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>Hiddleston 6'2"
How fucking tall is that other guy?


me on the left

David GODny is 6'3"
Goes to show everything under 6'3" is manlet status


>this goblin has been in all of Taylor Swift's holes


David Gandy is pretty fucking sexy tho and I live near him.

I want Gandy's dick in me tbqhwu


>Bond. James Bond.
*breathes in*


You don't think this man is capable of seducing enemy spies?!

They're both Anglos m8.

>allegedly 6'2
actors lie about their height so much its not even funny

He's Med you cunt

t-thats an old pic r-right?
he looked great in The Hollow Crown.

funny shoop

He is of Anglo Saxon my dear inferior friend.

Gandy was born in Billericay, Essex, England, the son of parents who owned property and freight companies.[8] In his youth, he wanted to be a veterinary surgeon but his school grades weren't high enough.[9] While attending university, he went to work for Auto Express, delivering the latest Porsches and Jaguars to the track for testing.[9] Before graduating from the University of Gloucestershire, where he was studying multi-media computing and marketing, Gandy's flatmate entered him (without his knowledge) into a model-search competition on ITV's This Morning hosted by Richard and Judy.[10] On 27 June 2001, the 21-year-old Gandy won the competition which included a contract with Select Model Management in London.[2]

Just because his sister lives in Spain does not make him a Med, you cunt.

But if you want to go down that path, let's talk about Tom Hiddleston's Irish heritage. Fucking ginger bastard.

>David Gandy

Quintessentially British


I find this hilarious


Do you have a problem with that?

>Just because his sister lives in Spain does not make him a Med, you cunt.
Listen to yourself


No you listen you little bitch, his parents are not Meds and neither is he. Just face it, England is full of very beautiful men and that just cuts you up inside.

Sorry darling face but you're going to have to learn to accept that English men are beautiful, the non Celtic English men are beautiful I should say because Celts are fucking hideous, beady eye'd leftovers from Iberia. These are the facts of science and engineering my dear little flower face. Accept it.

Nationality is not ethnicity you daft cunt

do you have any creepshots of him?

Do any girls actually consider him super hot or is it just the men from r/the_redpill?

His parents are not from the Med you stupid cunt, now fuck off and stop trying to claim all the glory from us. YOU GET NO GLORY! NO GLORY FOR YOU!

You literally cannot tell the difference between Mediterranean and Angilized features

>Gandy from Billericay
>located between Chelmsford and London
wouldn't that make his ancestry Roman British?


He is pretty popular with tumblrites.


>England is full of very beautiful men

What's next, sand niggers are Anglos if they are born in the UK?

>jockeys are short disgusting men
colour me surprised.

David and Henry are two beautiful Anglos.

Why are most Anglos such hit and miss?

how did you even do this OP? You even made Gandy look like more of a Chad. You are the JUSTmaster


Average britshit btw

me on the right

it's a terrible haircut, more than anything else

>he looked great when there was a million people from costuming to make-up to hair stylists and directors of photography and others all working to make him look good

Yeah I'd imagine

There's a reason he was cast as Loki and not Thor.

>he had to simplify something so simple as a silent 'u' yet still uses 'your'
what did the amerimutt mean by this?

i'm always dumbfounded by how randomly people find "success" like that in their lives, afaik a lot of female models have literally been shopping somewhere and discovered by some modeling agent, instantly turning them rich and famous in the modeling world.

and people think they are self-made? everything just seems absurd and random in this universe

my fucking sides

I wonder what David Gandy's cum tastes like? haha.

its a shoop of this pic not

lmfao the sexist "meds" like Gandy and Colin Farrell aren't even fucking meds.

time to face the facts Geppetto, meds are literal goblins and every time a girl talks about how she loves "tall dark and handsome" she's talking about anglos like Gandy.

Not pic related, which is what the average dago/spiciard/poortuguese looks like

Taylor Swift looks like a goblin herself so its not that absurd.

You rang?



Taylor Swift. Not even once.

Gandhi is norman and therefore Scandinavian :)

Still looks like an invisible pinheaded cuckold

By that logic so are Bongs because the Anglo-Saxons came from Denmark.

Swallow the looks pill friend

Gandhi doesn't even have "med" features, he has cro-magnid features. Meds are basically pigmented hallstatt nordics with more extensive dinarization

D*nmark is not Scandinavian. Only true Scandinavians are west-norwegians, western finns and lithuanians :)

must be pretty sweet to be david gandy t.goym

Chico cucks gandy desu

chico is 6'5"


>Gandy's flatmate entered him (without his knowledge)


Gandy mogs Cavill.

Can't out-handsome Cavill.

Here he is at 21
Skip to 6:00

wow, even oldcel kebabseller gandhi mogs him lmao

t. pekka-eric


Thank you OP, now I'm gonna spend hours and hours gooning to pictures of David Gandy

captcha: vieste gagny


Ohh ... Well ...

cuckold prey eye area Tbh Tbh

ngl I would kys myself if I looked like that Tbh

hes 6'3 max
gandy skullmogs twinko hard

What i would give to be sandwiched between thus two HNNNNNGG



Fucking COPE
>ngl I would kys myself if I looked like that Tbh
kys right now faggot, you look worse than cavill anyway

>hes 6'3 max
Look at this video. Jordan Barrett is 6'1" and lachowski towers over him.

fuck no. He towers over gandy even when he's in the back.

Lachowski is slightly too tall for modeling. Probably one of the few men out there who underreports his height.

Thats huge

>still being a lanklet height coper

>discussion about height
>LMAOOOOOO height cope!
don't reply.

David makes everyone around him look like a cheap knockoff holy fuck.

look at this.


I thought we were discussing whether Lachowski mogs Gandhi or not.

Cavill looks more handsome in this pic

>dat hairline


What's Hiddleston's haircut called?

It's gandy. And yeah, we were discussing that but then you started REEEEing like an autist about height and "muh cope" without providing an actual argument.

You haven't even stated whether Lachowski's face is better than Gandy's.

They're both 9+, it mostly comes down to personal preference.


>You haven't even stated whether Lachowski's face is better than Gandy's.
See for brutal mog

And the reason I brought up the height cope is that basically your only argument here is that Lachowski is taller. Which makes me believe you are some lanky framecel birdcel

Also Cavill is prey, basically a genderless cuckold, would be lucky to LTR a post-wall slut with 3 niglets

how the fuck does he do it with that hairline

Yeah totally bro. I'm a proud African, just look at my parents history. No I wont take a heritage test and stop asking why I'm white

>posting cavill suits
Please no, it's always illfitting