>tfw Capeshit can't even beat a shitty princess movie
>tfw capeshit is finally dying
Can't wait until marvel finally dies. this is a good sign of things to come!
>tfw Capeshit can't even beat a shitty princess movie
>tfw capeshit is finally dying
Can't wait until marvel finally dies. this is a good sign of things to come!
>mfw I haven't watched a single movie on that list
>mfw I have no face
These are among marvels highest grossing non team up movies. Iron man 3 is the only non team up to break a billion. Super heroes are here to stay hahahahaha
I'm just sad there's not a single original movie in there. What is Hollywood going to cannibalize for movies in 2040?
>half of them are Disney's
Can the mouse be stopped? Should I sell my shitcoins and buy Disney stock instead?
im no fan of superhero movies but they literally occupy 40 percent of the top 10 list you retard and you might as well call the furious movies superhero shit bc of those fucks arent superheros i dont know what is
Disney movies make up half of that list you mong. Gonna be 6 when Star Wars comes out.
>mfw i have watched zero movies from that list
>mfw i will never watch a single movie from that list
Nobody cares.
Some other meme will come full circle. It's not like this is the first instance of one movie type oversaturating the market. It's happened with noir movies, westerns, "gritty" scifi, and so on. Something new will come along.
yet you'll never watch one of these.
>Despicable me 3 made a billion
What is Wolf Warrior 2?
3/24, and I'm an utter pleb who unironically enjoys capeshit
Why isn't pulp fiction on that list?
Some Chinese movie
obviously you do, enough to reply.
chinese action flick
All pretentious trash.
No. We need to find a Disney crypto coin
Is the chinese market really that fucking big already? I've never even heard about that movie.
Di$ney wins regardless
Replying isn't a measurement of how much I care.
>inb4 a wild Griffith fag appears and goes on a delusional rant explaining why his pretentious drivel is superior to this list of pretentious drivel
>Wolf Warrior making that much without the western audience
Hollywood is dead
it kind of is, you numbnut. that's two posts already.
This pic just reminded me that there was a new Spidey movie and it flopped, badly.
It really isn't
You started a conversation
>implying half of this completely arbitrary list isn't complete dreck that's good because it's old
>implying there aren't countless movies that are far superior to everything on that list
>implying I couldn't post a yt link to a show right now that blows all of this drivel out of the water by miles
It's already been a good ten years of capeshit saturation. When will this end?
Besides, there were some of the best films ever in the old meme genre like westerns or noirs. What has capeshit given us?
All those movies took hundreds of millions to make, except Wolf Warrior, it was made with $5 mil
it pretty much only played in China and made close to $900 million.
well IT cost $30 mil to make and has grossed $700 mil, so definitely one of the most profitable movies of the year.
Stray Dogs is garbage
the chinese economy is booming, so there's more and more people who can afford to watch movies. China will beat US to become the biggest movie market if this continues.
What do you think dude?That country has a 1.2 billion population
>it only make 800mil its dead
Its called dragonchain. Buy some now shits gonna moon
Im surprised hollywood doesnt try to cast more famous chink actors to star in their movies
What about hit actress Marie Tranny?
Can i buy it with kittens? I'm all in at the moment.
how many of those movies are owned by disney?
I'll take "what is projecting" for 500, Alex
4, and Star Wars will be on the list this weekend. Boxofficemojo is far better these sort of things.
how long until every single movie in the list is owned by them?
is there a site that calculates profit? I want to see how much studios make per year