What's the appeal of this movie? I'm halfway through and kinda bored. Nolan really has been shit for a long time now

What's the appeal of this movie? I'm halfway through and kinda bored. Nolan really has been shit for a long time now.

honestly this is good bait

This is some quality bait. Have a you.

how did that kid die from falling down a few steps

Screen for ants


The fedora of cellphones

Lol did you not see HARRY STYLES!!! I LITERALLY could not stop squealling lol rolf jk lmao.

I did and I was about to shut it off. Pretty sad that he needs to appeal to kids again to get people into seats.

Very true

Good quality bait, if a little heavy handed.

>calling Dunkirk boring
>watching a movie on your fucking phone

This. And the sound on my YIFI 1080p video is awful. Nolan's truly a hack.

You should screenshot with that rotation lock clicked for maximum efficiency

Impressive dubs gentleman

Dunkirk was all about the spectacle.

In and of itself, it's pretty average. I gotta say, though, we went and saw an IMAX 70mm print and it was incredible. The visuals and the sound were just ridiculously incredible to look at and hear. I've never felt more 'in a movie' than that screening.

Watched it on BluRay recently. It's not a bad movie, but it is the definition of "you have to see it in theaters."

>neulan izt ey herkss

If you didn't nut your pants from the sound of the spitfire flybys then you're not even a real man

Op cap this scene for comparison

As a severe autist when it comes to ww2, the lack of accuracy regarding everything left me a spastic mess

What's up with the vignetting on the imax picture?


I knew when Dunkirk hit bluray we'd have a lot of shit posts.
But it still pisses me off. There are some things can make fun of but the evacuation of Dunkirk is not one of them.
Nolan did a good job representing it.

I won't reply to haters because if I start I'll do it all night. But fuck you.

there were issues, but it's closer than most films have been or ever will be

Seriously. It was damn intense. I've never felt the need to cover my ears in the theater, but that movie I had to a couple of times. Not just it was LOUD but because it was loud, yes, but deliberately so to make you fucking feel like you were about to be pelted with German bullets.

I also loved the interesting sort of horror movie angle it took. An invisible enemy, could be fucking anywhere, ready to kill you. Chaos. And survival.

It was good. Plot is pretty much nonexistent, but execution, cinematography, sound, pacing, all that is very good. But if you don't have likable characters or a good story, it doesn't do a movie any favors.

Like, I honestly can't name any of the characters at all, and I've seen it three times now. Like, 0 characters, except maybe the sperg boy that fell down the stairs. I wanna say George, but I'm not even sure of that.

The first Stuka dive was the best sound moment of the film.
The transition from looking at the beach to looking straight up and seeing the black silhouettes of the Stukas against the blue sky.
That was kino there. Fucking kino

It's a historically inaccurate mess that does not show what actually happened at Dunkirk in the slightest. Now everyone is going to think the entire RAF consists of three spitfires going against the Luftwaffe's entire inventory of 3 stukas, a single he111, and an me109. Over 3,500 sorties were flown over Dunkirk.

And the civilian armada was apparently only like 40 boats according to Dolan, and the British apparently only have three ships

Grow up

there really is none. I guess if you saw it in an imax i was suppose to sound really good, but the movie was boring as fuck.



Dunkirk was the loudest movie ive seen at the cinema, why the fuck aren't all movies that loud it was fucking great

Nolan is a hack

>make a movie that is impossible to view in it's true form outside of not only a movie theater but a special IMAX theater
Why even bother releasing it on home video if I can't see the whole frame?


Because this is film not video games

British genes

Made me audibly kek

yeah i also hated how the real dunkirk lasted 9 days but the movie was only 106 minutes - too inaccurate for my taste

Why don't they just crop it to show the IMAX stuff at least in proper aspect ratio?


wtf no way? the smoke in the background is kinda important for the scene there. changes the whole thing

it is the same as making music, its actually hard to make things loud. you cant just amplify things since you get distortions. its good and rare craftsmanship i bet

It's extra silly since you could crop it to show it, but for some reason Bluray releases just get cucked and all they get is widescreen crop.

why didn't germans just send 15 stukas to get it over and done with?

>shit movie
>10/10 reviews everywhere

i admit im almost trolled

He done kirked his head

This movie is classic Holywood garbage with 100% made up bullshit, and he still managed to make it sleep inducing boring.
Bravo Dolan!

>1 spitfire floating over the beach for a whole night with no motors

Yes Mr Nolan im retarded, thank you

If you're still falling for the Nolan meme and the fanboys it's all on you now

How the fuck is this shit getting such high reviews? Not even the Batman movies managed this and Dolan was at his meme peak back them

I'll be honest, I couldn't understand the visual time queues, and had no idea when things were meant to be happening. The suspense was ruined because I didn't know what the fuck was actually happening.

>3 planes to protect a beach with 400 thousands soldiers wainting in line all day everyday like chicken



I don't know. Low expectations? Critics are idiots?

better than apple.

Do you have a single original thought in your brain? Since when did tv start using reddit circlejerks as criticisms?

They were afraid to put black bars in bluray release, on teh sides, to show it in proper aspect ratio.

Don't bother if you can't watch this in IMAX

During the real Dunkirk, the britfag planes put down more than 200 german planes, there was some crazy dogfighting over that beach.
This movie is made for pretentious brainlets of the highest order.

Do we not see the smokes at all are is it just not visible in this frame?

This is the most you can see.

Ah well, better than nothing I guess.

Where do you take your 200+ number?


>same shitty humm through the whole movie
>omg god what marvelous soundtrack BRAVO ZIMMERMAN


Do gen z faggots really watch films on their phones?

user, You're supposed to watch it in IMAX, NOT a phone. If you watch it at home you need at least 7.1 surround speakers .

i hate nolan and especially the hacker that is tdk trilogy, but this was a well-done film, great shit and one of the best war films ever. you how war films usually are: battle-consequences-battle-map room-battle-preachy talking-bigger battle-etc. this was a completely different beast, it felt like a survival horror which is what war actually is, the tension was constant and the whole thing oozed with class and dignity. for the first time since insomnia i am able to say BRAVO NOLAN.


my only problem is aspect ratio changing, sometimes even during the same scenes.

this is the movie that exposed Nolan as a hack

Just put it up on a 4K screen

this is the movie that confirmed Nolan is a genius

That doesn't change the way it is cropped.

This movie is a 5/10 at best

You have enough screen to make room for it.

No you don't have you moron, your 16:9 is simply not able to show the full frame because the IMAX full frame is vertically "higher" than your pathetic screen

great effort bait

i just watched it and you can see the smoke