Fox buyout

How many IPs are gonna be fucked and turned into braindead merchandising zombies?

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You mean like they already weren't? Dchads are all diaper-wielding retards.

whats gonna happen to the Alien franchise bros? I thought Disney doesn't make rated R movies

End it, like they should have done ages ago.

Anything that could be turned into a merchandising empire is already a merchandising empire. I don't think you realize how much shit Disney currently owns through one way or another and its left to be weird and original and not merchandised to death. For example Disney owns A&E which owns Viceland which puts out Nirvanna The Band The Show. That's a Disney product but it's the most innovative comedy on tv. Do I want Disney to buy Fox? No. Would it spell the end via Disneyfication for every property Fox owns? No.

Am I the only one who feels sick and full of overwhelming despair thinking of how much Disney has left to fuck up?

>For example Disney owns A&E which owns Viceland which puts out Nirvanna The Band The Show.

>A lot of people say race doesn't matter anymore. I disagree I think it matters more than it ever has.
>That's his character, he chooses to be a pedophile. Unless he's one of those guys that was born that way and it puts the LGBT community in a weird place. "Wait! Now we gotta tolerate what!?!" It's gonna bring the whole liberal plane crashing down.
>Hottest race on 3. 1...2...3... White

Endorsed by Disney

>Avatar in Kingdom Hearts

I'm in

Well, considering Ridley Scott wants to make the next Alien movie with even less aliens and more fastbender, I'm happy for Disney to come in and kill the series.

Disney let two white guys sing an anti gay parody of "Brimful Of Asha" in cartoony Ugandan accents.
I think if anyone is worried about Disney micromanaging the content of a subsidiary (like Fox will be soon) to be family friendly then you have nothing to fear. They just care about money.

>the megacorps of the dystopian cyberpunk future will be named “google” “apple”, “disney”
feels faking shit lads we truly live in the worst timeline

Disney aint Disney anymore. Change the company name.

Who cares. How many IPs by Fox are you actually invested in?

Scott will rush the hell out of his Covenant sequel just to make sure it's done before Disney has a chance to shut it down and reboot Alien as a Guardians of the Galaxy style action comedy.


I wonder if Seth Mcfarlane will survive the merger/takeover, he been calling out along of the Harvester antics the same antics Disney turned a blind eye too.

He makes money. Why would they fire him?

he'll be dead first

Does this kill Gotham ?
Asking for a friend

Fox doesn't have that many good franchises left anyway. They've really just got Alien, Predator, AvP, Die Hard, X-Men, The Fly, Planet of the Apes, and Avatar (which is soon to be a franchise). Disney really wants to buy the original Star Wars IV: A New Hope from them because it was funded by Fox and thus not fully included in the Lucasfilm deal.

No, that's a TV show and Fox wants to drop making movies so it can focus on TV / news now

How or why are they fucking up making movies when the brainded masses lap up any shit these day's

Not fire more curtail

Had enough of this monopoly shit

Nice thanks

They have let less popular show runners under their purview get away with edgier stuff.
I think he'd be fine.

>yfw Disney is buying Fox just so it can have their intro in Star Wars movies

Well played, Mouse. Well played.

So, superhero movies, star wars and Avatar will be Disney property. They should just start printing money at that point

Alright, so it's confirmed. In the Cyberpunk future of humanity, the 4 main Mega-Corporations will be:

>Disney, handling all media.
>Apple. handling all technological advancements: from house appliances to cars.
>GoogleFacebook, handling the internet.
>Nestlé, handling literally all foods and drinks. From chocolate to the meat you buy to the water you drink.