Let's be real here for a second. Dumbledore would beat the S**T out of Gandalf.
Let's be real here for a second. Dumbledore would beat the S**T out of Gandalf
A simple gun would kill both in a second
Gandalf litteraly can't be killed
No but he can be entombed by Dumbledore forever.
wouldn't "Avada Kadavra" kill him?
>take away wand
Umm no sweaty it would be more like this.
>Dumbledore faced with horde of zombies while dying of poison
>Burns them all
>"That was fun"
>Gandalf faced with a horde of zombies
>Light some pine cones on fire and throw them at the zombies which doesn't really help much
Gandalf is a demigod and cannot be killed by mortal. He's not allowed to use all his power though
This. The Gandalf you know is a nerfed version that actually has Sauron tier powerlevel
Wtf since when did S**T filter to S**T
Gandalf is deathless. He literally cannot die. It's not something he is capable of. If his body is destroyed he can make a new one.
Or he could if his powerlevel hadn't been given a low cap by the Valar. But still.
Ultimately it would depend on whether Dumbledore has his wand. If he does, then it's barely even a contest. With a flick of the wrists Gandalf is Dumbledore's pet ferret for the rest of his life.
>hurr Gandalf is LITUHRALLEE a god he can never lose
I guess that's why Saruman got his throat slit by this slimy faggot and is dead forever.
Unless for some reason by "Gandalf" you mean "Gandalf and also whichever god or gods resurrected him in LotR", Dumbledore uses a spell and Gandalf dies from it, the end.
whats dumbledores tax policy?
>Gandalf sets fire to Dumbledore's wand
What now HP posters?
>forgot picture
Only Sarumans body died. Don't talk about shit you don't know anything about.
Nigga Saruman got his staff broken and his status revoked by Gandalf. He basically got kicked down to mortal level and was left with 0 powers apart from his cunning.
He still had his the power of his voice
Ok, Dumbledore's body dies and his spirit goes to Wizard Heaven forever so they draw.
The books where Gandalf's fighting revolves 99% of the time around hitting things with a sword? That'll go real well.
yeah gandalf got sent back by the capital G God of the setting, there's nothing to suggest wizards, even though they're maiar, can just return to the mortal world whenever they get bumped off and want a do-over
>implying hogwart's sheeple even need wands to do magic
They've been so thoroughly indoctrinated to believe that they do that they placebo themselves into making it true.
Dumblydor, being in one of the upper rungs of the hierarchy, probably knows that this is a fiction meant to restrain wizardly power and he only uses a wand himself to keep up the pretense.
He's not dead forever. He was rejected by the Valar after his body disintegrated (except for the skull, for some reason) and like Sauron he's too weak now to create another hroa, or physical body, for himself.
Also known as his cunning. He didn't have a magical voice ability, he was just a real smooth talker.
I finally figured out why LOTR and >dullest_franchise are compared to each other, and I feel stupid for not realizing it years sooner
Both are
>a series of books featuring fantastical elements adapted into yearly made movies released in the early 2000s
Gandalf would get his ass kicked because he was never meant to be some incredible warrior, he is more of a force that shapes middle earth.
No his voice is literally magic you dumb wikiposter. There's a whole chapter on this in The Two Towers. It's how he convinces Treebeard to let him leave Orthanc.
LotR is not a series of books. Tolkien wrote it as one book, his editor split it into three parts. Tolkien usually told his editor to fuck off when he tried to do anything but he let this slide.
doesn't gandalf have some faggot limitation placed on him where he's only allowed to use power equal to that of his opponent? which is why he can melee a balrog to death but has to chuck pine cones at wargs, right? also, there is an implication that gandalf planned on fighting smaug. he literally tells them not to enter the mountain without him, and that smaug has ruled the place long enough. he probably would have had some banter with smaug before beating his ass.
tldr I would like to say gandalf would win but his power is only lore based, ie not enough feats shown, besides killing a super demon. i guess that could be enough.
Are you fucking dense? When they return to the Shire and it's all fucked up, Frodo sorts it out and literally says
>He has lost all power, save his voice, which can deceive you
Saruman was a smooth talker and that's it. Why would he lose some of his magical abilities but not others? That doesn't make any sense. It's because it wasn't a magical ability. Gandalf broke his staff and after that he was cast out and just a normal dude.
>doesn't gandalf have some faggot limitation placed on him where he's only allowed to use power equal to that of his opponent?
No, he just can't shapeshift. Maiar can create and recreate their forms however they want, shifting from one thing into another if they want. The Istari couldn't do that, they were locked into the shapes of old men. Being embodied in this way also makes them weaker because they're more intrinsically tied to the physical world.
he didn't write the entire story at the same time, and they were sold as separate books. they're a series of books, you autistic fucking "akchually" cock sucking retard.
tolkien wrote it as one story, but he wasn't delusional enough to think they could publish the entire thing in one massive volume
Can Dumbledore beat the Witch King of Angmar?
Note that no man can kill the Witch King, but Dumbledore is a faggot in canon.
>>He has lost all power, save his voice, which can deceive you
Literally identical to how it worked before his staff broke. People can resist it if they have the strength of will. He was not just a normal dude after getting his staff broken. He was diminished but still dangerous.
>he didn't write the entire story at the same time
No, he spent like thirty years writing it, but it was completed at the same time. He didn't write The Return of the King after The Fellowship of the Ring came out.
>Diminished but still dangerous
>Gets BTFO by fucking Hobbits
Even Gandalf realised he was such a joke that he didn't go back to deal with him, because he knew Frodo could handle it. If he was still a threat, Gandalf would've done something. Once his staff was broken, he ceased being Gandalf's problem. It's staggering you can fail to comprehend things so simple.
>in canon
As far as the Harry Potter "canon" goes there is literally no indication or hints of any kind as to Dumbledore's sexuality. Some gay people were pretty mad when Rowling outed him because as far as the actual story is concerned he's so far in the closet no one could possibly know he was gay.
Gandalf knew he was a threat wikiposter, he explicity tells the hobbits that they have to solve this one on their own.
>No, he spent like thirty years writing it
that's the silmarillion genius, the bringing-together of the legendarium that was his life's work. he wrote lotr on & off from the late 30s to the mid-late 40s
Not an argument. Enjoy being wrong.
To be fair to the wiki poster Saruman's magic did seem to have all dried up. He tried telling the Hobbits that if they attacked him his blood would curse the Shire but Frodo knew he was bluffing.
>he wrote lotr on & off from the late 30s to the mid-late 40s
The story was in the works much longer than that, together with the Silmarillion and the rest of his legendarium. It's all tied together. He was crafting LotR prior to the years he actually put pen to paper.
Tolkien said this himself, whenever anyone pissed him off by saying that LotR was allegory for Nazism or Communism or the atom bomb or anything having to do with WW2.
regardless of your autism, they are officially known as a SERIES of books by the people who publish them and own the rights. Literally NO ONE refers to them as a singular book.
>Literally NO ONE refers to them as a singular book.
Tolkien did.
>They say it is the first step that costs the effort. I do not find it so. I am sure I could write unlimited ‘first chapters’. I have indeed written many. The Hobbit sequel is still where it was, and I have only the vaguest notion of how to pro-ceed. Not ever intending any sequel, I fear I have squandered all my favourite ‘motifs’ and characters on the original ‘Hobbit’.
>February 17, 1938
>Let's be real here for a second. Dumbledore would beat the S**T out of Gandalf
Dumbledore is an old man who knows some spells, Gandalf is a literal angel.
>Knowing anything about modern LOTR
>The Hobbit sequel is still where it was, and I have only the vaguest notion of how to pro-ceed.
Meaning it had been in the works for as time already as I said, yes.
Thankfully he does not or his rage would resurrect him so that he might take vengeance on his descendants, on Peter Jackson, on anyone associated with the property in any way.
He can, but he can come back like he did after the double KO with the balrog.
More like
>Dumbledore faced with horde of zombies while dying of poison
>Rowling tweets "btw Dumbledore was trans and the zombies are literally Voldemort"
>he was never meant to be some incredible warrior
He fought one on one with a balrog.
> Never read the book.
Niggar. Wizard's body can be destroyed but never truly die as long as Valar (literal God) allow Istari' spirit to be back to Middle Earth.
Gandalf and Saruman are on the same level as Sauron.
Can someone with actual knowledge post stats?
Im guessing
3200 hp
2000 mana
Staff strike - 2 damage
I dont know there stats..anyone?
yeah, since unwin rejected a version of the silmarillion for publication in 1937 and told him the material would be better explored in a book in the style of the hobbit
>I think it is plain that quite apart from it, a sequel or successor to The Hobbit is called for. I promise to give this thought and attention. But I am sure you will sympathize when I say that the construction of elaborate and consistent mythology(and two languages) rather occupies the mind, and the Silmarils are in my heart. So that goodness knows what will happen.
>He literally cannot die. It's not something he is capable of. If his body is destroyed he can make a new one.
Jeethuus cwith cont.
>Valar (literal God)
The Valar are the gods (lowercase g). Eru/Illuvatar is God (capital g).
Found the underage tard.
I think the real question is how quickly could Gandalf defeat one of the most powerful wizards of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises? Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though
"No!" The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
Considering the "no man" thing was twisted by Eowyn (I think it was Eowyn at least) into "no male", Dumbledum could twist it into "no muggle" and do the same. There is no logic or consistency in HP lore anyway.
It's pretty obvious Rowling wanted diversity points, just like her claim that "I never said Hermione was white" when she was played by a black woman.
They use a completely different type of magic. Dumbledore's magic is basically like science. It can actually be taught and learned. Gandalf's magic is a gift from God. I think the latter would end up being more powerful.
Nice semantics, faggot.
Eowyn didn't kill the witch king because she was a woman. She killed him because Merry popped his invincibility bubble with an enchanted Arnorian blade. Anyone could have killed him at that point.
>I think the latter would end up being more powerful.
He couldn't even beat a bunch of orcs, Dumbledore LITERALLY has thousands of ways to whip Gandalf's ass.
>Fëanor is actually an allegory for a pissed Tolkien after learning of the movies and Ubisoft games
Well, when you put it like that, yeah it seems like Dumbledore is more powerful. He would probably just create a flaming whirlwind and wreck them all.
Tricking Treebeard can't be that hard to do though. Anything else he did with that magical voice of his?
nah they both used the same phrasing
>"Be gone, foul dwimmerlaik, lord of carrion! Leave the dead in peace!"
>"Come not between the Nazgul and his prey! Or he will not slay thee in thy turn. He will bear thee away to the houses of lamentation, beyond all darkness, where thy flesh shall be devoured, and thy shriveled mind be left naked to the Lidless Eye."
>"Do what you will, but I will hinder it, if I may."
>"Hinder me? Thou fool. No living man may hinder me!"
>"But no living man am I! You look upon a woman. Éowyn I am, Eomund's daughter. You stand between me and my lord and kin. Be gone, if you be not deathless! For living or dark undead, I will smite you, if you touch him."
yes and no, it's most just tolkien's tribute to macbeth and the idea of fate and prophecy in legend
Sang in a bunch of dorky Metal songs
When the good guys went to shrek him after the victory at Helm's Deep he nearly managed to dupe the knights of Rohan into sympathizing with him. He's like "hey I know I killed your families and everything but hear me out" and they were like "you know he's got a point!"
>Tricking Treebeard can't be that hard to do though.
‘Leave it to the Ents!’ said Treebeard. ‘We shall search the valley from head to foot and peer under every pebble. Trees are coming back to live here, old trees, wild trees. The Watchwood we will call it. Not a squirrel will go here, but I shall know of it. Leave it to Ents! Until seven times the years in which he tormented us have passed, we shall not tire of watching him.’
He's been alive since the first age, he walked in the woods of Beleriand, he's more angry at Saruman than he's ever been at anyone in his life, all in all he's a badass dude. Tricking Treeberd into letting him go after all the shit he pulled would be very difficult.
>He would probably just create a flaming whirlwind
Because he is a flaming faggot lol u get it?
Are we talking about the old fart from the books/movies who's borderline worthless and dying of magic cancer, or the old preppy from My Immortal who dyes his beard black to fit in with the goths in Hogwarts and wears black Avril Lavigne dresses?
The "Hermione is black thing" was so fucking stupid. Every official piece of art depicts her as white and she's describe in one of the books as "incredibly pale." If she had been mentioned as black or if they left it 100% ambiguous then it's fine, but it's such an obvious asspull to appease headcannon idiots. It's also fucking insulting that Hermione in the stage play is ugly as fuck. She's not supposed to be gorgeous but she's not unattractive either. What the fuck were they thinking?
Some nerd actually tracked down a passage in the third book which described her "white face".
You are correct, not that it matters.
Dumbledore was written to be "Dis super awesome older wizard who is the most powerful in the world, and can do anything at any time. He's the only one that can stand up to Voldemort and knows everything instantly."
Gandalf was wise and kept out of most affairs unless they were truly dire (Hobbit (the book. never saw the movies) vs. LotR) and a threat to harmony in the world. He was powerful, but he used his sword as much, maybe more, than his staff. And his asset was his wisdom and guidance even more so than his combat skills. Dumbledore's "wisdom" is written by some lady in a children's book.
Basically having Dumbledore vs. Gandalf is like having Will Smith in Suicide Squad fight Yoda or Obi-Wan (as shown in the OT).
Fuck, literally anyone could write a stronger character than either of them. "Oh my guy is a super wizard who is invincible and can kill you just by thinking it, even from the other side of the planet."
I get that Treebeard has a huge grudge, but he isn't portrayed as the brightest creature. It is still conceivable that Saruman just managed to trick him IMO.
He is literally a plant.
and he's dead and no longer has the rights to jack shit.
A sentient plant
And prefers the company of young boys.
The world's smartest potato is still a potato user.
not to mention that the artifice is expected to be more apparent in a stage production so it's really a non-issue from a continuity perspective, but no she had to tie herself up in mental knots to try and score some extra diversity cred
I'm just saying, Treebeard may be simple-minded, but he also displayed some critical thinking. I think Treebeard is probably complex enough to be tricked. Probably. He's definitely not just an ordinary plant; hell, we see him display emotions plenty.
Always thought this was dumb. He's not mortal so his spirit should never have left the earth in the first place for god to send him back.
Let’s be real here, gandalf can go hide in the shire and get blazed all day every day and wait for dongledore to keel over from old age
>his spirit is immortal so it should just stick around in the mortal world instead of returning to whence it came
His spirit didn't leave the earth. God resurrected him on the spot he died. He never went to the halls of Mandos or anything like that.
Dumblydore could never stand up to Gandalf, he is old and week and has kanser.
Gandalf is a literal Demi-God cosplaying as human to lead mankind through example not force.
That's not even his actual form. Gandalf is the most powerful entity in Middle Earth at the films end
Let's be real here. D&D mage casts imprisonment and they're both fucked forever.
>allow Istari' spirit to be back to Middle Earth.
>Then darkness took me, and I strayed out of thought and time, and I wandered far on roads that I will not tell. Naked I was sent back – for a brief time, until my task is done.
If his mortal body dies he's as good as dead without divine intervention. Dumbledore also has a spirit that will last for eternity as far as anybody knows, should his body die. Gandalf having a different transcendental spiritual existence after his body dies is irrelevant.
Kylo Ren beats Gandalf
Actually, yes he would
Gandalf is prohibitted from doing cool shit by the gods so Dumbledore could easily zap him into submission
lol faggot
>Implying they wouldnt automatically pass the Wisdom saving throw
>shapechange into a dragon and step on em
I think you inherit spell resistance from shapechange, too, although I'm not sure.
Dumbledore would try to butt fuck Gandolf, he's a disgusting faggot remember?