post "heros", not superheros but movie portrayal of real human with quality or action that inspired us. They can be righteous characters true to their words, or have sacrificed themselves for others or their beliefs. A prime example can be Cpt John Miller, an ordinary man placed in an extraordinary event but the event is made possible due to his integrity and sacrifice. during the story he also faced moral dilemmas and died to do the "decent thing". Or even Harry Waters, despite his personal flaw, he had a set of strong moral values and didn't hesitate to take his own life to upheld his standards and belief.

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Hanshiro Tsugumo

one of my favorite movie character of all time

not even american

Post dick then


>wants "heroes"
>posts pic of a man who murdered other men either by shooting at them or by sending them to their deaths.
Good job, op.

lol no, church conversation, go watch again

Frank Drebin. Proud patriot and real American hero.

great movie, but I literally could not get over the part at the ending where he destroys the tank with his pistol. Like I get that it's probably possible to blow up a tank by shooting the round while it's in the barrel, but what are the chances? In a fairly realistic war movie to have something like that happen, especially at the end really put a bitter taste in my mouth

He didn't destroy the tank with a pistol. He shot at it and it blew up and he was confused for a short bit until he realized it was like an allied tank or RPG or something I haven't seen it in a while. But I remember it fakes you into thinking he destroyed it with his gun. cbf to watch it again.


What did he mean by this?

>It is a mistake to pass Cortés off as a pirate. According to his own lights, he was a Christian knight, whom God had generously granted an opportunity to become another Alexander the Great. With a tiny army, Hernán Cortés was prepared to conquer any kingdoms that might be encountered in the west, for glory, God, and gold. Not only was he misunderstood by later men; he was far from typical of his own time and place. He was a considerable cut above all other Spanish conquistadores, especially murderous swineherds like Almagro or Pizarro.

>Although ruled by his ambition for personal glory, he was an honest patriot to his country. Determined to conquer a kingdom for himself, he was still entirely loyal to Carlos I, a king he had never seen—more loyal, in fact, than that suspicious Hapsburg ever really understood.

>Cortés could be brutal—no gentle soldier in that age could have long survived—yet he instinctively preferred to avoid bloodshed whenever possible. He was crafty and could be murderously cruel—but his cruelty invariably derived from policy. Cortés would employ any amount of force to succeed, but when he was victorious he was genuinely magnanimous to his enemies. He was pragmatic and coolly accepted the world—and yet few men who ever lived have been so stubbornly single-minded in pursuit of a goal.

>Cortés cannot be weighed against anachronistic values; he can only fairly be measured against his times. His faith must be seen against the fanatic Catholicism of sixteenth-century Spain. His ambition must be put against the bursting vanity of the Renaissance, when fame was everything. His brutality and cruelty must be compared with the treacheries and tortures accepted everywhere in Europe, and his morality balanced against the cesspool of amorality and intrigue that Italianate politics was making from Fernando's Aragon to Tudor England.



THIS CERTIFIED but granted he did became insane

nevertheless a respectable character, most wehr had no clue what happened to jews some wehr officer were very sympathetic to jews and people in other occupied areas

>no captain america
there's no way Sup Forums is this contrarian





>t. Catholic retard

nah, he is just a bank robber with basic human needs and emotion, tunnel visioned vengeance isn't redeeming and his action have not made a better for himself or others.


Roberto Benigni in life is beautiful
Clint Eastwood in gran torino


>But I remember it fakes you into thinking he destroyed it with his gun
For like 5 seconds until the camera pans up to show a fucking airplane.

YUP HERE IS ONE, self sacrifice and broke the cycle


Literally did nothing fucking wrong



cpt miller is fucking great character,
he didnt want to be apart of the war and despised killing (as he showed disgust for Americans who shot the two polish solider in german uniform). he cannot find anyway to justify sending his man to die so he can only rationalize by the concept of "worth" i.e. letting 1 die to save 10. But even so, he was afriad that he is changed by the war "Im not sure if I go home my wife would recognize me". Between his humanity and duty (which was imposed upon him) he had to choose one as war often only allowed one definate choice. but his choices including taking the radar station, letting go of steam boat willy and by the end to defend the bridge showed decision making that wanted to archive both objectives and that made his life a lot harder than it is and he died for it (killed by steam boat willy). Thus he is a hero. He told ryan to earn this because I wanted to make sure that his men and himself died at a worthwhile cause. Thus it was also important at the end of the film for ryan to say he lived a good life and is a good man so its is worth it.


the fuck u crazys on about

>post "heros"
>not superheros

How is Floki not a hero? He is one of the only characters that puts his heritage and people above all else. Half the cast is full of slutty, self-centered pricks. He's the muscle behind every invasion building most of the boats and siege. Traveling westward from the beginning would have been impossible without him, and his boat designs were a blueprint for others. He fights at the forefront of every battle. He let himself be tortured for the truth rather than tell Ragnar the lie he wanted to hear. Floki is the fucking man. Fuck everyone else in this series.