Why do we hate him again?
Sup Forums used to love him just 2-3 years ago
Why do we hate him again?
Sup Forums used to love him just 2-3 years ago
He's an unfunny fuck wit.
He is a pedophile.
Friends with pedo Podesta. Probably a sick guy.
He's pretty good in Harvey Birdman.
Because Sup Forums is a trump board now
lol no we didn't you stupid faggot
he dared criticize drumpf
in case you can't tell, crybaby Sup Forumstards took over this board over a year ago
He's full shill without the irony now. He was neve as good as Stewart anyway.
I'm not even a Trumpeter but the dude just goes on way too much about him. I enjoyed the Colbert Report back in the day, even if it was inferior to The Daily Show, but I could care less about his new late night show.
Because he whines about ROLAND GROMPTH every opportunity he gets and its really fucking tiresome.
Except people have been hating him since the move to late night, before he became Trump Talk.
Sup Forums was literally too dumb to realize he was playing a character
The system has invaded this board and anything that hurts emperor Trump sama
you mean when he was playing the part of a conservative strawman?
He hasn't been good since Obama took office.
2 years ago he was funny
he's been acting really weird ever since pizzagate
He seemed like he was having fun in his old show. He seems almost mentally ill in his new show.
it's common on Sup Forums for people to say "we" or "Sup Forums" when they should really say me/I/my. I think it comes from teenagers being in junior high school and high school, and their insatiable desire to conform.
that said, i think colbert sold out.
He was funny and intresting 2-3 years ago.
Who knew that the reality would end up more absurd and insane than the parody
I find him pretty funny actually, his satire is great.
He was fun when he seemed more at ease and in control.
Currently he seems insincere and has that black guy laughing at everything he says. There's no wit to anything, it's just saying "Trump" over and over until the audience applauds. It all seems heartless and empty.
I don't like him because he's a shit interviewer.
it was great when he along with Jon Stewart were tearing strips off of the Bush Administration for legalizing torture and lying about Saddam having WMDs so they could invade Iraq
they stood out because all mainstream media outlets acted like know-nothings and treated unsubstantiated claims from Bush/Cheney/Rice/Rumsfeld/Fleischer with deference. had the mainstream news media been half as tough on Bush and his team as they are on Trump now, no Iraq War would have taken place.
Stewart and Colbert were our pressure-escape valve - laughing at the absurdity of what was going on, while being completely impotent at preventing any of it from happening.
today Colbert is an insider, and his while he made his name satirizing a jingoistic right-winger, today he's a painfully-earnest advocate for the other side - his side. that makes the total effect not ironic, but pedantic.
and of course he marches in lockstep with the other late-night talkshow hosts, along with most of the TV News networks, the NYT, WaPo, WSJ - he's part of the establishment now.
the best comedian on TV today is Donald Trump, because he's an outsider, and because he'll say things no one ever says. maybe you disagree with him on policy, or more likely you hate the figure he cuts, but as someone who's never voted conservative before in his life, when I watch him talk I can't help but laugh. I laugh from his performances more than Colbert, Fallon, Myers, SNL combined ever made me laugh. there's the real irony - it's a problem comedians had with Bush too: how do you satirize someone who seems beyond parody?
this isn't the golden age of political comedy - it's the iron pyrite age, because A) Trump is funnier than they are; and B) nothing they're doing is revealing wrongdoing in the areas where it could make change. they could have stopped the tax bill by hammering home to the audience how terrible it would be for most Americans as an ad hoc political organizing movement but they didn't. he's just past his prime.
>Why do we hate him again?
because his politics lean to the left and this board is full of nazi polniggers
There's that word again. Just because I believe Hitler dindu nuffin wrong and the holocaust is a lie and I'm an anti-semite doesn't make me a nazi you libtard commie sjw soyboy. So what if I greet my friends with the roman salute?
Then he was a parody of Fox News anchors, now he's a parody of Daily Show correspondents.
Stephen "Two-Scoops-Too-Many" Colbert
>Have a goofy persona you pull when it's time for your segment.
>Let's make a show with only Colbert entirely!
>Oh wait the character Colbert used to play is under contract, he's not allowed to use it in his new show.
>Writing staff sees ratings plummet
>Lets just make Trump jokes
Lost respect when he did the Sieg Heil salute at the opening while smirking, because Trump is a nazi!!
He had gone full retard at that point
Forgot pic
You forgot to say "I'm not a Nazi, I'm a national socialist. Nazi is a jew media slur with connotations of evil; they are not the same are hard-working proud national socialists."
Because he started taking himself seriously.
He's suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.
the alt right got trendy lately is the answer.
and i get it why.
a lot of normalfags got tired of the bs the left is putting out there so they went full 1488 to fit in but actually none of these people i talk about think it seriously they just want to fit in the anti establishment group. and the anti establishment group thinks it has to emulate the very behaviour its attacking.
its pathetic and sad but its also understandable.
when pol understands that the voting system is rigged on every side ... it will be too late
because everything is the same. meaning playing into the hands of the kikes.
He's not allowed to play that character anymore.
>slur with connotations of evil
That's just too eloquent.
>the best comedian on TV today is Donald Trump
Unintentionally? That's like saying the best comedian on the streetcorner is the crazy lunatic.
Spot on for the most part.
Oliver and Colbert, despite not nearly as incisive as their previous incarnations and despite being totally formulaic, still at least have some bite for pointing out hypocrisy.
I think Americans are also pretty fatigued from hearing about Trump. Political humor just exacerbates the fatigue.
>Trump Derangement Syndrome
This isn't a thing
I don't know his mind - nobody does by him - but I don't think the comparison to the streetcorner crazy goes very far in explaining his behavior
my opinion is it's just a natural byproduct of his M.O.: say enough things that go fully beyond the pale of mainstream accepted discourse that people can't stop talking about these things, and by extension him. the 2016 election cycle was publicity overload, and in hindsight the media recognized privately how much free press they gave him, just how complicit they were in producing the Trump phenomenon. since last November they've been trying to make up for it by being tough on him all the time about literally everything.
CNN hosted a representative of the Anne Frank Center, who vigorously denouncing the President as anti-Semitic, despite having a Jewish son-in-law, a daughter who converted, and 2 grandchildren being raised Orthodox. it's gotten pretty ridiculous.
How can you hate anyone whose favorite band is Neutral Milk Hotel?
He's gotten lazy and hasn't been funny for years
Unfunny libtard faggot who needs to die screaming in a gas chamber.
His sarcastic conservative caricature on Comedy Central was more likeable than the actual Colbert is now.
He has always been a dumb unfunny caricature that only easily-amused burger liberals can stomach
People were bitching about Bush the moment he was president elect and let up only briefly, for about a month, after 9/11. Then it was right back to Bush being literally Hitler.
>Sup Forums used to love him just 2-3 years ago
fuck off faggot
Alt right babbies lmao! Seriously, all us Sup Forumsedditors are Bernie Bros 4 life!
Actions speak louder than words my soy enriched friend
I miss the Colbert Report...
Because his liberal talk show host satire is awful.
>youre either a full blown nazi natsoc or youre a full blown commie sjw socialist
>polniggers actually believe this
Jesus Christ, he was so much better back then.
Streetcorner crazy is probably more likely schizophrenia. They use metaphors differently, like "Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra" on ST:TNG.
Trump, on the other hand, is a classic narcissist, with its narcissistic rage, non-stop ego defense, arrogance, certainty, excessive need for admiration, disregard for others' feelings, lack of empathy, inability to handle any criticism, deflection, nonstop scapegoating, and a sense of entitlement. Plus, Trump is in his 70s, and he has a family history of dementia, his father Fred developed Alzheimers in his 80s. Plus Trump only sleeps like 4 hours a night, and chronic sleep deprivation can worsen the risk of Alzheimer's. Plus he's a Fox News viewer, so he believes everything Fox News tells him, and disbelieves everything else. Plus, Trump is a salesman who basically believes his own hype, and psychopaths (who lack empathy) are overrepresented among CEOs and salesmen. Plus, nobody would loan money to Trump for years, so like his son Don Jr. said, a lot of their money comes from Russia. And Trump was roasted by Obama at the 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner. And Trump inherited a lot of money, and has never faced serious consequences for his sexual misconduct. And people who believe in conspirady theories like to feel "special." All those things explain most of Trump's behavior.
His obsession with Trump is retarded and boring, I've had to give up on a lot of media to go back and rewatch politically neutral shows. It's not even rose tinted glasses, people like Colbert and the people who consume his contemporary garbage, are all human garbage.
Honestly I think someone came up and to him and said he is not a spin doctor, and his career is over unless he tows the party line.
I don't hate him, but I do find him irritating. Not even a Trump fan.
This is unforgivable
I don't know the fellow but he has 1 (one) punchline
>Sup Forumsedditor wants to be on the middle ground
fuck drumpf and fuck white people
>black hypeman laughs at everything so the audience knows when they're supposed to
This bothers me the most.
He's just kinda bland these days, delivery, jokes, it's all very safe and meh.
Maybe all his good material was in playing a character and now the real him is just your likeable boring grandad. Which is perfectly okay, I guess, it's just not that entertaining. It's extra harmful in how forced and dishonest everything in his show sorta feels, especially since this is the "real" Colbert.
Either way, if Stephen is going for the comfy factor he should quit this and make like a weekly/monthly/yearly LOTR talk show/special. Because talking about Tolkien is legit one of the few times he's genuine on his show.
I liked when he danced around on the stage doing a T-Rex impersonation and saying over and over that he was Donald Trump and pretending to chase an invisible James Come. Talk about having your finger on the pulse.
god that music intro was a fucking joke
Judging by all the triggered drmpftards and the triggered president of the united states of america, I think they aren't as safe as you may think.
Aw shit they got the Eric Andre band to play one episode? That's amazing. Didn't even know that.
jesus Bill is on fire and the audience is just sitting there. Damn.
Colbert report was funny, now he just makes unfunny trump jokes, not cause it is against trump, it is just no effort unfunny.
It's pretty astounding how many people have broken satire-detectors
It's because he always finds a way.
>constantly tells jokes that have the same punchlines
>ignores all the awful stuff the democrats do and only gives one side of the story
>most of his "political arguments" are based on emotional arguments
What the ...
Stop posting that because it's already a thing.
Show feels forced and awkward. He's clearly more comfortable playing Colbert the character than being Colbert the comedian.
Shaggy Dramatically Reads Keit-Ai.
Keit-ai is already a webcomic. Stop posting it.
>people used to like him when he was actually funny
Why are Sup Forumstards so obsessed with this guy?
Comedy Central Colbert > Colbert
>yeah Krlumphshttards get over yourselves haha
haha on Sup Forums is the most passive agressive thing
He was never funny nor interesting. Knew he was a Jewish shill when I tried watching his show back in middle school
Looking back at that time now, I wonder are they right by accident? Maybe they would have been that ridiculous to Bush no matter what, and they just lucked out that Bush did pull some shit? I guess we'll never know
People let you down, my dude
I never liked late shows. The shit band that the host is pretends with that has to be such a huge part of the show, followed by pretend celeb friend ass kissing.
He gave up his original program and became like all the rest.
>Donald Trump, because he's an outsider
Donald Trump was one of the largest personalities in Hollywood, what?
>Donald Trump was one of the largest personalities in Hollywood
The president gave up tweeting and started shitposting.
It absolutely is.
Colbert is now like a man-o-war, an entity that in closer inspection is a raft of entities, all working toward an alien agenda, ready to poison anyone (like Sup Forums) with the guts to pick it up. Colbert is the expression, the embodiment, of SJewWs, he sold his soul. The great irony is that Colbert went from playing a character to playing a puppet. He's like a ventriloquist who is doomed to inhabit his dummy, for acceptance, for fame, for vanity. Gross.
why do you need to be reminded of why this board hates this abominable fuckwit?