Get the fuck outta my face you piece of shit
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lol, wtf is going on here? Is there a story?
>George's lump shoulders
>JJ open mouth
Abrams confirmed soul sucking lich
When I last saw you, I was the student. Now, I am the master.
did the old faggot say it to the younger one or the other way around?
fucking white slavers hit me kike
>listen here you fucking jew no matter how much money you'll dump into star wars, its nothing without me, a white man
wow easy there Lucas. I dont remember this is ep4.
Tabloids are made for drooling retards like you.
I asked a question you fucking faggot. Get over yourself.
jews are the least likeable race on earth even behind abos
late night with kekin o'mysides
I don't have time for this shit
>pose for le funny picture with new director for your shitty 'fans' that mocked you for a decade
>they actually take it seriously
>if you strike me down I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine
>see, I told you he'd walk off LIKE A BITCH
>woah woah woah. where are you going Big G? are you forgetting the deal you made?
Shitposting aside. Do you think Star Wars in current state are actually worse than episodes 1-3?
I do definitely. Not even being contrarian I just was a kid when they were released so I look past a lot of the stuff other people hate.
Quick rundown, anyone?
No. But nothing will recapture the magic of the original non-special edition Star Wars movies.
it's more boring that's for sure
I hate George as a director and writer but he's a cool chap.
It's absolutely worse. George had a vision, albeit the vision was an autistic one. Disney doesn't have a vision. They have a spreadsheet lined up with all the movies they intend to manufacturer regardless of quality. They'll be making Star Wars movies every year for the next 30 years or until the well runs dry.
From the point of view of a story...yes..they just rehashed the old story. The prequels feel kind of sterile due to their early 2000s cgi so the new ones 'look better', but that's a polished turd
Unironically yes. Disney is where creativity goes to die.
Everything about Star Wars took a nosedive with Disney, and it will never recover.
Yes 100%
Imo they are on nearly equal soft ground. Neither are great, but I hate the story of the new episodes more. I'm bored to tears with it. Everything feels like Marvel in space.
If prequels were redone shot for shot with modern technology and CGI would they be better than Episode VII and Rogue One?
the new ones are technically better-made films than the prequels in almost every way. Lucas was an awful director and A New Hope was saved in the editing room by his ex wife.
It just feels lazy and insulting to one's intelligence when Disney puts in all those stupid throwbacks to the OT and all that rehashed shit. It feels like everything related to SW has to be approved by a committee of very-controlling Disney suits before it can be made, and none of those suits have any idea what made Star Wars good
same shit but boring, at least 3rd was so bad it had funny moments.
objectively yes
Sounds like a waste of time and resources. Stop asking gay ass questions.
Jesus christ that was uncalled for
It would allow us all to criticize all those movies on more serious note like actual acting or screenplay. Too many soyboys seem to hate prequels because they look "fake and plastic".
they already are. they would just be slightly better. overall the old cgi isn't so bad but some scenes really stand out
they already are.
Not even sure what you're talking about here. Maybe you could make yoda's skin in ep2 look better (use the ep3 technology). Maybe you could also improve the face/head replacements and digital stunt doubles. Is that the kind of thing you mean? Because I don't see what it has to do with the actual merit of the film.
You sound like a fucking child who spends way to much god damn time on the internet. Nobody is going to do that, it's fucking nonsense.
In some ways, yes. In others no. There will never be anything worse to watch than episode 2 in starwars. But there will never be anything more soulless than episode 7 or rogue one
sounds like one of dem dere hypo theticals
which scenes
Prequels = diamond in the rough
Sequels = polished turd
so you have made with heart but lacking execution
soulless but well manufactured
i prefer an honest attempt that falls short
>the preuls look s oabad i lcan't belive goer ge lucas maed ath em su gully
>me ago watch rlm noww i love yout be
Lucas is trying to intimidate poor Rachel Maddow
No. The editing and narrative are still complete shit. They'd just look better.
>If prequels were redone shot for shot with modern technology and CGI
The CGI and special effects themselves were never the problem with the prequels, retard. They over relied on them, but that's just the tip of the iceberg of the carnival of shit that were those movies.
1-3 are the only "Star War" films with any artistic and philosophical value whatsoever
>Do you feel in charge?
I prefer soulless but well manufactured, basically because what this user said: At least the well-manufactured shit can be entertaining if you turn off your brain
>rlm stay movie nobgodd
>ubly movie ojh brappppppppppppp
> mommm yi ned dhep i mad e a poopie
>o hb goj dit wont sajt op brapppp pp pp pp
>mom y pelase cleanna abmy bpoo py
Mein sides
>turn off your brain
never know whether to take this seriously
asking someone if they enjoyed the prequels is a pretty good way to tell if they've been adjusted by the state or not.
totally serious
I feel sorry for people who can't turn off their brains and enjoy a well-made movie that has dumb writing. You're missing out on a lot of fun flicks
getting cucked by marcia during rotj really seems like it was the end for lucas. got on antidepressants, got fat, and the rest is history
im not missing them, i see them. i just don't care for them all that much. moreso with episode 7 because it really just comes off as product as opposed to a movie
isn't episode 2 the best star wars film?
Could be either one saying that
>not the webm
I've watched episodes 1-3 several times on the big screen.
I've watched 7 on literally the first available showing of the opening day.
Unless a fucking miracle happens, I'm going to torrent 8.
The prequels are at least laughably bad.
I only have my bluray rip here. I don't even know how to make a 'webm'.
Episodes I-III were true Star Wars movies in the sense that they expanded the boundaries of what can be done on the screen and, regardless of certain flaws, like dialogue and acting (and let's not kid themselves, IV-VI only have them beat on this front because by sheer coincidence Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher ended up excellent actors for their roles, who could make the corniest of phrases sound good) they never failed to evoke a sense of wonder and seeing what you never saw before that should accompany adventures in a galaxy far, far away.
VII and RO are bog-standard high-budget action movies of today's Hollywood that fear to explore any new grounds, whether in terms of settings, visuals or action, even when having a perfect opportunity to do so, like having a fighter battle occur along Starkiller Base's colossal cut into the planet. VII is made incompetently, and RO is made competently enough to be enjoyable, but this basic truth does not change. Star Wars' standing in the movie world has been unique, each release a huge event, now it is somewhere between Terminator and Transformers.
George looks photoshoped.
Even JJ too.
Unoronically and seriously no.
>But they are original and expand the universe
So do OC fan fiction, that doesn't make them defendable. The prequels expanded the universe in the worst possible way, they pulled the curtain of mystery away from the original trilogy to reveal garbage.
>they pulled the curtain of mystery away from the original trilogy to reveal garbage.
what are you talking about? what curtain of mystery?
>They over relied on them
Stop with this meme. They even had more practical effects than the OT if counted. NU Star Wars have used FAR more CGI than the prequels combined but no one gives a shit.
>inb4 Chancellor's office and droid factory scene
Darth Vader and Obi Wan's past, the clone wars, the dark side of the force, the Jedi all being a bunch of lamers. It all would have been better off unanswered than what we got.
omg one corner of the floor moved in one frame
how can you not see this? are you in denial
because of how muchyou love george lucas?
I think you're just a contrarian. JJ would NEVER
let a set be modified digitally after the fact.
Also everything would be made out of concrete.
Really, what a fool george was for not realizing
that despite being in a completely different
galaxy, concrete is still the best build material.
like what the hell george, we know that you're
all 'avant gaurd' and all that but your movie
looks like a plastic ps2 game and you raped
my childhood.
Which is the bigger hack lads?
jar jar
Reminds me of that Fast 7 webm.
George is a fallen legend, J.J. is just a copycat of the worst aspects of George and Spielberg.
Are you threatening me master jedi?
That scene is an unfinished shot that isn't in the movie, it's taken from the deleted scenes bonus. I can't believe you actually think this made it into the final cut.
Yes. RotS and RotJ are unironically my favourite Star Wars movies.
Both are overrated.
stupid idiot
>the new ones are technically better-made films than the prequels in almost every way
Except what it counts the most, they have nothing to tell, they're soulless.
The new movies are the usual generic low common denominator movie studio crap with the star wars logo put at the beginning of the movie. That's not true for the prequels, even if you can say they were "bad" movies. I don't understand how fans and Sup Forums can't see all this, it's pretty obvious.
Wtf when did that happen?
Yes, I do. The best word I would use to describe the new movies is soulless. At least George put some heart in the prequels.
back when TFA came out
Disney paid a lot of money to keep it hush-hush
What fucking heart was in the fucking prequels
>This was never a condition of our agreement!
>I have altered the deal. Pray I don't alter it further
>any "graphic novel" or comic
Lol brainlet is too stupid to appreciate an entire medium full of masterpieces his limited brain can't start to comprehend.
it's called a flash user
Star Wars in its current state is less a movie than transcorporate social engineering that calculates mass audience emotional reaction per second, scaled globally. It's Pavlovian. It's a stoppage in the pipes of culture, and most of Sup Forums won't realize its detrimental effects until they're dickless gentiles living in micro-tels straddling holographic Rey assistants reading the Old Testament: JJ Edition to them at babby speed.
is it really real or is the hand shopped?
I know this is obvious bait from the Reddit spacing but
>JJ would NEVER let a set be modified digitally after the fact.
JJ did it a LOT. There were barely any sets built to begin, just look at the First Order speech. Even the practical aliens had their faces CGI'd. Nute Gunray looked more realistic and that was done completely practical.
jj makes the same faces as todd, it's like todd posting 2.0
It's pretty obvious he is just talking to him, maybe the place is loud and he needed to get closer.
Yes it's much worse because now the franchise will be milked yearly like my mom's tits. The only semi good thing could be the possibility that Rey turns evil. I'd nut in theatres if one of the hyped up "Good Guys" turned evil, I'd nut so quick.
Someone make the classic Vin/The Rock face off with this two faggots