>Movie is named Akira
>Akira shows up for like 3 seconds
The fuck?
Movie is named Akira
>didn't read the manga
go to bed
this shits stupid
The movie only covers like half of the source material where Akira is an actual character, although he has autism and I don't really remember him ever saying anything.
The soundtrack that goes with the motorcycle chase, and the shots of Neo-Tokyo we're pretty cool. Those weird ass drum sounds.
Manga is 6 volumes. Movie is basically the first 2 volumes + a finale.
Very boring, VERY overrated
>something is overrated because I don't like it and MY opinion matters more than everybody else's
how do people like you not realize how faggy you are?
t. female
yes but that animation is GOD TIER
I didn't think the plot was all that enthralling either but the environment/culture that they invented was pretty original and well-depicted tbqh
Big if true
that bike looks really comfortable
it's a big bike
you're a faggot
4 u.
>samefaggot you fucking faggot
Anime went from Akira to waifu/moe/harem shit. What the fuck happened in Japan?
user got anally devastated while failing to identify samefags! Many such cases!
what if Trump actually came to Sup Forums ?
It was supposed to be building up akira as a lovecraftian superbeing/god and thetwist is he's just a kid.
Potentially meme answer: Japan stopped looking to the west for inspiration and instead turned inwards to their own consumer base.
Look at anime from the 80s. It's very 80s Hollywood influenced from a retrospective eye. Tons of darker, more gritty violent action a la the Terminator with random splices of gratuitous nudity, because that's what was hot back then. Look at anime today, there's nothing like it. It's following no trend.
When the fuck are they gonna do a remake of this based on the manga?
Os ot amy hppj?
Jesus christ, I had my hands on the keyboard wrong.
What I meant to say was, is it any good?
this is Sup Forums
This, it's worth watching for the animation alone.
Really illustrates just how shitty most of those nip cartoons are.
Today it's teenage angst and pandering. That's what sells.
personally i prefer the tighter focus of the film, with the political events being more around the edges to create tone, but the manga isn't bad, not by a long shot. worth reading if you liked the film and want to see an alternate and expanded take
there's also domu, an earlier manga of otomo's, very much like a proto-akira in many ways. definitely worth checking out too
The waifu/moe/harem shit makes money. A studio can make more money churning out multiple moeshit shows with terrible production values on a shoestring budget every year, than they can off one amazing and expensive movie in 1-3 it takes to make.
If anyone is to blame, it's the consumers for watching and buying moeshit so much, rather than serious or well made anime productions.
No. Moeshit doesnt apply to well adjusted people.
Japan is plagued with 2ch hikikomori faggots who never experienced a normal youth and try to relive it through moe trash.
Perhaps Moeshit is a healthy way to check up on how your population is doing
Artfag here. Akira might be the greatest comic ever created. Tells a long-form story over 2,500 pages juggling an immense cast of characters and some huge ideas, and yet it's a joy to read from beginning to end. There's a reason it's revered by comic creators the world over.
it doesn't really make that much money on its own. the margins are good since the productions are kept relatively cheap, and the lion's share of the money a successful anime franchise makes is on merchandise and tie-ins (and hugely inflated prices for bds)
The chapters with Akira weren't released by the time the movie came out
Otomo mentioned something about developing a new anime series that adapts the manga fully at a comic convention in France last year.
I signed into my bakabt account because it was about to be pruned and was looking at the anime. fucking trash, all of it, and some meme about underwater whatever the fuck that is.
it's overrated because it was the first anime released in the mainstream west
I never said it applied to well adjusted people. When I say consumers I mean the consumers, not the non-consumers. And when I say waifu/moe/harem shit, the consumers are 2ch hikkimori faggots.
No, you're just a basic bitch.
I make art for a living, I think that's enough to make me an artfag.
Drawing porn doesnt count
I actually do production stuff like pre-vis and storyboarding. It's so boring, miserable and deadline-intensive I actually wish I was drawing porn. When a job comes around the deadline is usually so tight I have to work for 20-30 hours straight with no sleep.
Drawing porn can net you tons if you make a shitty Sim RPG on Unity and draw some nude scenes.
1-30k$ a month
Beautiful manga with a lot of well written characters and many sub-side plots.
I'll look into that, thanks. Better start brushing up on my nude anatomy skills.
Hell yes. It may actually be the best comic that I've ever read.
do furry commissions if you want to maximize porn income at the cost of all your dignity
>VERY overrated
it's not praised for its story, but for being the most expensive project ever done in anime, they wanted to make a push for digital techniques in animation way back in the late 80's and poured money into this, it cost millions, didn't make it back obviously, but still paved the way and tone for 90's anime, which still is the best decade so far for that medium in terms of variety and story.
Not needed anymore. Patreon is filled with normies
>it's a love story involving cellphones
I'm okay with this.
Stop posting that because it's already a thing.
קייט-איי מוצא דרך
게읻애 항상 길을 찾습니다
Tfw you will never get 2 impeccably animated films that cover both halves of the book, that are also in b&w.
Keit-ai is already a manga. Stop posting it.
Shaggy Dramatically Reads Keit-Ai.
Otomo has some insane drafting skills.
All the art deco and architectural porn of the first half then contrasted in the second half by the derelict remains of the city cemented Akira as one of my favorite visual works.
The scenes of the city being destroyed blow my mind every time I look at them. Insane draftsmanship.
I will literally pay you 100 American dollars for a 30 minute film lb Tangled's Rapunzel getting Gangbanged. The art would have to be spot on though.
Akira has one of my favorite title cards in any movie so I excuse it.