Your DICK is bullshit

>your DICK is bullshit


Looks real cute in that scene

what is this meme shit about?

She was asking for some rough sex and Steve didn't realize it
I would have smashed that skeleton pussy


sick burn my bro

Dark is better in almost every way

Your trips are bullshit.

my CAREER is bullshit

one of the best portrayals of a drunk chick I've seen on tv

>my dick? thats my asshole

>ywn have a qt look up at you like this

Steve didn’t deserve this


Does she actually say this? What did she mean?..

was he some kind of faggot?

Nah, she only say you are a bullshit.

best girl

>when a beta orbiter weasels his way into your relationship

>this was considered a 10/10 in the 80s

>you don't love me?

>Nancy and Jonathon finally have their fairy tale ending
>BUT BUT BUT Steve took her virginity first

i personally wouldn't give a hoot if i was that beta i'd be thrilled

Steve too will tho so its even

why are her boobs in the center of her torso?

can someone post a webm of the sex scene?

>This is Sup Forums's dream girl

And who said Sean Penn didn't have range? Shame on you!

She looks like she'd break into pieces in bed.

Anorexia is bullshit

the only thing you'll break to pieces in your bed is a kit kat bar, you fuck

10/10 checkd and kekd

took me a min

Fuck off, darkie


Gay as the 4th of July