Dance of bro, you and me

Dance of bro, you and me

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what did he mean by this?

upvote reddit style!

>normie """"humour""""

This scene killed when I saw it in the kinoplex

Woah is that Stan Lee in the fucking background??? ANOTHER STAN LEE CAMEO???? HOLY SHIT IT IS!!!! ABSOLUTELY FUCKING BASED!!!!!

Marvel brainlet

so did the ass farting in "ass"

This scene pissed me off so much I walked ut shortly after.

At least it made more sense than "Martha?"

did it really happen? cant find it on youtube


>walked out when movie ended

>not hiding out in the theatre until the next movie starts and getting more value for your money

best mcu scene

what is the "dance of bro"?

It was kinda funny. Don't be an insufferable sourpuss, Sup Forums.

It's not funny redditor

It's the dance within the category of bro
Clearly you didn't watch the movie as the idea is pretty explicitly explained

>not living in the theatre and surviving off of all the food and drink that the americans spill all over the floor

A dance between bros.

>laughs at anything
You have no sense of comedy. NONE.

thats pretty funny, what you wrote

Had the challenge been accepted,who wouldve won

fart in my ass dude, cowabunga style


counter-ironically the best scene in the whole film

>dance of bro

Never heard of that dance

The dance off bro distraction tactic (which is what it is - a distraction if you think otherwise you're memeing or severely autistic) was a bit camp bit nowhere the level of stupidity that the "hold hands and kill ronan with the power of friendship" moment that comes directly after

perfect scene

this senpai

they should have just let peter kill him and explain why afterwards.

But it still showed how much they cared for Peter.

I avoided the sequel because of this shit. But I suppose I'll have to watch it eventually for the Infinity War shit.

I suppose your point about it showing their bond somwhat redeems it but holy shit if it didnt remind me exactly of this

gabegino is funnie

Dance of bro you and meeeee~

why do people like GotG? it's like a 6/10 nothing special at all...

I think it makes a great kids movie except for the unnecessary lewd references.

This is the only time I've actually physically and unironically cringed at something in a movie.

Somebody has to push upper lip CGI tech forward! If not them then who?