>character came of age in the 1920s and 1930s
>he highly approves of feminists, homosexuals, black people, trans people and religious minorities
Isn't that kind of weird?
Character came of age in the 1920s and 1930s
Just turn your brain off bro
He also approves aliens. Like literal aliens.
>born in the emirate of aleppo in 973
>is critical of islam and is a vegan
Isn't that kind of weird?
He's literally a New Deal civil servant: he'll like whatever the government tells him to like.
ayy lmao
Ol' Steve just goes with the flow. Plus he's still young and is probably impressionable. White Nick Fury on the other hand...
The ultimate version is better.
Remember that part in winter solder where people starting listing different beliefs and he says whether or not he approves of them?
he was a scrawy fuck and people picked on him all the time, being anti-bullies is his character
He was a Truman-era Democrat and went to a liberal arts college. Not that strange.
was it at the museum?
but he didnt like the oversight the government wanted hence civil war
>he highly approves of feminists, homosexuals, trans people and religious minorities
When did he do any of this? Oh yeah, fucking never. I assume you're talking about the film version.
>black people
>Implying every white person in the 20's was racist and supported segregation
ugh, the ultimates was fucking awful
everyone was a grimdark edgy asshole for no reason
Didn't they already tell you he has a sense of justice so he is anti-discrimination
And he fought against the Nazi of Nazi, side by side with unpowered and most representative colored people and a woman?
He’s an NYC native he’s probably seen weird shit even back then.
>I need my colorful heroes dark and edgy to validate my hobby
So we are just making shit up, huh.
One of Cap's best friends was a gay man he served with.
Ultimates is shit.
I love Watchmen and DKR but the comic book industry's reaction to those two seminal works is just mindboggling retarded.
That's the point, dummy. It was meant to appeal to edgy teenagers. If they all acted like their normal selves, it wouldn't be any different from the mainstream universe.
Its to cover up his sexual assult claims that has recently surfaced
You now remember the awful 'Avengers' costume.
>gets knocked out
>and then he says a full sentence
Again. Who in the movie was this?
>Speaking of which
> highly approves of feminists, homosexuals, black people, trans people and religious minorities
Literally WHO in the movies?
Agent Carter? Sure, but it was a job. And Cap had a whole harem of dancers so that makes it moot. Homosexuals? Again, literally, WHO? Black people - yeah well, you DO know that the Blacks were already fighting in WW 2 right? And Cap was from New York, so he would've been fine with it. Trans - again LITERALLY WHO in the movie.
As for religious minorities - there is only one God, ma'am, and I'm sure he doesn't dress like that
There's one thing the Ultimates got right about Cap: they made him a devout churchgoer.
What are you talking about?
he was clearly talking about something else, 'ugh!' is when he got hit
>he highly approves of feminists, homosexuals, black people, trans people and religious minorities
When is this ever implied?
Artie Roth, Cap's gay Jew bestie.
So if Clinton was president in the 90s and I was alive in the 90s I’m a Democrat? You really thought that through. I know this is a Marvel meme, but Cap is a Reagan conservative to me.
I don't remember Cap ever stating his opinion on any of those topics in his movies.
Cap's literally a 1st Generation Irish immigrant in the books. Jesus fuck I can't stand you live action fags. Cap was ALWAYS tolerant. It was Stark who was a Commie-bashing, capitalist, conservative, right-winger. The guy beat actual Avengers to death for thinking they may have parts of his armor.
If anything he seems to treat pretty much everything in the present with a "Huh, so that's what they do now?" detached sort of attitude, which is pretty reasonable for someone who was essentially thrown forward in time and doesn't want to seem like an asshole.
He also worked for Kang or some shit and was replaced by a teenage version of himself. He's one of the more convoluted Marvel characters I can think of without getting into the really fringe ones
he was a weak little skinny faggot before he transformed into an alpha chad within the space of a day, so naturally he'd keep his lulberial views
>implying he wouldn't kill himself as soon as he'd discover the modern times or at least throw his faggy shield at some liberals
Well we are on Sup Forums, so any marvel talk is MCU talk. Comics belong on Sup Forums
Original Stark was revealed to be evil during Crossing. They killed thatStark and brought a teen version to the present. Onslaught happened, and Franklin kinda recreated the MU, creating a new Stark. After the Nu-U was destroyed and the Old-U came back, the 3 Starks merged (Evil, Teen, Reboot). A few years later Tony deleted his brain and reuploaded. Then he got inverted. Then he died during Secret Wars 2015.
So, the current Tony is a copy of an uninverted copy of an amalgam of 3 Tonys.
He's Irish in the MCU as well, so the same thing applies.
Why do this shit in comic books? It doesn't make for a good story. It's just weird shit. This kind of shit is why I don't bother with X-men.
Who even has a bigger clusterfuck of a past? Carol Danvers? Banner?
You saw how he looked before the super serum, he was a proto soyboy nu male. That's when you realize Captain America is trash.
that man's name? Donald Trump
>Beware, national security advisers who fail to register as a foreign agent of the Turkish government
What did Cap mean by this
he was a good goy propagandist during the war
Because they have to keep the story going for decades and decades. Non-Cape books have a beginning, middle and end. Capebooks are designed to be ongoing forever, so you'll never get closure.
Really, the only reason to read them is if you're a characterfag. It's better to wait for trades and just readIndies, as you know that you'll get a complete story that way.
It's a series of plots over many years. Every 10 they realize they need to simplify things and make him a teen or something. Later they realize it's a different kind of clusterfuck or the previous version was more popular, so they bring them back. The cycle goes on endlessly. It's retarded, but there's really no dignified way to keep writing a character for 60 years or whatever without actually retiring them
I just want Superior Tony. He was fucking cash.
He's canonically a New Deal Democrat.
Captain America's is a soyboy. He even looked like one pre-steroids.
i could be wrong, but wasn't this actually 50s insane Cap? William Burnside, right?
Banner's personalities beat Carol's rape I'd think. But nobodyreally comes close toTony's "copy of a copy of a..." thing IMO. Convulted backstories are a thing, but Stark is next to Spider-Man and clones in the convulted "who the fuck is the guy I'm reading about" trope.
Which one is that? Industrialist art deco man, the drunk, the one with rollerskates, or extremis one?
>Isn't that kind of weird?
Why would it be. He even states in the movies that he does not like bullies and all the people you mentioned are prone to get bullied. Steve's character is that he is the guy that will fight for anyone weak no matter who they are.
Its called a floating timeline
Comics cant afford to do reboots all the time, and fans will demand acknowledgement of earlier stories, so they do this floating timeline BS.
The BASED one.
I believe the British guy in the Howling Commandos was supposed to be the gay guy, but I might have that wrong.
To their credit that's probably the thing about marvel comics I like the most. DC's reboots just made everything feel pointless in the main lines. At the same time I really don't want to imagine how they'll try to fix the last 10 years with all they've run into the ground
MCU Nick is never implied to be older than he looks is he?
Not that it would be hard to miss considering how many fucking movies that spans, but I don't think they've ever mentioned anything about the infinity serum or whatever the fuck it's called
>most attractive
>well over 6 feet
>looks like a Chad but acts like a Bro
>most likely a virgin
>stopped Thor and Iron-Man from fighting
>beat the shit out of Iron-Man in Civil War
>is going to kill Proxima Midnight, one of the people that wrecked Vision
Cap is the penultimate /ourguy/
That'a his whole story arc: he starts as the loyal, trusting soldier who obeys the rules but is redpilled in Winter Soldier to realize that you can't trust the government. Cap. is not necessarily a SJW, he says in the first movie that he just hates bullies and only wants to stand up for the weak. That doesn't in anyway imply minorities or women as victims.
I'm pretty sure you're wrong as fuck.
The only possible objectionable character in the Howling Commandos was the fucking Japanese-American dude, but there is even an explanation for that
>Captain (((America))) is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by cartoonists Joe Simon and Jack Kirby. Stan Lee, contributed to the character in issue #3 in the filler text story "Captain America Foils the Traitor's Revenge", which introduced the character's use of his shield as a returning throwing weapon.[15] Simon said Captain America was a consciously political creation; he and Kirby were morally repulsed by the actions of Nazi Germany in the years leading up to the United States' involvement in World War II and felt war was inevitable: "The opponents to the war were all quite well organized. We wanted to have our say too."[7]
>Joe Simon was born in 1913 as Hymie Simon[1] A poor Jewish family, the Simons lived in "a first-floor flat which doubled as my father's tailor shop."[6]
>Jack Kirby was born Jacob Kurtzberg on August 28, 1917, on the Lower East Side of Manhattan in New York City, where he was raised.[7] His parents, Rose (Bernstein) and Benjamin Kurtzberg,[7] were Austrian Jewish immigrants
>Stan Lee (born Stanley Martin Lieber) was born on December 28, 1922 in New York City, U.S.,[2] in the apartment of his Romanian-born Jewish immigrant parents
company Marvel Studios (Parent Walt Disney Studios)
>Key people Alan F. Horn (chairman)
>Horn was raised in a Jewish family[2]
>The Walt Disney Company
>Key people Bob Iger (Chairman and CEO)
>Iger was born to a Jewish family in New York City.[5][
Literally Captain Israel
Hydra did nothing wrong
Meanwhile at FOX
Bryan Singer is a Jewish homosexual pedophile, Brett Ratner is a Jewish rapist, James Mangold is Jewish too and the X-Men franchise literally opens with "remember the shoah, goyim"
Meanwhile at DC
WW, Flash and Lex all played by pathetic looking kikes
DC's "3 founding fathers" Donenfeld, Ginzberg and Lebovitz: all Jews
Head of DC film: Jon Berg
Main DC producer Charles Roven: Jew
Capeshit is kike propaganda for low iq mongoloids
Union Jack of WW2 AKA Montgomery Falsworth is gay in the books. So that user't right. It's just that in the MCU they made him a HC instead of UJ.
>Captain America used to fight communists but Chinese people don't mind
Right, and where was he stated to be gay in the MCU?
Nowhere. But he's supposed to be, due to canon. Saying "it was never shown so you don't know" is as bad as Tumblrinas saying Steve is geeeeeiii for Bucky. Or maybe Stark is bi, you don't know, with your logic. Everything is in flux.
I look at this comic and like its penciling styles but at the same time I wish its not part of Marvel franchise.
You're so right it hurts
That's called being a man, you faggot.
People that use that word are always the biggest pussies on the internet. It never fails.
Sup Forums should filter "grimdark", "edgy" and "asshole" to help promote critical thinking
COMIC canon. Not MOVIE canon.
In MYTHOLOGY, Hela was Loki's daughter.
In COMIC canon, Hela was Loki's daughter but from a previous Norse God cycle (yes, that was a thing)
In the MCU canon, Hela is Odin's daughter.
The MCU canon is not wholly the same with the comics. I doubt they will even make Thanos a Titan, let alone introduce the Eternals (which happens to be the very race Thanos came from) You can say the comics did this and that, but, if the movies don't show it, tis not canon to the movies.
This pretty much. Not sure what's so hard to grasp.
Apart from maybe homosexuals, all those types of people are actually more likely BE bullies.
That’s why Captain Memerica was a (((Neocon))) during the Bush years.
Wait, wtf? We never hear of his opinions towards fags and trannies and as far as religious minorities go, he just goes to his church and leaves it at that. And if memory serves, he immediately assumed Nick Fury was someone elses subordinate when he first met him. His policy seems to be "live and let live", because its not like he had to live amongst weridos, at least until Civil War he lived in highly secure Avengers bases
Yeah, there's the Sup Forums version OP wants
the fact that you're so upset at the mere mention of the word in a sarcastic context proves it works wonderfully well against wannabe "macho" manchildern like you
>he highly approves of feminists, homosexuals, black people, trans people and religious minorities
when does he ever say this?
I hate retards that hear 25+ years of stories and act like they happened in 3 months
>this buttblasted about another board
No one mentioned Sup Forums, sweetie.
The Sup Forums/ack is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a faggot, crossboarder, underage, edgeloard, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Sup Forumslack and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
He was a literal soyboy, and had to take drugs to boost his testosterone. All that estrogen gives liberal views.
Ultimate cap represents what America currently is. Mainstream cap represents what America strove to be
Kind of like BJ in the new WolfenSJW
Unironically this
Addressed in Ultimates. Ultimate Captain America is a dick.
Funny how the commies, spies, and foreign agents have perverted Caps message
wtf I love third worlders illegally entering the country now