If WB were smart, they should have given all DC Cinematic Universe to Nolan way back in 2006/2007. To bring all these DC characters into a grounded world.
So, I watched Interstellar and there's a scene where highly evolved people described as "bulk beings" and live in the fifth dimension help Cobb to save mankind so I thought that could be a good origin for a "Nolanized" Kal-El.
>Krypton could be a planet from a higher dimension, Kal-El could be sent back in time through a black hole as a higher plan to save mankind and their kind.
>Zod is like a highly respected and commended General of a regional Special Forces, all Kryptonians have their own regional languages which are alien to us.
>Darkseid is a high ranking fallen angel who took part in the initial rebellion against Yahweh, he is thrown down from Heaven and creates his own civilization and planets.
>The new origin mixes a lot of Old Testament/Biblical references.
>Darkseid being able to manifest in and out of the physical and the spiritual means he is the driving force of evil behind the World's evils
>Ares is another fallen angel but Darkseid outranks him as the one shrouded in darkness.
>Victor Stone is a Government-enhanced human. Stone is created by Amanda Marie McCoy through aMotherbox.
>Barry Allen's accident is more mysterious, he actually dies before he comes back to life but is stuck in a coma.
>Nolan is involved a classic Superman story that exists in TDK's universe, Luthor (Matthew McConaughey) would make his debut in the first film and hints towards the masked man and the revolution that is coming, as he is secretly financing a revived League of Shadows.