Strikes a nerve, doesn't it? All those manchildren and so-called MGTOW virgins trying to convince themselves they're better off without a woman in their life. You can drink wherever you want, you can act like a kid, but deep down you know there's something missing. Never try to make your solitary lifestyle look superior because everyone knows just as well as you do that you're full of shit. That's just common sense.
Strikes a nerve, doesn't it...
t. roastie
Even the most introverted asocial person in the world is still fucked by not having any romance, love and sex.
Yup. I does strike a nerve. Now I feel sad. Thanks a lot...
It's just beta soyboys-in-denial who have no place in modern society. One post they're crying about roasties, the next they're posting pictures of wojak and crying about being forever alone. The only thing bizarre about it is how they've all seemed to flock here even though they don't actually watch television or film.
jokes like these actually put me off marriage or maybe I should say divorce.
>drink wherever you want
who cares
>act like a kid
no thanks
>theres something missing
ya another mod for hotrod, and nobody to say otherwise
I wonder if you feel the same about media portrayals of lonely old spinsters & cat ladies :^)
And then I blow my load to some 2D, and all is well again
Without having to hide or explain myself, that is
Guilty. A decent discussion will come up every now and then but I'm mostly here for the memes.
I'm trying to get back into it. I literally watched one movie this year.
nigga are you really gonna sit there and tell me that my car bed is not sick as hell
I sleep in a big bed with my wife
Not as sick as the love life you could have.
>someone took the time to make this
mgtows truly are deranged individuals
Just go label your food.
love still ain't shit compared to the car bed. try again
You ever stop to think about WHY so many young men are alone now? Moreso than any previous generation?
The truth shocks you.
You guys think shitposting on my sites will slowly condition me to breed to keep white people alive but unless you're willing to give me free/cheap as fuck college, it ain't gonna happen.
You think you can get what you want without having to give anything in return and it ain't happening. And I know the economy can handle it, other countries do it.
Don't bother arguing with me. This isn't an argument. It's a negotiation. I have the genes, I have the high ground. I have a FWB so I get sex.
They're all wusses. Probably because they've never fought. Or maybe because nowadays they're taught that it's ok to be depressed or different.
>t. roastie that gets a butt bothered if a movie doesn't have a stronk womyn for the man to devote himself too in it.
So who taught them that way?
married guy here. don't listen to OP, its a fucking trick.
stay single. focus on self improvement and acquiring wealth. bang sloots on the side if need be, but never ever marry.
I used to say I was alone because of shit like that, now I stay alone because my mental and physical health is pretty shit after 22 years of poisoning myself with that type of message, and loads of videogames and porn.
I don't blame anyone but myself.
I don't think I'm any better mentally, hell, I'm still here, but physically I've began to do boxing and I'm motivated to do more.
Am I on a path to salvation or what?
kirk's not a good example because he's bred. it's okay if you've bred, preferably at least twice and if you still play an active role in your child's life.
What a stupid way to put it. I've been on both ends of the spectrum. A good woman will make you a better person. A bad woman will make you wish you were alone. Don't settle if that's what it takes. You won't be happy either way.
Cat ladies don't try to justify themselves as much as the "MGTOW" types do on here. If there were more cat lady posting on Sup Forums you'd get more threads like this about them.
roasties don't watch the simpsons
There's nothing inherently wrong with being a manchild virgin because there really are a lot of awful women, but it's true that when you finally find a good one it's a hell of a lot better than being by yourself. Friends are all well and good but finding your best friend that also has a pussy is amazing, it's just that pussy isn't worth enough by itself to warrant bullshit.
t. user that finally found an Arby's sandwich worth adding his cheese to
The trick is to live with them before marriage.
Try and remember that everything is exasperated 10 fold.
Also, Dog. Whatever "responsibilities" she says she'll take on. Then reneges on... I had my hair appointment today. Boom that's where her priorities are at.
Nice try roastie, but you won't get any alimony from me.
I'm unironically happy for you. Don't fuck it up like I did.
I've been in enough relationships to know I don't want or need another one. I still see friends and colleagues being discarded by women who think they can do better and I won't let that happen to me again. Women are garbage and society has told them they're fine. Until that changes, they'll continue to just be holes to fuck and dump.
>they've never fought
In a war or the schoolyard
Yes, because of the internet they learned it's madness to do otherwise, that's it's only something that is socially expected to do and nothing more than a stupid as fuck burden. Before, all you needed was something like and bought into the reverse psychology, and started chasing after women. Now, they know how it works, and it no longer works. Again, you may think "red pill" is a meme, but it really isn't. You can either go from blue to red or stay blue, not the other way around.
exacerbated is what you meant there
Good thing my current GF bought me a sex doll. So if I split off with her, I can happily descend into insanity with my waifu doll.
Having a SO is overrated as fuck. Money I could be spending on myself goes to bullshit, and I've hit the point where I would rather have a handy 100% of the time, which I could just do myself.
non-meme answer:
*people spend their times alone with gadgets more than ever making it harder for them to find mates by casuality
*modern culture trains you to expect too much from life and thus from relationships, breakups and divorces are most likely than ever whereas people previously mastered the art of sucking up the bad stuff
*normalization of casual sex and destigmatization of single people have largely eliminated a a big chunk of the incentives for finding a stable couple
I've never been attracted to anyone I've met IRL
Apparently that's super weird, everyone had a crush in school, etc.
Thanks friend, and I hope I won't. Sometimes I'm concerned I get a bit too horny or grabassy but as corny as it sounds it's because I like hanging out with her so much it gets me horny rather than her looks. She's plain as hell to look at but spending hours together just talking and then we both make the same joke at the same time and then it just makes me want to fuck her brains out.
Well well, look at the city slicker laying down in his fancy German car bed.
Except that the divorce rate is way down. Your narrative isn't backed up by facts.
You can't divorce if you don't marry to begin with, and marriage rate is dramatically down. Point debunked, anything else?
Perhaps because there are less people marrying in general?
sounds nice. I have a nice relationship with a girl I'm very compatible with regarding personality, interests, and intellect. Think it's gonna have to end though because I'm just not sexually attracted to her enough.
Too bad, but I suppose it is hard as hell to find a girl who's got all that AND is really sexy. Oh well. I'll just fuck sluts if i cant'.
You're the one that said divorce is more likely than ever.
It's true marriage is way down, but that's likely got more to do with women having more economic power and freedom. Women don't have to settle for a shitbag in order to improve their economic or social standing. It's the least educated who account for most of the drop.
Been there myself and am definitely done with them now. Couple of my friends are 1 or 2 years into there current relationships and the cracks are already showing. Arguing and constant breaking up. I want them to succeed though and not end up jaded as me.
>Cat ladies don't try to justify themselves as much as the "MGTOW" types do on here.
There are no alphas, the State will always out-alpha any man today in the woman's mind
Single, dating or married, men are still worse off than women in first-world countries. Stop oppressing us.
I'm not him but his point was that people are more careful who they decide to enter a life long commitment with compared to previous eras where people truly believed in love at first sight. People don't want to waste time/energy only to end up with an embarrassing divorce.
Nowadays, people are skeptical of entering such a commitment. I mean even Disney's Frozen got a ton of applause for touching upon this theme.
>deep down you know there's something missing
The grass is always greener on the other side.
you sound like youve been together about a year if that and have no fucking clue what it's like to be in a long term relationship
wench with an open hatchet wound in between your legs detected
>*normalization of casual sex and destigmatization of single people have largely eliminated a a big chunk of the incentives for finding a stable couple
This is it for me. I'd rather have fuck buddies and bang escorts on special occasions (for those fetishes most normal women aren't down with) rather than have another long term gf.
>Sup Forums - television and film
I don‘t even want a gf, seems like such a hassle.
I also hate spending money on others, going outside and sunlight.
Jerking off isn‘t so bad with 4k porn and a japanese onahole (which is btw better than the real thing).
>what is the sour grapes fable with the fox
A very hungry fox walked into a vineyard where there was an ample supply of luscious looking grapes. Grapes had never looked so good, and the fox was famished. However, the grapes hung higher than the fox could reach. He jumped and stretched and hopped and reached and jumped some more trying to get those yummy grapes, but to no avail. No matter what he tried, he could not reach the grapes. He wore himself out jumping and jumping to get the grapes. "Those grapes surely must be sour," he said as he walked away, "I wouldn't eat them if they were served to me on a silver platter."
It is easy to hate what you cannot have.
>open hatchet wound
Why does the vagina itself cast such a pall over your mind?
would fugg tobqh
>life is meaningless if you spend it alo-
t. roastie who doesn't sleep in a rad as hell racecar bed
>g-gibsmedat or no get muh hole
or what
I had couple relationships and while it feels good, being alone is way better, I can dod whatever I want spend as much as I want in anything (And I don't mean geek stuff, but also clothes, shoes, cars, watches, etc...), and my time is just perfect to read, watch films, I'm even taking violin and painting lessons, never felt better in my life.
Costs man, relationships cost money to keep one another "happy" and in order to make enough money, you have to work 40+ hours a week to get by yourself, not just for the person you're dating. And a lot of women (mainly, but lots of guys as well) have all too high expectations that arent met and they simply move on.
You've got me there. But at the same time I would be surprised if I change my feelings toward her that much. We love spending time together but neither of us lose our shit if the other wants to do something alone, most of our hobbies and interests are aligned but there are enough differences we still have alone time, and she's not only up for satisfying my rape play urges but actively gets off on it, and while I don't get off on her blood play fetish I'm not bothered by it so I'll go along with it. Even if she was a dude she'd be my best friend anyway, the fucking's the cherry on top.
Maybe she'll grind my soul down over the years but it doesn't feel like it given how open we are.
Yeah, there's no bitter couples out there...
Oof got me
thats a sexy, sassy fox. would cuddle & love.
None as bitter as you.
I think there's probably a lot of cat ladies and angry sjw foreveralones who are at least as bitter as me
You said couples.
>men aren't allowed to enjoy themselves
That's what that image says to me.
Don't worry, tools of society (aka Men) will always be available for exploitation so you won't have to do the work (((yourselves))).
>make a bedframe that looks exactly like a car, only its the same size as X mattress
>sell it
>make millions
Lie to me. Tell me you wouldn't buy one. I would buy the fuck out of one
When I'm not working I'm in my sweats all day and night, staying up as late as I watch watching kino and playing retro videogames.
>Celibates are pathetic, because they don't get pussy, lolz.
What is this century and its obsession with lewdness?
if i am a socially disinclined person who has had overwhelmingly negative experiences with others, in what ways does it benefit (you) personally for me to essentially create a false persona in which i pretend to enjoy the absolute lowest common denominator of every sort of culture just to relate to others? why do you suggest this? i see no other purpose than to exploit me in some way.
>i see no other purpose than to exploit me
Good job! You're the only one here with enough brains to figure that out!
Looks tacky and uncomfortable as fuck senpai
>almost every week a random customer will tell me he is here to buy some small luxury item because hes recently been divorced and the wife took everything
>women can divorce you and take all your shit including children for basically any reason
>multiple statistics showing women are far more superficial than men, lack loyalty, and more likely to cheat if they can trade up
>women have turned around and use children as weapons against their former partner
Why the fuck would I get married when its basically a 50% chance to lose everything ive worked for. Why the fuck do you care what I do? People spout that mgtow are resentful lonely losers. When we have female friends or fuck buddies. You can be a normal successful guy without a wife. You can have a relationship or partner without signing a binding legal contract.
What have you worked for?
I wondered about this for a long time.
I was until some time ago a single loser, now atleast I have a nice gf. I don't know how long that will last, so who knows.
What I can say though, about today's society and youth in general, the term 'strawberry' generation does apply.
I worked really shitty jobs in construction or cleaning just to pay for school and when I finally got my first office job, I surprised how quick people got burnout and whatnot.
I had no problem working weekends, if the company paid overtime nor did I see myself bneing taken advantage of. Sometimes we had to do some overtime because it was required.
Wherever I look, young people usually can't take punch in the job anymore. They always have social services or their parents to fall back on, waste their little money on frivolous shit and complain about their 'hard' office job.
take this to /r9k/
>It's the least educated who account for most of the drop
Which has left the lower classes with multiple generations of single mothers and absent fathers, because there's little disincentive against shacking up with a deadbeat loser that will fuck off after a few years because hey, there's always easy pussy somewhere - you get welfare for the kid, communities have collapsed so there's nowhere near the shame single motherhood used to get (hell your parents will be happy just to see a grandchild)
Well you gotta do it right, nigger. You can't just expect it to be good right out the gate, it's gonna take some time to make it look good while still lookin like a car
Ive done ten years of shitty fucking jobs. It sucks. I am dying over here wanting an office job as a paralegal. I can't fucking wait
i'm more than willing to admit that having a relationship with a loving wife and family like Homer has is infinitely superior to being alone.
So? In my experience that type of relationship doesnt exist anymore, neither for me nor for anybody in my social environment. Guys get into relationships, seem somewhat happy for up to 2 years (while making constant sacrifices of course), completely unhappy for a couple of months and get out of the relationship with lots of permanent emotional scars and time lost.
So dont judge me for not being all that excited playing that game.
/r9k/ get out. Talk about this garbage elsewhere you cunts.
Ive lived with girlfriends, everything revolves around them, they dont care about you, youal are thier dad safety blanket that is there when they fuck up. It is a meme. Woman are boring and have no hobbies, they are shitty friends that I only eant to fuck.
There's basically just less and less reason to support a family and pay for a house every day. I mean it's easy to claim that it's just because millennials are lazy or like their phones too much, but the cost of living or education have gone up while the only things that are really getting cheaper are stupid electronic toy shit
I've worked in a fairly labor intense job with high turnover in the past, but in my experience the most useless whiny people that quit for stupid reasons were always the older ones. This was a 21 and over job however.
Exactly, they want nothing but attention, but they incredibly uninteresting.
Women being complex is a meme.
The last few gfs I had,
All I did was pretend to listen to them,
And it got me laid.
My experience with cat ladies and even non-cat successful single hermit women (Which are rarer but exist) is they're not that bitter. The non-cat variety especially. They may not be asexual completely but they're happier masturbating than dealing with retarded men, much like men who swear off women after enough bad experiences.
Then again since I'm a dude maybe they were hiding their bitterness power level. There really wasn't any reason for them to, but who knows.
Get a load of this faggot