What if Nolan directed JL?

If WB were smart, they should have given all DC Cinematic Universe to Nolan way back in 2006/2007. To bring all these DC characters into a grounded world.

So, I watched Interstellar and there's a scene where highly evolved people described as "bulk beings" and live in the fifth dimension help Cobb to save mankind so I thought that could be a good origin for a "Nolanized" Kal-El.

>Krypton could be a planet from a higher dimension, Kal-El could be sent back in time through a black hole as a higher plan to save mankind and their kind.
>Zod is like a highly respected and commended General of a regional Special Forces, all Kryptonians have their own regional languages which are alien to us.
>Darkseid is a high ranking fallen angel who took part in the initial rebellion against Yahweh, he is thrown down from Heaven and creates his own civilization and planets.
>The new origin mixes a lot of Old Testament/Biblical references.
>Darkseid being able to manifest in and out of the physical and the spiritual means he is the driving force of evil behind the World's evils
>Ares is another fallen angel but Darkseid outranks him as the one shrouded in darkness.
>Victor Stone is a Government-enhanced human. Stone is created by Amanda Marie McCoy through aMotherbox.
>Barry Allen's accident is more mysterious, he actually dies before he comes back to life but is stuck in a coma.
>Nolan is involved a classic Superman story that exists in TDK's universe, Luthor (Matthew McConaughey) would make his debut in the first film and hints towards the masked man and the revolution that is coming, as he is secretly financing a revived League of Shadows.



>Bane's revolution comes about, he even warns that if the fallen angel (Superman) interferes, he will blow up Gotham along with his family. Deducing Clark's identity along with Bruce Wayne's.
>Bane has to be superior intellectually than everyone even Luthor.
>Richard Grayson (formerly the character of John Blake) helps Batman and the Police to escape in TDKR.
>Realistically, not every Cop is trapped underground but a weakened Police force are easily killed by the new League.
>After Batman saves the City, we move onto Wonder Woman and The Flash films.
>Superman is a Government Agent who brings in all vigilantes such as Richard Grayson, The Flash and Hal Jordan.
>Bruce returns, Luthor orchestrates everything and funds the new League of Shadows (the League of Doom) led by Deathstroke
>Darkseid is a Duke of legions upon legions of demons, he is second or third to Lucifer and he speaks in his own tongue (the language of deception), he is responsible for a lot of terrible things on Earth.
>Just around his home planet where he is worshiped, is a created planet where he uses his team of Scientists to bring about his abominations - one he is particularly fond of has been killed, destroyed and reborn over billions of years, he brings it in as a weapon and as Darkseid cannot be killed until the appointed time - whether it rebels against him it doesn't matter.

All Nolan brothers written, planned out, some directed, some given to some really good top tier directors and to make sure Superman, Batman and even Robin are in their most purest, classical form.

how do I shot web ;D

Nolans brother wanted to take a crack at Flash and Gosling wanted to play him, that never happened. They also took Ryan Reynolds as the Green Lantern over Jake Gyllenhaal because Ryan was more 'popular' therefore more Box-office. I swear to god WB doesnt give a fuck, they just luck out with talent sometimes. Nolan with Dunkirk and Denis with Blade Runner this year

Nolan was done with superheroes after bane trilogy. He's said this in many interviews I think

Give it to Lynch

>The films go as follows

>Batman Begins
>The Dark Knight
>The Man of Steel
>The Dark Knight Rises
>The Wonder Woman
>The Dawn of Justice
Antagonists are Luthor's League of Shadows (now called the League of Doom) led on foot by Deathstroke and Luthor calling upon the living embodiment of darkness.
>The Flash
>Justice League Part I (The arrival and war between Darkseid unleashing his doomsday device on Earth which kills Superman)
>Justice League Part II (Darkseid comes in after Superman is killed, Darkseid also takes Superman's body and seeks to revive him as a General in service of Darkseid's Government and goes against a weakened JL)

You can't just shove superheroes in Nolan's Batman universe, the tone doesn't work.

And WB was planning a JL movie in 2007. I forgot why exactly it was cancelled, IIRC it may have been a writers strike.

How do you not know that WB desperately wanted Nolan to keep making superhero movies? How young are you? That was all over the internet back when Snyder was making his first Superman movie.

I was actually thinking of Nolan handpicking Denis Villeneuve to direct all the Man of Steel/The Last of Krypton films.

With Denis directing Justice League Part One
And Nolan directing Part Two

With Nolan's classic ways to filmmaking, both films should be able to stand alone to a casual person.

From TDK to The Flash, yes, the films should be sprinkled and peppered with the threat of Darkseid coming - hyping him up from 2008 to 2018 would be epic and would be the antithesis to Marvel's Cinematic films with films that are not quite Superhero films but are epic films in terms of tone, acting, direction and scale. They should be considered REAL films. No post credit scenes, just good writing.

They wanted to use Nolan's Batman, and have Nolan direct. He refused adamantly. Bale did the same and the project fell apart.

Would have been absolutely amazing. I'm cumming at the mere though of this.

Well, this goes back to watching Interstellar. If Nolan could bring in that type of realism, it would be really good.

Case in point, Krypton should be revealed as a civilization that are US billions of years in the future. We have evolved greatly but Earth has been destroyed. When they speak, they all have their own regional languages (so everything is subtitled). Krypton looks like Earth except the sky is dark purple and their days go for two weeks. If you treat the origins seriously and believable it can work, you just need to let these origins feel organic, realistic and natural.

I like Darkseid's origin, by the way, Darkseid is never called that but it is his demonic name given to him by his worshippers on Earth, one that includes the Luthor family. With Darkseid, you are bringing in that dark Illuminati feel, tone and story.

It all has to begin with The Dark Knight and finding a way to have The Flash, Stone, Curry, Jordan all existing in this Universe.

>Case in point, Krypton should be revealed as a civilization that are US billions of years in the future. We have evolved greatly but Earth has been destroyed.
If I remember correctly there's a superman arc like this, and it turns out Superman's father is a descendent of Lex Luthor.

It would not have worked, they should have asked him when he gave them an outline of the Dark Knight. Batman couldn't exist with others but if Nolan found a way to bring in those characters then I'm sure he could find the perfect themes to touch on and the films he could do with the JL.

>We have evolved greatly but Earth has been destroyed. When they speak, they all have their own regional languages (so everything is subtitled). Krypton looks like Earth except the sky is dark purple and their days go for two weeks.
Nah, this could not work in the Nolanverse.

Maybe if Nolan did a less realistic version of TDK that matched the atmosphere of Begins.

>What if Nolan directed JL?
We would have gotten something that wasn't particularly "faithful", but more than likely a good movie. Source: his Batman movies

You are assuming Nolan would even want to do that crap. That's why he gave Snyder Man of Steel, he was done with that shit. Not everyone has their brain fried by capeshit like you OP.

I'm not fully on board but you probably gave more thought in this post than WB ever did so I would still support you over hack Snyder and Sensitive Joss Whedon

Honestly I don't really want to see a DC expanded universe I just want to see the Snyder Batman where Batman is raped in prison by Mexicans and kills criminals without remorse

Snyder should have made a live-action Killing Joke

Damn you really spent a lot of time thinking this through, didn't you? How fucking pathetic can a person get?

I haven't even read a comic but I did like Nolan's take on the Superhero genre. If you could see Superman existing if Nolan were opened to it back in 2005/2006 then I think we could have had a series of awesome "capeshit" films. :)

I would love to see Nolan's take on Bale taking on a Nolan Superman.

The first fight we see Lucius Fox creating a Kryptonite-fueled exoskeleton. Batman does beat Superman.

Darkseid as a threat leads to Luthor, Deathstroke and the Suicide Squad teaming up with the Justice League against a Darkseid-induced Superman. Superman snapping out of it but is easily overcome through Darkseid's use of the green rock.

All of them getting their asses kicked, until Batman comes up with a plan. Superman heads into deep space and brings "Doomsday" back to Earth, Bruce revives him using Zod's ship. The Justice and Injustice League are scared shitless minus Batman and Superman.

Doomsday simply rips Darkseid in half, tearing through him like paper.

Superman then flies Doomsday into the Sun, sacrificing himself.

Batman dies from all of his injuries in the hands of Selina Kyle as the JL surround him. Emotional ending, all the suffering has now stopped.

RIP Bale Batman. All the films lead to Darkseid's arrival and Brice Waune's death along with Superman's sacrifice.

The JL mourn with the world as a Superman statue is erected next to the Batman statue.

>wasting his talents on more capeshit
No please

Not really. We do these as exercises when we are in Writer's Block. (I'm a Screenwriter, Exec Producer who is yet to direct), so it sharpens our thinking.

If you are not a Screenwriter or have gone to Film School and know how to tell your typical three act structured hero's journey story then yeah.

I love film.

Nolan's Batman wouldn't work with the flash and other guys showing up.


Bale's Batman is such a pussy, I don't think there's any scenario where he beats Superman that doesn't involve Superman killing himself.

thank god

it was all over tv that the only reason green lantern went through is because some producer had the bright idea of super heroes that were also jet fighter pilots and kept harping on about the idea like that was going to make or break the film until they realized its possible with the green lantern property for like that sole purpose

sounds fucked up just to get some men running around in tights

I don't think he is. I think he is psychologically a mess though. I would re-do Rises with Bane attacking Batman only a few months after Rachel's death.

By the time Justice League Part One and Part Two come around, it's been around eight years.

The iconic image of Batman having just pitting Doomsday against Darkseid but going toe to toe with two fallen angels and standing his ground, shows his will.

By the end, he takes off his cowl and collapses in a heap. He sees his mother's and father's hand and the words of his father, "It's okay, Bruce, you can rest now, son".

Selina crying. The JL looking somber, Selina hugs Lois Lane as Superman has driven Doomsday into the centre of the sun - he is gone and so is Batman.

It took all those years and it would be the perfect way to wrap up the whole DC Cinematic Universe. Deathstroke carries Bale's bruised up and broken body as a sign of respect.

We then see a montage of everything, the Bat signal is lit up. Gordon is there as we see Dick Grayson in a hi-tech suit with the Bat symbol on it, it's his Nightwing suit.

Barry Allen, Arthur Curry, Diana are there and applaud when the Superman statue is right besides Batman.

We see The Joker! A tear rolls down his cheek as he is tied down to a gurney with no make-up. So if Wes Bentley is playing Dick Grayson, Joseph Gordon-Levitt would have the perfect face for them to CGI Heath's face over - only if his Estate allows it. The Joker has lost the only meaning in his life.

Darkseid having been ripped away is then carried off and eaten by his own army.

Jordan and Stone are destroying the rest of Darkseid's demons.

>Darkseid having been ripped away is then carried off and eaten by his own army.
Isn't that the ending of the real Justice Legue flick?

He wouldn't have, Noland hates superheroes and would never think of having actual ones.

>Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)16:03:35 No.91151100▶

Wait, I havent seen all of it! Does Darkseid really get ripped in two and is eaten by his army?