What are some good movies about people's right to free speech being taken away?
What are some good movies about people's right to free speech being taken away?
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All the fuckin memery aside, V for Vendetta is still bretty cool
the movie about the supreme court case with the guy from the incredible hulk starring. Larry v some bullshit
'The People versus Larry Flynt'?
some movie about gay wedding cakes
You get a good look at Courtney Love's Arby hole. Get ready to douse the TV with Horsey sauce.
I cry a single manly tear every time at that ending
Inherit the Wind nigga
>tfw I don't care about net neutrality cause my mommy pays for my internet anyway
lol poorfags
>I don't like a law that I know nothing about being removed because somebody on the internet told me what he thinks hypothetically will happen if it's removed
P. Ajit pls go
I'd agree with you if it wasn't for the fact that web providers have tried to stop anything that would prevent said hypothetical scenario from happening.
is he wrong though? pro tip: you can't refute him
Actually I've never seen an argument that was against what I already was taught to think and anybody that disagrees with me is paid by a corporation which means they are wrong
>Sup Forums in a nutshell.
Also this has nothing to do with television or film you faggots.
But we know what happens when Net Neutrality doesn't exist.
Just look at Australia.
This. If NN is ended
>Libtards cry
>SJW's bitch and moan
Who doesn't want that?
>I so enjoy being a contrarian that one of these days I'm going to attempt to insert a live roach into my urethra cause someone specifically told me not to.
I've got a movie for you right here OP
You do get that you faggots are gonna get absolutely buried by the corps, right Sup Forums?
Can you IMAGINE a world were a big corporation is gonna side with you retarded nazis over normal people?
The best thing that could ever happen to retards kids on the left side of your stupid internet fight is killing Net Neutrality.
OP wanted to talk about free speech movies. Are we really not going to discuss Courtney Love's wet, stinky snatch?
What happened with Australia?
Or America two years ago.
ISPs do whatever they fucking like and the strayas get fucked up the ass, which actually makes me happy.
They deserve it for being shitposters.
>thinking the decision has anything to do with free speech
wow, so THIS is the power of an african dance studies degree...
>porn is protected speech
>mean words are not protected speech
I hate communists so much
They HATE SJW's and Libcucks so I'm gonna vote in favor of repealing NN. Stay cucked libfags!
You do realize that net neutrality only existed for two years, right?
He's a shitskin, argument revoked
t. 56%
come on reddit! we HAVE to stop this!
but pic related isnĀ“t the ceo of google, youtube, twitter or reddit nor is it a Sup Forums mod. all places that love to censor conservative opinions while promoting some of the most radical left wing opinions
>Net neutrality is free speech
My man come on you're making us look bad.
this will never happen, if anything prices will go down
Totally never happened with cable tv.
Strayan here.
How do I get fucked in the ass exactly?
Just relax guys the free market will fix this
prices will go down when the internet is made a public utility
>One company decides to throttle content
>Other company doesn't
>Everyone switches to non throttling company in the long run
Wow, its fucking nothing
That image just makes me think Net Neutrality sucks ass.
Why would I want to pay for Social Media and Video Game shit hat I don't ever use?
Get your head out of your ass, that only happened with cable when democrats were in charge. Cutting net NUTtrality will end up cutting your internet bill in half. And less regulation means more of the internet is open
Unless you're a fascist and want state-controlled internet
This is not true
we're capitalizing this manufactured buzzphrase now?
Well if you faggots ain't gonna talk roast beef I'll just head on over to /s/.
Goodnight faggots.
fuck off pajeet pai
Australia is one of the most cuckolded countries on Earth.
>no right to free speech, hate speech laws out the ass
>downright draconian gun laws
>need a license for fucking air rifles
>need a fucking license for paintball guns
>need a license for crossbows
>airsoft is banned
>LASER pointers over 1mw are banned (effectively banning the vast majority)
>fucking YO YO WATERBALLS are banned
>novelty toy-like lighters are banned
>smokeless tobacco is banned
>toys containing beads are banned
>need a helmet to ride a fucking bicycle
>plain packaging on cigarettes
>absurdly high taxation on alcohol and cigarettes
>e-cigarettes are banned
>many violent games and movies banned or censored even after the R18 was introduced
t. fidel castro/mao zedong
Yeah, but whats wrong with our internet?
>This is not true!
>It's impossible!
Bitch more, Puke Guyfucker.
>limited to 100mbps if you're a soyboy in a major city
>limited to speeds like this if you're a mongrel from rural Australia
Face it, you dumb fucks got cuckolded by your own government since the Port Arthur Massacre. Dumb fuck Australians.
It isn't, you're a delusional commie
>public utility
Public utility is a commie libtard concept. Why should I pay for your shit?