Notice anything about the companies supporting net neutrality? It's all the ones that have done heavy censoring over the last few years
It's a fucking scam bigger than the Kony shit
Notice anything about the companies supporting net neutrality? It's all the ones that have done heavy censoring over the last few years
It's a fucking scam bigger than the Kony shit
Other urls found in this thread:
the pepes seem happier in 2nd pic
They're greedy multinational corporations who have avoided taxes for years and now they're getting some unwanted attention
Will repealing net neutrality make us all /partyrockers/?
My favorite porn sites support it, and so do I. Fuck off ISPshill
hmmm I wonder if (((you))) are trying to shill for (((someone)))
The devil himself George Soros supports Net Neutrality. That's all you need to know to be against it.
liberals in 2016: Trump is Hitler! He's going to put gays in concentration camps!
liberals in 2017: If net neutrality is repealed Netflix is going to cost $100! ISPs are going to charge you five times as much!
i thought all you fucks wanted a level playing field for your free market to find the best solution.
this is literally the opposite of a free market.
this is very true
You know, I think the bill is retarded but I legitimately hope it passes so I can witness the intense amount of butthurt that will ensue
As a Korean it makes me laugh seeing American ladyboy liberals cry about hpw netflix will be in trouble if nn is removed. Dance for Soros liberal puppets fuck drumpf like the late night tv host said amirite?
It's about picking the most rational side and going against it.
Dann checked
If dubs NN gets repealed
>Sup Forums
really looking forward to the 2018 meme to be quite honest
>go to \pooool\ natzee drumpf supporter
honestly pics related is how I really feel about net neutrality. as a conservative I already don´t have the right to free speech on some of the Internets biggest websites anyway, so why should I care about net neutrality.
but feel free to change my mind if you got any reasons
Usually the ones against net neutrality are the ones who don't know shit about it
You don't get to express yourself but you also won't be prosecuted for your opinions, idiot.
It will ensure you'll get charged more for a worse service, that's reason enough to be in favor of NN since there are literally no advantages to not having it
Wow I wonder why data hording smut sites ran by jews support hmm idk
Foreigner here. I can’t wait until your ISPs blacklist Sup Forums so all you Americans leave.
Max comfy.
Let me tell you a little about George Soros.
Wow I wonder why only ISPs are against it
isp are button pushing nobodies that have little interest in what you shitpost. compare that to google and the other giants that have been proven to be untrustworthy many times over.
Portugal doesn't have NN and they can still post here.
Fuck off russia, it's not ok that your goverment does it either.
>why is giving ISPs the ability to impose monopoly and censorship on information a bad idea
i hope you enjoy paying to unlock certain websites
Your a retarded Sup Forumscuck but you're right about net neut being a scam.
Its a fucking band-aid measure like the Paris climate change agreement that does nothing but allow politicians to pat themselves on the back over accomplishing absolutely nothing.
Even with "net neutrality" blocking and throttling and caps and monopolies and kikery will continue apace.
Without nn it will be even worse, but not by much.
Climate change is irreversibly headed to more than 1c this century and there's nothing cutting emmisions can do about it other than allow wealthy counties who are responsible for the bulk of historical emmisons to lay blame on undeveloped countries for burning coal.
Liberals are too cut up in the culutr war and opposing drumpf to see through all the BS for what it is and Nazis are brain dead corprorate dicksuckers as usual
Why is everyone stupid but me?
>I want my internet to be fucked up because it pisses off liberals!!!
How old are you?
>I think letting ISPs limit my speed based on which sites or services I use is a reasonable idea
who's getting scammed? dumb fuck libcuck
yeah but you also believe in global warming you goddam rube
Replealing nn does not make wrongthink illgeal you idiot. You are not educated at all on the subject and should leave the thread.
Probably because they're the ones who bear the cost of transfer that is used sisproportionately by social media sites, porn, and google
>Sup Forums
>television, movies and political debate
Oh no, poor Comcast :(
Does the power company charge you more for which appliances use more power? No, the why would bandwidth be any different? what you do with it is your own business. Also bandwidth is not a finite resource dumbass
Enough with this bullshit. The only thing we have here are some plans that don't consume data on certain websites.
You can browse everything
Internet speed are equal for every website.
You don't have to pay anything extra.
>my internet to be fucked up
Yeah man I remember back in ye olden days of 2013 when my ISP would refuse to let me connect to anything but state propaganda sites for a month, the internet was so fucking AWFUL to use between the years of 1997 and 2015 before NN was passed
>isp are button pushing nobodies
lol. google etc might care more about what you shit post, but by no means are those telecommuncations companies nobodies. they;re one of the biggest lobbyists. like 5 of the top 10 lul, and i think youll find that google and facebook are not on those lists.
>The only thing we have here are some plans that don't consume data on certain websites
>Having caps
>Does the power company charge you more for which appliances use more power?
Power companies actually do charge more for usage during peak hours, so that only people who value the electricity what it's worth pay.
>Also bandwidth is not a finite resource dumbass
It's limited by the cables that can transfer it, are you dense?
You clearly know zero about state interference on the internet around the globe, dumb fucking american.
Hate crime and other blanket terms serve to cover anything they want to cover.
That's on mobile plan only.
>I'm able to read mom look!
I'm 64 you faggot
Nn regulated (read: doesn't regulate at all) isps by recognizing and entrenching their regional monopolies as a utility
A real solution would be requiring ISP peering and leasing cable to competing isps to prevent overbuild.
Y'all been pirating everything for over a decade. We had this coming.
I ain't even mad. This'll force me to get back into reading literature and going outside more. Heck, I might even get a gf.
The government gave ISPs money to improve their infrastructure and they pissed it away, fuck them
Should have mentioned it, then again some burguer ISPs have caps
What do Americucks pay for internet now? 100/10Mb for 15€/month here
OP would rather allow companies to set the terms of access via the free market, instead of just allowing free market to work
OP is a faggot kys plz
>2005 - Madison River Communications was blocking VOIP services. The FCC put a stop to it.
>2005 - Comcast was denying access to p2p services without notifying customers.
>2007-2009 - AT&T was having Skype and other VOIPs blocked because they didn't like there was competition for their cellphones.
>2011 - MetroPCS tried to block all streaming except youtube.
>2011-2013, AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon were blocking access to Google Wallet because it competed with their bullshit.
>2012, Verizon was demanding google block tethering apps on android because it let owners avoid their $20 tethering fee. This was despite guaranteeing they wouldn't do that as part of a winning bid on an airwaves auction.
>2012, AT&T - tried to block access to FaceTime unless customers paid more money.
>2013, Verizon literally stated that the only thing stopping them from favoring some content providers over other providers were the net neutrality rules in place.
>2017, Verizon caught throttling customer data in direct violation of FCC Net Neutrality rules -
>that never happened
Their infrastructure isn't being utilized properly and won't be able to be utilized properly until NN is repealed
>I suck corporate cock and agree with everything Trump or someone with an R next to their name says!
Yeah, I get that you fat fucking ZOG loving boomer. Just die already.
Therefore we must support nn repeal
lol how'd you get those cherrypicked links so fast
Whoa, a whopping 8 incidents in the last 12 years with one of them happening WITH net neutrality in place. You might want to add that AT&T blocked Sup Forums back when you were still in preschool bucko, it lasted like two days.
Company does bad thing -> hyper-reactionary millenials go apeshit over it and have 5000 articles circulating on social media by the end of the business day -> decision is reversed. That's how it is, and that's how it will continue to be.
Why are we pretending to be retarded now?
Nane one thing you or any other civilian would gain from NN repeal.
If big bad Government regulations go away comcast will improve their service and totally won't fuck me, a consumer, over!
Net Neutrality is basically the ISP jew vs the streaming jew, but with a nice name to attract hordes of dumb lefty weedmen from reddit.
>Throttling and blocking
>Proper use
Pick one
>Gets proven wrong
>"W-why do you have facts to back you up lol"
literally only ISP's will benefit from repealling net neutrality, how much are they paying you?
>conservatives hear the liberals like net neutrality
>therefore they must hate net neutrality
>nn gets repealed
>Soros pays off isps to limit access to conservative websites
>conservatives can't do the same because liberal media is hosted on the largest social media platforms available and isps wouldn't do it
you retarded contrarians better not get Sup Forums blacklisted by Comcast
>retarded wojak
>speaks in perfectly spoken grammatically correct English
the left fucking sucks at memes
>comcast will improve their service
good times
I don't fucking care dude, ISPs are shit. Kikebook and Jewgle are also shit. Both want total control over the internet and neither solution will benefit me, I'm just tired of you fucking clueless redditors soiling yourselves and making five daily threads on every fucking board about how TEH INTERWEBZ WILL BE GONE FOREVER THE SECOND A BILL THAT HAS ONLY EXISTED FOR TWO YEARS IS REPEALED. Fuck off with your social activism shit.
Because the magical free market without regulations will make Comcast stop being one of the worst companies in America and start being a BASED company.
>reddit dumbass thinks that net neutrality is all about muh freedums of speech
Not everyone supporting NN is left wing you imbecile, it's a tech issue that Jews made into a political one, also I don't have the patience to pretend to type like a retard
>>Soros pays off isps to limit access to conservative websites
then you file a lawsuit. look, the only ones paying out the ass with this will be companies like op mentioned. it's not in isp's interest to censor things since they have no ideology except green. more people online and visiting websites means more money for them
>Power companies actually do charge more for usage during peak hours
that's not the equivalent of individual appliances and its also just one type of agreement/contract
are you naive enough to believe that isps won't take the highest bidder's demand on what sites to block
You sound like your mother never loved you, user. It's okay, I used to think that too before I grew out of it.
Why do white males have such fragile masculinity? No seriously. You can see it in white women. You take away the testosterone and false sense of superiority, you get the women of the race. It's not a coincidence that white women are the most overemotional and attention-seeking of all races. White men also have this predisposition, but when white men become overemotional, it instantly forms into mental illness. High-testosterone white men will normally become paranoid, delusional, manic, and psychopathic you if put them and stressful situations. White women become submissive, depressive, sad, and histrionic in stressful situations. It only proves that white people still live in fantasy land from killing each other for the past millennia at the collapse of the roman empire and should stick to eating psilocybin mushrooms, practicing alchemy, stealing roman inventions, killing slightly different tribes, and masturbating over gold.
tl;dr fuck white people. I hate them so much.
Why are ISPs actively trying to tear down Net Neutrality? If their intentions were to continue a free and open internet then there would be no need to undo the change made in 2015.
Could their motives, dare i say it, be pure?
>George Soros breaths
>Hence breathing is evil
but that's retarded, the customer himself is the highest bidder.
Eat shit, faggot.
You sound like someone who sucks 20 feet of Jew dick a day. I'm surprised you can post here. How's the_donald these days fatass?
Yeah, I don't care if it ruins the whole internet, as long as it ruins google. Twitter and Google repeatedly, over and over and over again, fall back on;
Well, good. Now when LE PRIVATE COMPANY decides to turn off your traffic unless you cough up big booku bucks, you'll understand.
Who is this semen demon
Go back to Gaia kiddo
Yeah kind of a funny way to get your point across.
their intention is to make more money off of corporations like google who should absolutely pay more because they use more data. net neutrality isn't "a free and open" internet anyway. it's basically government sanctioned monopoly because companies like google can continue to expand and there's no chance of smaller companies catching up to compete. google pays more and evens the playing field
i really feel like you’re all missing the fact Sup Forums would definitely be banned by most ISPs if this gets repealed. Ironically supporting its destruction is stupid.
Banned for what?
The site will be almost impossible to post on in a few months anyway with legacy captcha being killed, I'd rather it be banned than have to pay for a fucking pass.
This is a far larger issue than which hu klefuck sits in the white house
here's a question. your isp blocks Sup Forums and there's no other option in your area. do you cancel your internet? if you have a job or classes or a social life your answer is gonna be no. isp doesn't lose money.
even then rich people have a hell of a lot more money than all the poor people combined, so no, the customer is not the highest bidder.
It hasn't been banned from all hosting services, it wouldn't get banned by all ISP's.
Without NN smaller new services could get throttled while big ones like Netflix and YouTube get preference cause they paid for the faster lanes, works both ways
There won't be a Sup Forums to watch it from.
The media already operates on those principles and they're still corrupt and manipulate information to fit a progressive agenda. Fuck you people are dumb.
>and there's no other option in your area
I'd move out of the remote wildnerness if I cared that much.