Fuck you all. This was just as good as the first one.
Fuck you all. This was just as good as the first one
so it was shit?
So it was complete shit as well?
So you mean it was edgy cringy shit?
Lad Ritchie's take on the island's enduring narrative was superior
Good to know, OP. I haven't seen either of those two movies but I'll be sure to check them out after you kill yourself.
This movie is fine if you are 13.
this ruined the movie for me
Nah, it was much worse.
I rewatched the first one right after it. It had much better pacing and action and a character arc interwoven with the plot.
it was stupid as fuck but not enough to ruin the movie imo
>First was fresh and original to a point
>Second one was paint by numbers sequel
It was not shit but it was not that good either
reddit the flick
Is there any explanation as to what went so wrong? How could the first one be so good and the second so bad? Was there production issues or something?
They didn't seem to have any good ideas for the sequel. Why was it even made?
It was really bloated. The subplot with the swedish princess was especially unnecessary.
No them killing the best girl and Merlin for zero reasons respectively in favor for bringing back Colin Firth from a headshot did.
Instead of showing the continuing adventures of Eggsy, Roxy and Merlin they opted to rehash the first movie.
The reasoning to do so is so absurd that it's comic- which may have been intentional and accepted because of the tone of the first- but is so poorly written and forced that Colin Firth brings it out in his performance. There was no British chivalry and acted like a blank slate even after his character recovers from amnesia.
All the American characters were one dimensional dolls hardly in the movie themselves.
>No them killing the best girl
You never see her die.
If they make another sequel I'm a 100% convinced she turns out to be alive.
It would have been better if it focused purely on the Statesmen and had them be the main characters.
Almost heaven, West Virginia...
If they didn't bring back Firth how would they get the housewife audience?
The fight scenes were pretty good.
>t. absolute retard
it was planned as a trilogy, actually
The Elton bit was funny the first time, the newspaper article showing he was kidnapped and him being chained to a piano to play for the villain got a laugh
However, to drag it right out, repeatedly show him, then turn him into a Kung Fu wizard revealed how devoid of inspiration they were
Then he shows up at the end too as if they hadn't milked the cameo dry.
Can you call it a cameo when they devote so much time to the bit?
Then they must have completely changed the plans.
In the first everyone tied into one common theme, the second one was just random.
if this was disney it will get 80%-98% on RT.
Of all the things Eggsy could have hacked with his watch, He didn't even try to hack the dog.
Or the remote control landmines to save Country Roads man
The film feels like it has Kick Ass 2 syndrome. Going from 'absurd' to 'ridiculous', with the massive tonal shift and the introduction of a bunch of new, pointless shit at the expense of stuff introduced in the previous film.
Really could've just made the film being Charlie wanting revenge or something instead of drugs woman.
this, killing merlin felt so anticlimactic.
I mean fuck you have freese spray but you don't have some kind of weight to cheat a fucking landmine? I don't care if it's technically possible or not but at that level of tech I suspended my disbelief for, I don't expect people to die from landmines if they don't lift their foot without realising it.
He only took out four guards too and ended up making things worse by alerting everyone to their presence
You can't show him 'sacrificing' himself to take out four dudes and raise the alarm and then show the other two dudes wiping out an entire base of people without breaking a sweat
There was just no need for him to step off it
first one sucked too
I thought it was fine. Not nearly as good as the first one but still a pretty good time. Bringing back Colin Firth was sort of pointless because he didn't add anything to the movie.
It was fucking retarded.
It was a shitty rehash where every other scene was over done CGI.
Merlin was the only real saving grace in the film.
I really like the first but this was stupid. It's like Vaughn lost all self awareness and forgot what the first movie was. Eggsy having the relationship with the princess is terrible. Action scenes were good but there was a lot of green screen and cgi in them. felt rushed and lazy.
>When normies at your work say that they have to catch up and watch Kingsman 2 because their normie friends told em that it's even better than the first one and you browse places like Sup Forums on daily basis.
Life is a suffering sometimes.
it really wasn't though. and the only redeeming part from the first one was the church scene
I didn't mind it as a subversion of the Bond trope but it just went on pointlessly.
I lost my shit when he sliced the guy in half with the lasso. I don't even know why, I just couldn't stop laughing.
>2 hours and 30 minutes
Would have been great if it was 90 minutes.
He did nothing wrong
Thinking that killing all current addicts (of a few specific drugs even) would end drugs is pretty retarded.
The first was based off a good but obscure comic. The second they had nothing to adapt and the original material they came up with is shit. Pretty much what happened with GoT.
>the first one was good
The kung fu shit was dumb, but the 'I'll get you a backstage pass' line was one of the few that got a giggle out of me.