Snoke is an accidental creation of The Emperor. In Rogue One we learn kyber crystals were used to power the Death Star. Basically these are force sensitive crystals that are usually used in . The word 'kyber' translates to "living crystal". Well the second death star used these as well. In ROTJ the shaft the Emperor is thrown down is actually the main focusing chamber for kyber energy reactor. Basically Sheev, either by accident or on purpose (the film doesn't clarify) basically throws a fuck ton of dark energy into the crystal chamber with his lighting. It results in the explosion of blue energy which we see in the movie. This energy is basically a dark concious force now. The movie doesn't go into too much detail but this is directly related to the existence of Snoke somehow.
Who gives a shit?
This is sub Harry potter tier now
gay if true
but we already saw those gay books inside the gay tree
Who gives a fuck about the story most people watch these movies for fight scenes with lasers and lightsabers.
hehe...thats gay
why so salty there fella?
This is a terrible post user fuck you
I summed it up the best I could
>a trekkie comes up with fake StarWars leaks
You fuckers are so easy to spot lol
star wars never was good enough to warrant being upset over shit like this
fuck off reddit
We could get Plagueis, but everyone figured it out so fast they had to come with this crap
>we could get a character who is dead just for lazy fan service which the new movies suffer enough from already
That's retarded. You're retarded.
great assessment
Plaguesis never actually released his essence. Exar kun did, and stored it where luke was teaching kylo when he went dark.
We already know that Sheev was well aware of Snoke's existence long before his death
So do only Jedi get to have an afterlife as force ghost or do normal people get an afterlife?
>Exar Kun
Really? Because that was all missing in the force awakens and people ate that shit up.
>great ass
>In Rogue One we learn kyber crystals were used to power the Death Star
>The word 'kyber' translates to "living crystal"
>living crystal crystals
that's how spics from LA talk.
How so ?
Im done with the constant star wars threads where people act as if this is anything but a science fantasy movie series made for children so that they could sell toys.
user there was the rey-kylo fight and there were a lot of ebin laser fire.
Snoke states in TFA that he is ancient and has witnessed the rise and fall of the jedi and empire so how does him being created by sheev in the second death star make any sense?
I guess you could say he's some kind of dark force spirit which sounds just retarded enough to fit into nu-wars.
>JJ creates Snoke but doesn't come up with an explanation for who he is because he's only doing Episode 7
>Jurassic World gets fired and now JJ has to figure out Snoke's deal for Episode 9
>why the fuck won't they use some of the old canon and existing characters & locations?????
>Using a previous story's continuity to tell a story = telling the exact same story over and over again
Are you sure about that?
>Plagueis literally found a way to cheat death
>character is dead
Sure user
pure kino
FUN FACT: The same music that plays in Snoke's scene is also used in episode 3 when Palpatine mentions Plagueis.
hypermatter powers the death star
kyber crystals are used to amplify that power into the superlaser
and he loves gooooold
So basically Disney is doing the Pirates of the Caribbean tactic; making a convoluted shit story.
fuck off back to redit you cock slurping fag
Snoke is clearly Luke and he's pulling a man behind the curtain type shit fooling both the FO and resistance to get both Kylo and Rey in his hands for some scheme.