Well this was incredibly disappointing.
Well this was incredibly disappointing
It was ok.
i had high hopes after the first one. i thought the second one was down there with darkworld in terms of quality
>ass pose
>doesn't even have a good ass
What a terrible poster.
Drax carried the whole movie. Everything else felt flat as fuck.
Lot of waifus I guess, but that's Disney M.O.
>People honestly think Vol. 2 isn't the best MCU movie
What's with all of you plebs.
I genuinely liked this one better than the first
>this is what plebs truly believe
Size isn't everything, lad.
This. It helps that the rest of them are garbage, but still.
It was great, one of the only capeshits I remember the plot and the subplots and everything.
Literally hang yourself for not only going to see a children's movie, but then complaining said children's movie "disappointed you".
Some of the jokes are trash, and it ruins some of the drama with them. but apart form that its fine.
You liked all that sister drama and weird dad-planet antagonist bullshit?
Vol 2 is one of the worst MCU movies to date.
Drax's idiotic sense of humor and that laugh made
was the best part of the movie. It just caught me off guard and I whole heartily chuckled a few times
The entire sister subplot made me want to kill myself, god damn what a waste of screen time
at least the last hour is great. honestly if you skip all the shit with the bandit cringe crew and Kurt Russel exposition, the movie is great.
DC pajeet detected!
Not everything is political faggot.
I thought it was worth the download and time, but glad I didnt go see it in cinema. Certainly one of the weaker Marvel movies. Somehow it felt like GotG fanfic instead of oficial story.
The Telltale game handled that a lot better. I groaned when Nebula actually appeared but both her design and her storyarc were decent.
Stopped watching half way through. Really to understand what went so wrong you have to recognize what the first one did right.
The first one had a lot of charm. The characters were (somewhat) original, at least to the mainstream. Everyone felt like they were trying and weren't trying too hard. Chris Pratt was best known as "the fat funny dumb guy" on Parks and Rec. Suddenly he is somewhat cut and competent. It worked. They made a talking racoon work. The villains were over-the-top but it was fun.
But thematically, it was fairly sophisticated. There was this story about Star Lord trying to gain recognition, Peter Quill was trying to find his place in the world, the team was not a real team and it didn't really pretend to be one. There were these threads that all culminated in the final battle. It was the completion of the action arc (hero beating the bad guy, saving the world), Peter Quill learned about what he wanted to be doing in the universe, Star Lord gained recognition as a capable person worthy of reputation, and the team finally came together. When he reached out to his dying mom, it was bringing full circle this ongoing idea that he was lost and disconnected from a feeling of being home. But in that moment (grabbing the stone), he formed his new team, asserted himself, found his place.
It was great. The humor wasn't forced either. It played it well (the idea that he is an alien in alien societies). Funny, silly, effortlessly.
The problem with the second movie was that it became a caricature of the first movie. I didn't keep track but in the first half hour they did the...sheepish, awkward, sarcastic, joke-fell-flat routine multiple times. Rapidly too. You had drax acting like a bafoon several times. The opening dance routine with groot. It was like the director watched the first movie, and then wasn't entirely sure what made it popular, and just saw the memes and said "Ahh that's why it was good" and turned it up.
>it isn't ripe
It was only ok but way better than the first
Literally carried the movie
I’d say about 90% of the jokes felt forced as fuck
The only things that got a laugh out of me was Drax asking if Russel has a dick, and the Hoff cameo.
OP is a faggot. The only MCU sequel better than this is Winter Soldier.
>that guy that thinks rocket is the most complex character
You guys are faggots. I watched this with my dad and it was great.
I know, no dance off scene, bro
gib name
Who...who is this user?
Asking for a friend
Why the fuck would you even have good expectations in the first place you stupid piece of shit.
Hey... don't talk about OP that way.
Because the first one was solid.
Original poster is being a faggot, it’s bluetiernen on IG.
Fair warning; not all the photos live up to that one
Yes, a solid foot long turd clogging the toilet.
First one was a decent space adventure flick. Like star crash or message from space
They just go apeshit with the ending.
Do we always need to see a planet blow up? Or an entire city?
If movie had half the budget, and they had to focus more on the charters and the story,
this would have been way better.
But no, we NEED 30 minutes of pure CGI schlock at the end, or the movie is shit.
>Winter Soldier was good
dude, it's marvel. but gotg2 compared to homecoming?
Are you talking about that scene with the mind reading and Peter admitting how he loves Nebula or some shit?
Damn, that laughter came out of nowhere and really caught me off guard too. Legit chuckled.
>It was like the director watched the first movie, and then wasn't entirely sure what made it popular, and just saw the memes and said "Ahh that's why it was good" and turned it up.
Yup. That ruined the movie.
The first felt fresh and in general a really entertaining experience.
The second was a string of stale jokes, non-stop that just gets tiresome after the first 1/3 of the movie.
It is trash. Kurt Russell was amazing, though.
>It is trash. Kurt Russell was amazing, though.
That guy could read a diner menu and make it interesting. Honestly this movie is way beneath him.
I disagree
It's about time we got a fun superhero movie that doesn't take itself seriously.
too much jokes
>no turd and pissing jokes
That alone makes it better than this garbage.