 seconds
Would it be worse if he just whipped his dick out and pissed on the floor then registered as a sex offender or to be a laughing stock for all eternity?
fast forward to around 1:50
how i have never seen this after all these years
This shit always reminds me about the time when we had to do a tradional dance or some shit in pre school
My mom kept pushing me to do it because I was to shy, finally I accepted it so she would shut up
I was paired with the staciest stacy daughte rof the cuntiest teacher of the school
I will NEVER forget the look on her eyes when we had to hold hands, the "ugh" and the "sigh" she made everytime
But luckily I've had already watched Carrie, so at the grand day of the presentation I didn't show up until it wa too late, so they had to pair hair with a kid with downs syndrome, I arrived when the dance would start and I could see her crying in a corner
Still she got me scars that have lost a lifetime.
This should have been bigger
those fucking traps
>random acts of kindness
>dodges the kiss
kek shes dating some chad now who never did some dance or gave her any chocolate strawberries
You could always just impress a girl subtlety. There's no need to dance and ask her out while everyone is watching you.
Complete nerd thinks he has a shot with probably one of the most popular girls in school. Fucking classic
>two years (& 1 day) later & I still have the BIGGEST crush on you
haha did they meet right after Garret's little dance?
shit I make alot of typos when I start having PTSD's
he's literally the QB of his football team
it's like a HS cliche
Based swedish tv kid
I liked this. He seems pretty high-functioning.
her body is top notch
Almost no one recognizes when a man is able and willing to take a risk or commit to something. But many can recognize a moment when one makes a fool of himself like garret did. He had no chance and she was way out of his league. If he had know that, he wouldve never done it and had thousands of poeple on the internet bare witness to such an ignomony. I feel bad for him.
>ywn be a chad high school qb and get any stacy you want
that must be such an amazing feel. life just on easy mode
>no chin
>skinny, bean-pole body
At least he's not a total stereotype.
>women have no fucking idea do they?
It's called "putting him down lightly". You virgins have no fucking idea, do you?
Meeting a girl, falling in love, discussing marriage, proposing to her, moving in together, discovering she's pregnant, celebrating, and then losing her to a drunk driver.
Then ending up on Sup Forums since then because how do you rebuild a life from there?
Why is everything so pathetic, Sup Forums? All human life today just seems like greater or lesser shades of patheticness.
Criminally underrated
>those who the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad
Say her name.
its ok to take risks, but they should be somewhat calculated. if you take shitty risks youre just a dumbass. also this is cringey regardless of who he did it for.
If he tried getting with a more average looking girl in the class he might've had a chance.
What the fuck is wrong with her shoulders? They stick like half a foot from the plane of her torso.
>wondering why the posts on a estonian brick moulding forum are pathetic
I won't, but she looks like Emma Roberts.
god it literally fucking hurts to watch
she was actually so nice to him
I would laugh my ass off right in front of him
she has some cancer or whatever
also you're not supposed to do so much exercise at such age, it will fuck up your bone structure
Wearing a fedora during any of those.
his name is gunnar too. that's the most chad name there is next to chad
It's better to be able to say you tried
t. latter-ish
Gimme some more cringekino lads!
Doesn't the drunk driver let you visit her?
Sick moves, Garret. We really enjoyed the chocolates. Thanks!
The latter, by far. We learn most in life from our failures and find ways to improve ourselves. Never trying in the first place is wasting life.
>first thing I thought as well
I'm trying to picture the whole sad, worthless lifetime that led up to this WEBM, and I can't. Rather profound, really.
do you think she ever brings up the time that the weird kid danced for her and then they both laugh about it
roastie getting toasty
You're in my thoughts, user. Hang in there.
what if you learn all the wrong things from your failures?
of course. mocking garrett is probably one of their favorite pastimes.
I'm convinced that this entire thing has to be a Million Dollar Extreme skit or something. There's no way this really happened.
Life is what you make of it!
pre school, user?
Someone asked her on Instagram about the video and she replied "Ugh, I know."