Can he still win?

Can he still win?

Sorry Bernie, we're Hildawgs here

Sup Forums is devoted to the infallible Pumpkinfuhrer and any criticism of him or suggestion of support for any other candidate politician is completely unacceptable, you faggot redditor.

Bernie made the mistake of trying to run with integrity against a fucking Clinton.

I watched a girl donate money to him in one of my classes
The page after you donated says: Make it weekly! With a pic of him with a jew grin on his face

I miss those hillary memes

Why would he want to, he got his payout.

What’s he pointing at?

>people still talking about the election

No gave a shit about McCain, Romney, Kerry, Gore, or Dole after the election yet here we are STILL talking about Bernie and Hillary.

You lost, pack it up and go home we have a country to run.

>76 year old man
>will be 83 by the end of Trump's presidency

He missed his chance.

Not only is he 76 but he comes off as incredibly weak and low energy.

The 2016 election is one of the most abnormal ones that ever occurred. Of course people are still talking about it.



Is Hillary a roasty getting toasty?

I've never seen someone so butt boozled.

Sup Forums basically supports the anti-establishment guy, the tide is already turning against Trump on Sup Forums

They're gonna support some weirdo fuck that says memeworthy shit. Maybe even Zuckerberg

>Sup Forums supporting a Jew

No, but YEB! still can

His wife's bank fraud case? I doubt it, but you know, she's the most honest person he knows!

>believing the shills on Sup Forums
Half of the threads made on there are bull shit shills now. You need to learn how to read through that.

It was outright cinematic.

If he's still alive he has a good chance of winning in 2020. I doubt Pence will have any chance of winning after all the scandal and impeachment.

I remember waking up all happy for over a month knowing the good guys won that day.
Heh, I see what you did there.

He's still more accountable to the people than other politicians and if he gets in office and triggers the oligarchy by bringing the unions back, he can have his lakeside mansion I don't care.

something is going to affect his health significantly shortly before 2020

bet your life on it

How come it's called "troll" on every other board but it's "shill" on your retarded board


this meme never ceases to amaze me

Bernie was the best candidate for the people but Bernie is also a fucking chump. He got played by everyone including two random BLM thots

>still believes in bernie after election

>doesn't know the difference between a NEET troll and a paid shill

He was a con man and a fraud

Am I late for the daily cry about Trump thread?