>"Hideshi, throw the dish away once this monkey leaves!"
What did Jiro mean by this?
>"Hideshi, throw the dish away once this monkey leaves!"
What did Jiro mean by this?
you know what he meant
At least Obama appreciated fine dining.
wtf abe went there with obama???? I hope he takes trump next
Holly shit did Jiro actually say that in the documentary?
>implying McDonald's isn't fine dining
What kind of a fag are you?
>tfw Jiro refused to take a picture with a nigger and his son was forced to do it
Jiro is based AF
>knowing exactly what he'd be in for when he paid hundreds of dollars for some fucking fish on rice
>not bothering to go there and be talked down to by some slope he'd have to have killed afterwards
>too much mess, too much fuss
>be American as fuck, instead
Trump's definitely /ourguy/.
>"Here is your sushi, that will be $430 dumb gaijin"
What did mean by this?
Based if true
>micky d'z
>not fine dining
I like how foreigners don't really give a shit about the food and just want a picture to post on their social media
>posturing to impress with his "le expensive taste" but in reality is just eating overpriced raw fish
>knows what he likes and doesn't care what anyone else thinks
Based Trump
wtf I hate Jiro Dreams of Sushi now
Jiro is BASED AF, he even hates Koreans.
he's just posing with that shit though, the burger is intact same as the coke level
>diet coke
>partaking in the food of the proles
Truly a populist at heart, gotta love the guy. Those in power always hate the populists.
hey can i get a fry?
LMFAO Trump has the mentality of a kid I swear
I'm going to go watch Doctor Who and watch funny cat videos on BuzzFeed
Stop trying to make this a meme.
that's a cute pupper
just give me a couple bro
Jiro Nightmares of BBC
So did OP get tired of Battyposting and move onto Jiroposting?
I don't like sushi made with hands instead of seaweed wraps and that roller thing. The cooks roll each piece individually with their bare hands and I don't trust other people's bare hands.
Jiro is a scammer. its well known in Japan that he is a tourist trap
I like the taste
normal coke is to sweet for me
he is worse than a jew
>we out here scammin gaijin
how come? isn't it ancient customes and shit?
Sushi in 7/11 is probably better.
smile you old fuck
based jiro
because it doesn't live up to the height of exposure people just go there and spend big money because they seen the movie
Alright, memes aside, this is literally just rice with raw fish on it
>I love favelados!
drumpf is truly the master of memes
That review is obviously for a different place
There is literally no way Jiro did not use the old "pee pee hands" trick on Obama.
please provide evidence
>""""chef"""" who can't even cook being superior to anyone else
lel get real.
At least McDonald's takes some effort to make - slapping raw fish on a rice ball isn't only representative of laziness, but also potentially dangerous hygiene.
>doesn’t mention Jiro at all
>meals last 20-30 minutes not an hour
>Jiro doesn’t serve tamago
Look how sticky that rice is.
I know it's a meme...but it really is just a slip of raw fish slapped on a sticky rice ball.
Unless you're eating exclusively fast food, whenever you eat out you are eating food that is cooked and handled by bare hands.
>they know
>shut it down
yes but...slicing the fish that thin is an art
That's actually jiros younger son, he too owns a sushi shop but is in no way associated with jiro. So it makes sense jiro would not be at that establishment for a photo of. You would know this ofc if you watched the documentary.
Then just drink water, you queer.
Look how sticky your mom's face is after I leave
>Unless you're eating exclusively fast food
>le Japanese hate black people meme
>the most famous comedian in Japan is black
Do they only like funny blacks?
Here is something else sticky.
Everyone loves minstrel shows.
>Documentary shows him as the cold autistic sushi sperg that he is
>Hates his children simply for not being perfect replicas of himself
>People are surprised when he acts exactly how he has been portrayed.
What the fuck do you expect?
>i-it kida feels wrong I dunno :(
not an argument